UCSB Question

Jul 25, 2005
I was wondering for the people who got in to UCSB what GPA and SAT scores did you get?
i didn't apply there....but of the ppl i know that got in, they didn't have anything spectacular....decent but not that good.
I got in last year...my GPA was a 4.2 and my SAT was a 1920...although you can definitely have less then that and still get in...UCSB was more or less a safteyfor me...Id say if you have something over a 3.5 with an SAT of 1800+ you should have a shot....thats no lock (nothing is a lock with the UCs...soo random),but you will definitely be in the running
my friend got in with a GPA of 3.0 unweighted last year
i don't know what his SATs were though, and he didn't have many extracurricular activites

it could be different this year though, due to CA's infamous education budget
It really depends on what major you apply as. Econ, Engineering, and some Sciences can be pretty tough...but other than that a 3.8 and good SAT's shouldget you in even though I know people with those numbers who didn't get in. Some get in with less than those too so who knows. Applying to college is themost inexact science on the planet...
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