Ugly obese guys can get girls too...

well she is one is of those fobby #!* azn chick. but props to that dood.
nothing against fat people.... cause im a lil chubby myself... but that guy is disgusting looking... looks like he sleeps 18 hours a day... i'd smash his chick tho... once...
nothing against fat people.... cause im a lil chubby myself... but that guy is disgusting looking... looks like he sleeps 18 hours a day... i'd smash his chick tho... once...
She's definitely not ugly. But I've noticed a lot of Asian women really just do not seem to care about looks. You can see 8s and 9s with dudes that look deformed all the time. But a lot of the times those girls have serious self esteem issues.
She's definitely not ugly. But I've noticed a lot of Asian women really just do not seem to care about looks. You can see 8s and 9s with dudes that look deformed all the time. But a lot of the times those girls have serious self esteem issues.
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