Umm, Netflix... What do you think you're doing right now??

luckily i was already paying that much and I needed a big plan because me and my girl have total different tastes in movies. sucks for others though.
luckily i was already paying that much and I needed a big plan because me and my girl have total different tastes in movies. sucks for others though.
and the funny thing is, they get BIG breaks on shipping costs from the Postal Service ... True greed at its finest right here ... they are out to make their top brass more money, point blank ... smh
and the funny thing is, they get BIG breaks on shipping costs from the Postal Service ... True greed at its finest right here ... they are out to make their top brass more money, point blank ... smh
People should shut the f up. Seriously. Always wanting something for free.Netflix has got to renegotiate some licensing deals soon and they won't get them cheap this time around.Netflix is still relatively cheap compared to cable and this will force people to choose. In turn this will lower cable pricing.
People should shut the f up. Seriously. Always wanting something for free.Netflix has got to renegotiate some licensing deals soon and they won't get them cheap this time around.Netflix is still relatively cheap compared to cable and this will force people to choose. In turn this will lower cable pricing.
Originally Posted by theone218

this is when redbox and blockbuster come in for the kill and give us netflix old prices lol

Netflix doesn't want to deal with the mail order DVD side anymore. They're More than happy to go all streaming. Internal data prob shows that most users stream now anyways or will switch over eventually to full streaming.Hard copy DVD business will be dead soon anyway.
Originally Posted by theone218

this is when redbox and blockbuster come in for the kill and give us netflix old prices lol

Netflix doesn't want to deal with the mail order DVD side anymore. They're More than happy to go all streaming. Internal data prob shows that most users stream now anyways or will switch over eventually to full streaming.Hard copy DVD business will be dead soon anyway.
Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Originally Posted by theone218

this is when redbox and blockbuster come in for the kill and give us netflix old prices lol

Netflix doesn't want to deal with the mail order DVD side anymore. They're More than happy to go all streaming. Internal data prob shows that most users stream now anyways or will switch over eventually to full streaming.Hard copy DVD business will be dead soon anyway.
I'd be all for streaming only, if only their streaming selection wasn't crap. 
Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Originally Posted by theone218

this is when redbox and blockbuster come in for the kill and give us netflix old prices lol

Netflix doesn't want to deal with the mail order DVD side anymore. They're More than happy to go all streaming. Internal data prob shows that most users stream now anyways or will switch over eventually to full streaming.Hard copy DVD business will be dead soon anyway.
I'd be all for streaming only, if only their streaming selection wasn't crap. 
Originally Posted by DrWater

Crying over 6 dollars

- LOL!
- havent gotten the email yet but im not tripping considering all i do is get movies from them just to make iso's, so its still worth it for me. and i JUST renewed my AnyDVDHD......
Originally Posted by DrWater

Crying over 6 dollars

- LOL!
- havent gotten the email yet but im not tripping considering all i do is get movies from them just to make iso's, so its still worth it for me. and i JUST renewed my AnyDVDHD......
Originally Posted by presequel

Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Originally Posted by theone218

this is when redbox and blockbuster come in for the kill and give us netflix old prices lol

Netflix doesn't want to deal with the mail order DVD side anymore. They're More than happy to go all streaming. Internal data prob shows that most users stream now anyways or will switch over eventually to full streaming.Hard copy DVD business will be dead soon anyway.
I'd be all for streaming only, if only their streaming selection wasn't crap. 

Crap is a relative term in this case. It might be crap for $50 but it certainly isn't crap for 8 bucks a month. In fact, you're lucky Netflix can offload the streaming costs to your ISP. ISP's are already moving to tiered usage systems precisely because of services such as Netflix. Netflix will suffer a lot if ISP's institute tiered systems across the board. 
Originally Posted by presequel

Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Originally Posted by theone218

this is when redbox and blockbuster come in for the kill and give us netflix old prices lol

Netflix doesn't want to deal with the mail order DVD side anymore. They're More than happy to go all streaming. Internal data prob shows that most users stream now anyways or will switch over eventually to full streaming.Hard copy DVD business will be dead soon anyway.
I'd be all for streaming only, if only their streaming selection wasn't crap. 

Crap is a relative term in this case. It might be crap for $50 but it certainly isn't crap for 8 bucks a month. In fact, you're lucky Netflix can offload the streaming costs to your ISP. ISP's are already moving to tiered usage systems precisely because of services such as Netflix. Netflix will suffer a lot if ISP's institute tiered systems across the board. 
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