Umm, Netflix... What do you think you're doing right now??

1080p mkv + wdtv live =
I currently have 2 DVDs out at a time and streaming

I need the DVDs to finish watching Entourage. But yea I dont care much about the mark up to be honest.
I currently have 2 DVDs out at a time and streaming

I need the DVDs to finish watching Entourage. But yea I dont care much about the mark up to be honest.
WHAT? NOOOOOOO! I just cleaned my room, hauled our old @$% TV up 4 flights of stairs (not that much but still), set up my Xbox just to have Netflix in my room. I was leaching off my mom's account but I'm pretty sure she'll cancel.
WHAT? NOOOOOOO! I just cleaned my room, hauled our old @$% TV up 4 flights of stairs (not that much but still), set up my Xbox just to have Netflix in my room. I was leaching off my mom's account but I'm pretty sure she'll cancel.
I only have streaming, so I don't think the price is gonna change for my plan.  However, if I did have the streaming + dvds, and they raised my rate, then I'd cancel it too cause I'm a broke, college student
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