UN Security Council approves No Fly Zone in Libya Vol: Declaration of War

Originally Posted by TeamJordan79

what the hell? i didnt know that a no-fly zone meant that the UN is gonna fly in and bomb them 

Well the US/UN will be enforcing the skies of Libya and we want to make sure our jets which will be patrolling the skies be safe from anti-aircraft weaponry on the ground. Only way to do this is strategic bombing raids. 
The funny part in all this is that the Arab League (22 Middle East Countries) voted YES for the No-Fly Zone.  Yes Muslims agreed to this.  But is the Arab League going to enforce it?  Nope... they depend on the good ol US of A to do all the enforcing.  
Originally Posted by rashi

Originally Posted by badboy

rashi wrote:

1. WE are a sovereign nation, but we let the U.N. dictate to us like they did in the Gulf War?

2. Who said we are the "leader"?

3. We have out own problems.

4. By bombing Libya we are creating new radicals.
1. The UN didnt dictate anything to us.  Our administration realized that our inaction was emboldening a mad men to continue his slaughter.  We could have abstained from voting.
2. WE pride our selves as the "leader" and there is nothing wrong with that. 
3.  I agree we do have our own problems, however, you (along with most fox news "glen beck" subscribers" see things in one dimension.  Like it or not we are part of a global community today.  Technology and economic expansion has intertwined our interests with those of "the people over there."  Allowing a dictator to maintain instability in north africa and the middle east will create MORE problems for us in the end.
4.  I guarantee you setting up a NFZ will not create radicals in Libya.  The people are completely against islamic extremism, alqaeda would not dare show their face in the country.  In addition, the people and the arab community as a whole welcome these actions.  Watch the live cheering in Bengazhi.

Widen your sources for attaining information homie.

Widen my sources? Our "help" in Afghanistan exacerbated the Taliban and the CIA trained Al-Qaeda which led to 9/11 and other terrorist attck against the U.S.

We are not a leader we are a perpetuator. We force values on people, we don't lead +#+#. This no fly zone will increase propaganda for recruiting tools.

If believing that makes you happy fine.
Originally Posted by SunDOOBIE

Originally Posted by TeamJordan79

what the hell? i didnt know that a no-fly zone meant that the UN is gonna fly in and bomb them 

Well the US/UN will be enforcing the skies of Libya and we want to make sure our jets which will be patrolling the skies be safe from anti-aircraft weaponry on the ground. Only way to do this is strategic bombing raids. 
The funny part in all this is that the Arab League (22 Middle East Countries) voted YES for the No-Fly Zone.  Yes Muslims agreed to this.  But is the Arab League going to enforce it?  Nope... they depend on the good ol US of A to do all the enforcing.  
thats b/c we take their resources, pay-off their politicians and produce the best military technology to enforce with. 
Originally Posted by rashi

Originally Posted by Rolaholic

Originally Posted by rashi

Come on, bro. You actually think those teenagers he hired kn ow what is going on? Seriously. These are kids he picked up and gave them guns, gave them a few bucks and said "here, protect me".
Not "protect me",more like "fire at those protesters on the street"

If that makes you happy, fine. At the end of the day, those kids don't know what they are fighting for.
so that makes it okay for them to kill innocent people?
rashi wrote:

Widen my sources? Our "help" in Afghanistan exacerbated the Taliban and the CIA trained Al-Qaeda which led to 9/11 and other terrorist attck against the U.S.

We are not a leader we are a perpetuator. We force values on people, we don't lead +#+#. This no fly zone will increase propaganda for recruiting tools.

Your attempting to compare apples to oranges.  Those in Afghanistan never pleaded for intervention from the international community.  We also have the backing of the Arab league, who met and voted independently to support and openly seek a No Fly Zone.  An alignment of views on this action should quell any notion of this becoming a source for propaganda.

Also, how exactly are we forcing our values on the people of Libya? 
SunDOOBIE wrote:

Well the US/UN will be enforcing the skies of Libya and we want to make sure our jets which will be patrolling the skies be safe from anti-aircraft weaponry on the ground. Only way to do this is strategic bombing raids. 
The funny part in all this is that the Arab League (22 Middle East Countries) voted YES for the No-Fly Zone.  Yes Muslims agreed to this.  But is the Arab League going to enforce it?  Nope... they depend on the good ol US of A to do all the enforcing.  

Actually, I believe the only reason the resolution passed was because the UN wanted to first ensure that Arab countries would be visibly supporting the implementation of the NFZ. 
Originally Posted by badboy

rashi wrote:

Widen my sources? Our "help" in Afghanistan exacerbated the Taliban and the CIA trained Al-Qaeda which led to 9/11 and other terrorist attck against the U.S.

We are not a leader we are a perpetuator. We force values on people, we don't lead +#+#. This no fly zone will increase propaganda for recruiting tools.
Your attempting to compare apples to oranges.  Those in Afghanistan never pleaded for intervention from the international community.  We also have the backing of the Arab league, who met and voted independently to support and openly seek a No Fly Zone.  An alignment of views on this action should quell any notion of this becoming a source for propaganda.

