Umm, Netflix... What do you think you're doing right now??

Originally Posted by ooIRON MANoo

Originally Posted by Doctor Demise

They're finding a way to make money by bilking their customers as much as they quite possibly can to the point that you'll think of quitting yet still retain you as a customer as you're either too lazy to go to a redbox or too comfortable in the program to bother making a change. Marketing and evolving business structures, my man. I'm sticking to streaming... DVDs take too long and I'm not as interested in physical disks anymore as I can simply stream practically anything that I'm interested in.
What are you watching?

I mostly use to catch up on old but classic tv shows and most "cable" shows don't have the stream option (The Wire, The Shield, Sopranos, Rome, Dexter, etc.)
I watch things like movies from that one thread on here suggesting good movies, classics that I haven't watched in ages, Deadliest Warrior, The Office, South Park etc. As for the shows which you've mentioned regarding not having the streaming option I have other avenues I can travel to get to those shows.
I'm just canceling my instant stream and sticking with my 2 DVDs at a time.

Streaming is always just a bonus for me since I either have most of those TV shows, or I can wait the two days it takes to ship me a new DVD.

But a lot of people are upset and are canceling over this... not a great move right now. Perhaps they expected this and the increase in price will make up for the customers leaving.
I'm just canceling my instant stream and sticking with my 2 DVDs at a time.

Streaming is always just a bonus for me since I either have most of those TV shows, or I can wait the two days it takes to ship me a new DVD.

But a lot of people are upset and are canceling over this... not a great move right now. Perhaps they expected this and the increase in price will make up for the customers leaving.
Its because of these guys blockbuster is going out of business. Now they're raising their prices??? Wow
Its because of these guys blockbuster is going out of business. Now they're raising their prices??? Wow
Are there other business who do this but offer better pricing?

or is netflix the only option? i was just about to subscribe... but after seeing this i'm not totally sure if i will
Are there other business who do this but offer better pricing?

or is netflix the only option? i was just about to subscribe... but after seeing this i'm not totally sure if i will
Originally Posted by SonOfTony

You guys are #poor
Who says anyone is poor?  I can afford it, its not an issue as far as not being able to pay... But they're inflating the cost by 50% out of no where and as a customer for the last 7 I should just say "Oh ok, just charge me whatever you want to charge me."?
Originally Posted by DrWater

Crying over 6 dollars
The thing is, there are sites that do the same thing as Netflix.
I used to use Netflix because it was so convenient, now when they raise the price for everybody for no reason, it pisses people off.

I'll just be using icefilms from here on out, same @*!@ as Netflix except free, but I can't use my 360 to stream movies on it, and since I no longer have a 360 I don't care...
Originally Posted by SonOfTony

You guys are #poor
Who says anyone is poor?  I can afford it, its not an issue as far as not being able to pay... But they're inflating the cost by 50% out of no where and as a customer for the last 7 I should just say "Oh ok, just charge me whatever you want to charge me."?
Originally Posted by DrWater

Crying over 6 dollars
The thing is, there are sites that do the same thing as Netflix.
I used to use Netflix because it was so convenient, now when they raise the price for everybody for no reason, it pisses people off.

I'll just be using icefilms from here on out, same @*!@ as Netflix except free, but I can't use my 360 to stream movies on it, and since I no longer have a 360 I don't care...

I just renewed and they never sent me anything about this, I pay $10 for stream and 1 dvd

I just renewed and they never sent me anything about this, I pay $10 for stream and 1 dvd
im gonna just rock with my plan...2 blu rays out at once and unlimited streaming = $22 bucks a month is way better than what i spent on
im gonna just rock with my plan...2 blu rays out at once and unlimited streaming = $22 bucks a month is way better than what i spent on
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