Update - Rob Kardashian wylin on social media. Power of the P will break a man!

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black aunties like this are so funny

:lol: @ the way she ended this ****
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That's not karma b
The tears shed by weeping men afflicted with falsehood slay the children and animals of those that have uttered those falsehoods. Like a cow a sinful act perpetrated does not produce immediate fruits. If the fruit is not seen in the perpetrator himself, it is seen in his son or in his son's son, or daughter's son.
Rob need to take his L move on and get him a boring homely White girl. Rob needs an AWG.
with all the $$$ this clown has he should be able to take this L and move on....all that bread can get son up into a bad ting easily they flocking out there in LA

Ish will happen again. Rob is a revolving door. He's a duck. Money can't fix that affliction
Man has no shame clearly. No one in that family does. Dudes throwing man code, ex code, bar codes out the window and exposing everyone. Hilarious ****.
Bra said he spent 2 mil in a month dude got a serious mental issue..then hes talkin about he was loyal..even though he was doing right nobody cares lol
Seen the pics just now. Nothing to write home about. Rob is crazy for doing that but he knew what he was getting into. Or maybe he didn't. :rolleyes
That btch foul for sending him videos of her smashing another mf :lol: Rob an idiot though
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