Also, how exactly are we forcing our values on the people of Libya? 

unless, of course, if that alignment of views is propaganda. 

Arab League? Last I heard the general consensus of the arab world was for the western powers to !%@+ with the exception of the corrupt plutocrats....which is who im guessing the Arab League consists of? 
[h1]Libya's Rebels Celebrate the U.N. Resolution[/h1]

...a mechanic who gave only his first name because he fears for the relatives he left behind, has found shelter for his family in an empty student dormitory in Tobruk. He talked about his nightmares about the situation if a no-fly zone was not imposed. "If they don't die by guns, they will die without food," he said. And, after Gaddafi cordoned off the city, a slaughter would ensue.[color= rgb(204, 0, 0)]

For the civilians-turned-revolutionaries from Tobruk to Benghazi, the large-scale retreat of rebel forces from Ras Lanuf, Brega, and Ajdabiyah over the past two weeks had been a sobering experience. Tawfik al-Shohiby, a chemical engineering professor at the University of Tobruk, is like many of the men and women who left behind a normal life as protests swept through Libya in mid-February and anti-government forces quickly pushed Gaddafi loyalists out of the east. His friends are lawyers, professors, engineers and oil workers in this eastern port city. Many are intellectuals; often middle to upper middle class by Libyan standards, and their driving motivation is a desire to live free from fear, they say.

But over the past month of uprising, many of them have donned fatigues for the first time in their lives, raised the Free Libyan flag above their homes or plastered it to their cars, and thrown themselves wholeheartedly into protesting for, and then fighting for, a new country. They have a huge stake in retaining what they have won so far. If Gaddafi regains control of eastern Libya, they have no doubt what that means. "What would happen — he would kill maybe 200 people in Tobruk alone; people like me and my friends in the square," says al-Shohiby. "He would tell people, 'Now you have to pay for what you did.' And he will tell the world, 'Everything is fine. We killed the terrorists.' And he will force the civilians to go out into the streets with green flags."

TeamJordan79 wrote:
unless, of course, if that alignment of views is propaganda. 
Arab League? Last I heard the general consensus of the arab world was for the western powers to !%@+ with the exception of the corrupt plutocrats....which is who im guessing the Arab League consists of? 

No disrespect, but I feel like you're throwing around the word "propaganda" without any real idea of what that means.
Originally Posted by badboy

TeamJordan79 wrote:
unless, of course, if that alignment of views is propaganda. 
Arab League? Last I heard the general consensus of the arab world was for the western powers to !%@+ with the exception of the corrupt plutocrats....which is who im guessing the Arab League consists of? 
No disrespect, but I feel like you're throwing around the word "propaganda" without any real idea of what that means.

it means whatever will help ur argument? 
smh @ the people in here doing and feeling what their government tells them like good little *$$!!+* 

The US doesn't give two +#$@@ about the people of Libya. What they care about are the oil reserves that Gaddafi nationalized. 

What about the people in Bahrain getting their heads split open by bullets to the head fired by soldiers? Whats the US stance on that? 

Originally Posted by badboy

rashi wrote:

Widen my sources? Our "help" in Afghanistan exacerbated the Taliban and the CIA trained Al-Qaeda which led to 9/11 and other terrorist attck against the U.S.

We are not a leader we are a perpetuator. We force values on people, we don't lead +#+#. This no fly zone will increase propaganda for recruiting tools.
Your attempting to compare apples to oranges.  Those in Afghanistan never pleaded for intervention from the international community.  We also have the backing of the Arab league, who met and voted independently to support and openly seek a No Fly Zone.  An alignment of views on this action should quell any notion of this becoming a source for propaganda.

Also, how exactly are we forcing our values on the people of Libya? 

The Arab League? Really, bro? Who the hell are these people to declare a "no fly zone" on another country?

I didn't say Libya. I said every country we invaded and forcefully removed a a sovereign government.

Aligning me with Glenn Beck and Fox News? Aren't these the propagandists that were in favor of going to war in Afghanistan and Iraq?
These are the people that want continual war. Do you even know what you are talking about?
Originally Posted by JustScoreda100

smh @ the people in here doing and feeling what their government tells them like good little *$$!!+* 

The US doesn't give two +#$@@ about the people of Libya. What they care about are the oil reserves that Gaddafi nationalized. 

What about the people in Bahrain getting their heads split open by bullets to the head fired by soldiers? Whats the US stance on that? 

You're right.....the atrocities that continue in Bahrain, the Ivory Coast, North Korea, Palestine, and most of Africa should also be addressed.  It's unfortunate that those without any monetary value are left to fend for themselves.  At the end of the day though, you can't be mad that the UN wants to stop a genocide, whatever their true motive......

