Umm, Netflix... What do you think you're doing right now??

I never went the DVD route because if I wanna watch a movie I wanna watch it now, not wait for it to get mailed to me. So I've had the streaming for a month and honestly, the movie selection sucks (other than TV shows). The majority of them are low budget straight to DVD crap no one wants to see anyways, or they'll have a trilogy of movies and put like the 2nd/3rd ones (whichever sucks more)
I never went the DVD route because if I wanna watch a movie I wanna watch it now, not wait for it to get mailed to me. So I've had the streaming for a month and honestly, the movie selection sucks (other than TV shows). The majority of them are low budget straight to DVD crap no one wants to see anyways, or they'll have a trilogy of movies and put like the 2nd/3rd ones (whichever sucks more)
Anyone wanna explain Amazon Prime to me? I heard people are using it as an alternative but I don't like watching shows/movies on my computer
Anyone wanna explain Amazon Prime to me? I heard people are using it as an alternative but I don't like watching shows/movies on my computer
ill admit i am poor.. lol
college student, working part time job. car note, insurance, phone.
i dont need netflix addidng another $7 on my bill.. LOL
this is wack. might just cancel the dvd's and stream only...
ill admit i am poor.. lol
college student, working part time job. car note, insurance, phone.
i dont need netflix addidng another $7 on my bill.. LOL
this is wack. might just cancel the dvd's and stream only...
Surprised at the timing being so soon but this was going to happen, its not netflix being greedy but the cost of content going up. They negotiated deals for the content a while back on the cheap before netflix and streaming and mailing dvds blew up. Now that those contracts are starting to expire the content providers want a bigger cut.
Surprised at the timing being so soon but this was going to happen, its not netflix being greedy but the cost of content going up. They negotiated deals for the content a while back on the cheap before netflix and streaming and mailing dvds blew up. Now that those contracts are starting to expire the content providers want a bigger cut.
Originally Posted by 21 World B Free 21

Surprised at the timing being so soon but this was going to happen, its not netflix being greedy but the cost of content going up. They negotiated deals for the content a while back on the cheap before netflix and streaming and mailing dvds blew up. Now that those contracts are starting to expire the content providers want a bigger cut.
Well, that makes sense.
Originally Posted by 21 World B Free 21

Surprised at the timing being so soon but this was going to happen, its not netflix being greedy but the cost of content going up. They negotiated deals for the content a while back on the cheap before netflix and streaming and mailing dvds blew up. Now that those contracts are starting to expire the content providers want a bigger cut.
Well, that makes sense.
Originally Posted by Grimey

Torrents FTW

I stopped messing with them after my dad got emailed about it. Is there anyway I can block my ISP and not worry about them knowing what I'm doing? PM if you've got any advise.
Originally Posted by Grimey

Torrents FTW

I stopped messing with them after my dad got emailed about it. Is there anyway I can block my ISP and not worry about them knowing what I'm doing? PM if you've got any advise.
Originally Posted by morningstar7777

Anyone wanna explain Amazon Prime to me? I heard people are using it as an alternative but I don't like watching shows/movies on my computer
Amazon Prime [...] gives you [...]fast shipping, such as FREE Two-Day shipping and One-day shipping for $3.99 per item on all eligible purchases for an annual membership fee of $79.
 Amazon Prime members can enjoy instant videos: unlimited, commercial-free, instant streaming of 5,000 movies and TV shows through
Originally Posted by morningstar7777

Anyone wanna explain Amazon Prime to me? I heard people are using it as an alternative but I don't like watching shows/movies on my computer
Amazon Prime [...] gives you [...]fast shipping, such as FREE Two-Day shipping and One-day shipping for $3.99 per item on all eligible purchases for an annual membership fee of $79.
 Amazon Prime members can enjoy instant videos: unlimited, commercial-free, instant streaming of 5,000 movies and TV shows through
Originally Posted by DrWater

Crying over 6 dollars
you and SonofTony's posts are what's the problem with people these days.
Its "just 6 dollars" is not a valid enough excuse to charge and 50% increase on a product. And i know people are gonna say "oh you could chose not to use the service", "nobody is forcing you to pay", or !%++ like that but it is the principle of the fact. If this is allowed(which it will be because this country is filled with sheep who will blindly follow anything without giving an opinion), whats to stop other companies from following and jacking up their prices? 

This same scenario could be applied to hundreds of other things that continue to go on in the world(gas prices, tuition increases, etc.).

Stop looking a one incident and saying things like "people must be poor" or "its only so and so amount of money" without thinking of future consequences.
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