UC DAVIS Represent

I'm trying to decide between davis and santa cruz can I get some opinions on the + and -'s of uc davis.
UC DAVIS - Aggies (ftwww)
+ Ranked among UC Irvine, UC Santa Barbara, ranked under UC San Diego
+ Large Asian-American community
+ I go here
+ Closer to Tahoe

UC SANTA CRUZ - Banana Slugs
+ Ranked below UC Davis
+ Easier to get into
+ May have some programs Davis doesn't offer
+ My brother goes here
+ Beach

Eh I really don't know. I'd highly recommend Davis if you want a more top-notch school though.

How did finals go for everyone? I think I failed stats, because my midterm grades are too low for the final to even matter.
Next quarter I'm taking ECN 1A, MAT 16A (if I pass the placement), ENL 3, and Baseball Freshman Seminar. What about you all?


I'm nervous about me Stat grade too. i failed the first midterm and passes the second one. i kind of stopped going to the last couple weeks, so i don'tknow what to expect on my final grade. i just had good notes.

next quarter i'm taking;
and i still have to sign up for another filler class. anyone got any suggestions? i may take gardening. haha
has anyone been to that denim store downtown? renewdenim i think?
Not for me (especially since I sell denim out of my store
), but I went in yesterday with my girl. Good people there...good customer service. Check it out if you're over at Bernardo's.

My schedule for next quarter is looking like

NUT 10
ASA - Chinese America
POL - National Security
POL - Modern Theory

Hopefully it'll be my last quarter here.
wowwwww I can't believe I passed stats with a C. Solid C. I failed both midterms too, and my hope was just on the edge after the final.
GPA is like 2.62 this quarter.. :/, but average is still 3.0
I managed to pull a C in STAT too. pretty relieved, but i did get one D+ in a class. pretty weak.
ahh damn D+ in what? you're going to make it up?

Davis is great.. social life is great for me. It's all up to you, you choose to meet people or not because some people are shy unless you talk to them. Ipretty much went out of my way to meet all the people I know, I came up here without any close high school friends so yea. I'll meet someone every chance Iget which is pretty much every day.
pThe arties.. they're all great if you go with a group of friends. Most of the frat parties will let you in and usually they advertise on facebook. Boozeand shots are always there to drink on (well at Asian frat parties). House parties are a bit shady IMO. Your life can be different depending on which dorm areayou live in. One dorm area might be party central and the other just studying and more chill hang outs.

So far everyone is friendly, and I don't think you'll find people who look down on you or anything. At first I thought I'd be different being theonly NT'er type person involved in API community stuff, staff for student housing, and a buncha other stuff, but we all respect each other the same.

Get involved and you'll definitely make good connections, and it goes on. A looot of benefits too. You'll see that life is much easier for you if youcome off in a way that people will like you.
Make friends w/ your older cousins if any, and their friends. It's normal to hang out with 2nd or 3rd or 4th years. I always hang out with my RA and mycousin, both 3rd years. I made the best bonds w/ them too.

It's definitely what you make out of it.. I have friends and floormates that don't really like it, don't really have too many friends or have muchfun out here. I'm doing fine.
And really though.. know how to balance a good social life w/ grades. Sometimes you can just get caught up w/ girls and fun, that your quarter grades may fallbehind.
^Yeah don't let anything get in the way of grades...it's all about balance. First quarter I was caught up with a lot of partying and I ended up failinga class...miserably. Girls can also get you caught up, but it just depends on what time of girl she is. Study dates could be a gift and a curse. For me, mostlya curse only because I can't study while in a comfy dorm and both of us hate the subjects we're studying - that just leads to youtube or ....youknow....

I really like Davis though, to me it has a lot of people I can relate to.
Aint that a $##%*, for anyone who didn't notice the Stats department is an absolute joke. Admittedly I fell behind in homework for my Stats 103 class(Statistics in Economics/Business), but stepped it up for my final. The average for the first MT was a 90% (which I got), it was like she purposely made MT2impossible so the average was 62% (I got a 52%), and the average for the Final was a 77% (I got a 80%). Because I choked on the homework I ended up with a69.7% final grade and despite the fact she kept referring to a curve throughout the quarter she refused to bump that to a C-

I needa stop by my department next week, but this is the first time I've gotten less than a C and retaken a class anyone know if I have to wait for her toteach the class again to retake it?
^ i had professor anderes for 103. he was really good and i got an A in his class. if hes teaching 103 again you should def take him.

i think i might get a 4.0 this qtr
just waiting for my are100a grade. i know its a 92.6 but thats uncurved. hopefully itll curve to a solid A
ahh damn D+ in what? you're going to make it up?

I got a D in environmental economics. i just emailed the teacher, because i don't think he gave me my extra credit points from my assignment. my friend washanded his back when he turned in his final and i didn't get anything handed back. i didn't really think about it at the time. so i got my fingerscrossed hoping he just dropped the ball and forgot to give me credit.

i really don't want to retake the class. i just need to quit blowing off class. how's everyone's break going?
so since the hockey seasons over i've been looking for a job, because i'm broke and got no hustle in Davis. I just applied at the Adidas outlet,everyone keep your fingers crossed for me.
Originally Posted by vietsta4o8

^ i had professor anderes for 103. he was really good and i got an A in his class. if hes teaching 103 again you should def take him.
Thanks for the tip but the 103 teacher this quarter is Aue (I think he's new, he's not on RMP). Regardless of the teacher Ima make sure Iace it, with the amount of studying I did for the final I'm way too comfortable with the material and he's also using the same textbook. I'm stilljust pissed at myself that I left a smudge on my transcript but atleast I can clean up my GPA.
Originally Posted by macgyver35

so since the hockey seasons over i've been looking for a job, because i'm broke and got no hustle in Davis. I just applied at the Adidas outlet, everyone keep your fingers crossed for me.
hope you do too cause than u can hook it up with some didas

hope you do too cause than u can hook it up with some didas


some useful advice from yall . . . im at a JC rite now, and im considering davis as a possible destination, any1 here at UC davis that was a transfer studentfrom a JC, cuz i wanna kno wut ur GPA was at the JC u went to
Shout out to David with the fly Air Bakins. Makes me want to wear some mid-90's basketball shoes.

Since when does the resident take care of the RA
I <3 my RA.

P.s. I'm still faded as hell.

Gotta study for that placement test sat morning......
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