Yea, i know what i'm talking about.....The whole "we have our own problems" is a little tea partyish 
Originally Posted by badboy


Yea, i know what i'm talking about.....The whole "we have our own problems" is a little tea partyish 

Tea Partyish? The Tea Party is nothing but a bunch of NEOCONS that voted for Bush, love the PATRIOT Act, and want to keep us in Afghanistan for the next 100 years. The Tea Party is no where near aligned with my views.
I have a question if the man is taken out of power would that mean that libya will be without a government like when sadam was taken from power and people just start acting damn fool and there be no type of control? Are we or whoever prepared to deal with that and isn't most of the reason why we are still in Iraq?

I hope my question makes sense sorry if out dont............
^There is already a transitional council setup in the city of Bengazhi....The council will act as the leaders of the country with each city and their associated tribes members until a democratic election is conducted.....

We can agree to disagree....preciate the discussion though
Originally Posted by sloanboy

I have a question if the man is taken out of power would that mean that libya will be without a government like when sadam was taken from power and people just start acting damn fool and there be no type of control? Are we or whoever prepared to deal with that and isn't most of the reason why we are still in Iraq?

I hope my question makes sense sorry if out dont............

the "UN" will cooperate with the rebels to appoint a new government and draft up a constitution. In result, Libya is gonna have another Karzai type marionette. 
Originally Posted by rashi

Originally Posted by Rolaholic

Originally Posted by rashi

What did Gadaffi do to the United States that we are going to use this countries resources to forcefully remove him?
You're acting like the US ordered this. The UN approved this so most countries are involved not just the US.

You really want to sit back and just let this dude destroy his own people without consequence?? "Oh it has nothing to do with us so I don't care"
. So you think that Genocide should be left unpunished? People should just turn a blind eye??

Want to do something about it ? YOU GO OVER THERE.

Let their people figure it out.
Millions of Americans are READY to go over there. America's armed forces are all volunteer my friend.

As you can see from some of the articles posted in this thread, their people WANT us to go over there, they don't want to be left to themselves to "figure it out" because they know what they want and they know that they'd need the UN's help to do it.

The US isn't trying to wipe out the Muslim population as you seem to think. If there is more unrest in Muslim countries then I guess attribute it to that. It doesn't mean that Islam is the cause of that unrest, it simply means that there is unrest. You don't think that if North Korea made definitive moves we would be in there either? I'm almost positive the US would rather take out NK more than stir things up in Libya, but we don't have the option. Let the Libyan people get what they want: UN help.
Originally Posted by sloanboy

I have a question if the man is taken out of power would that mean that libya will be without a government like when sadam was taken from power and people just start acting damn fool and there be no type of control? Are we or whoever prepared to deal with that and isn't most of the reason why we are still in Iraq?

I hope my question makes sense sorry if out dont............

Libya is a sparsely populated nation that consists of various bedouin tribes and clans with long histories. There is no comparison to Iraq in terms of how complex or violent the situation will become if a power vacuum occurs. More than likely some 'democratic' central government will take hold and have influence in the main cities, the same tribal sense of autonomy will continue in the rest of the country, and things will go on as they have been. No disrespect to any Libyans on here, but as a whole, Libya just isn't that important or interesting in terms of geopolitics as compared to a country like Iraq.
I see how the supporters of this measure are conveniently ignoring the points I raised on the hypocrisy of this in regards to Israel. 
Originally Posted by bruce negro

Originally Posted by rashi

Originally Posted by Rolaholic

You're acting like the US ordered this. The UN approved this so most countries are involved not just the US.

You really want to sit back and just let this dude destroy his own people without consequence?? "Oh it has nothing to do with us so I don't care"
. So you think that Genocide should be left unpunished? People should just turn a blind eye??

Want to do something about it ? YOU GO OVER THERE.

Let their people figure it out.
Millions of Americans are READY to go over there. America's armed forces are all volunteer my friend.

As you can see from some of the articles posted in this thread, their people WANT us to go over there, they don't want to be left to themselves to "figure it out" because they know what they want and they know that they'd need the UN's help to do it.

The US isn't trying to wipe out the Muslim population as you seem to think. If there is more unrest in Muslim countries then I guess attribute it to that. It doesn't mean that Islam is the cause of that unrest, it simply means that there is unrest. You don't think that if North Korea made definitive moves we would be in there either? I'm almost positive the US would rather take out NK more than stir things up in Libya, but we don't have the option. Let the Libyan people get what they want: UN help.

People don't sign up to defend ANOTHER country.

To help Libya comes with strings. Of course they aren't trying to wipe off the Elite Muslims, who else would sell the load of $%@+ the U.S. government wants them to sell?

There are people dying everyday by genocide in Darfur, why don't we just send our troops over there? How about Zimbabwe while we're at it?
Originally Posted by Animal Thug1539

So we don't go through congress? We just act like the Mafia, and bomb who ever the !*+% we want?

What a joke this country has become.
This dude.
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