Update: As of 3/11/2013, Judge ruled to halt Bloomberg's banning of large sodas

I don't know about restaurants, but movie theaters will combat this by raising the prices on popcorn and other snacks. If you thought it was expensive for a medium bag of popcorn before :smh: :x .


Yo for real going to the movies now is no joke :smh:
It passed. Though Bloomberg's team is making it seem like it's not a big deal. Am I wrong for thinking this is essentially unconstitutional?
Unbelievable. Stupidest law ever! I can see people going.. don't put any ice in there, just straight soda!

What's next? Banning all you can eat salad bars?
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It passed. Though Bloomberg's team is making it seem like it's not a big deal. Am I wrong for thinking this is essentially unconstitutional?

I was confused about it myself like damn how they going to tell a playa how much soda I can drink?
It passed. Though Bloomberg's team is making it seem like it's not a big deal. Am I wrong for thinking this is essentially unconstitutional?
I was confused about it myself like damn how they going to tell a playa how much soda I can drink?

Although anytime someone tries to get holier than thou on me about tree, I tellem drinking a can of soda is more harmful to your body than taking a blunt to the face.
This is stupid. If people want to drink a ton of soda and get fat, let them. Who the hell are they to decide someone's diet for them?
There are so many obese people living in our society who can't control what they eat. If you can't control yourself, someone has to. Especially those that depend on the government to pay for their diabetes, hypertension and cholesterol medication.
This is stupid. If people want to drink a ton of soda and get fat, let them. Who the hell are they to decide someone's diet for them?

Agree. As long as they don't depend on the government and my tax dollars to pay for their medical bills. Fair?
Edit: Nvm. Just remembered that this is the same state that passed unconstitutional stop & frisk laws then decided to produce evidence to support the claim by stereotyping an entire race.
But 7-11 and all other convenience stores are exempt, so fat people can still drink their precious Big Gulps. Law is a sham.
The success of this law will depend on the execution and all the loop holes. Great intent, but I foresee horrible execution.
There are so many obese people living in our society who can't control what they eat. If you can't control yourself, someone has to. Especially those that depend on the government to pay for their diabetes, hypertension and cholesterol medication.

So the govt then should be able to monitor what people eat at all times is your suggestion? When I get home tonight to watch the Bears/Pack game, am I to login at some website to get the special code to unlock the govt issued refrigerator so I can take out the chicken wings? I can only have access to 3 pieces of drumettes too since that's the recommended serving, right? Is that what it's going to come to? Ridiculous!
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So the govt then should be able to monitor what people eat at all times is your suggestion? When I get home tonight to watch the Bears/Pack game, am I to login at some website to get the special code to unlock the govt issued refrigerator so I can take out the chicken wings? I can only have access to 3 pieces of drumettes too since that's the recommended serving, right? Is that what it's going to come to? Ridiculous!

1. Are you obese, diabetic, have hypertension, or some other medical condition that requires you to monitor what you ingest?
2. If so, do you depend on the government for medical support?
If not, eat away! I could care less.
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1. Are you obese?
2. If so, do you depend on the government for medical support?
If not, eat away! I could care less.

So this law only affects people that are obese? I work out and stay in good shape, but if my lady and I want to share an XL orange soda at the movies instead of buying two mediums that will cost more, what is wrong with that?
 @ dukes getting mad over a couple extra ounces

i know i know its the principle of the matter and I agree BUT this is just the smallest measure of population weight control that can be used without causing extensive outcries from the public (and by that i mean much more severe than this large soda ordeal)
Judging by the support for this law in this thread, the government should just open the doors to the Fema camps and put welcome mats out.
ITT: Fatties

Damn near 10% of our population has diabetes. If we know that increased intake of sugar leads to diabetes, should we not do something to stop that? This isn't even a ban on soda, it's a ban on large amounts of the stuff. The opposition argument would have more credibility if "letting people do whatever they want" actually worked in real life. People have no damn self control. Even with this law passed, people are still going to buy soda. Just higher quantities of it I imagine. Arguing that this is government overreach and then relying on the government for medical assistance is the definition of hypocritical. And you guys are surprised why? This is the same city that taxes the hell out of cigarettes. If you weren't aware, cigarettes don't cost $13 a pack everywhere. I smoke on occasion and I honestly think they should institute NYC cigarette taxes everywhere.
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