US Government Headed to Shutdown

It would be better just to get rid of the government.

They are the reason we are divided.
That was the goal of the Confederates: abolish the federal government, and leave the management of society to the rich landowners and slaveholding planters. In other words, feudalism by another name. Abolishing government today would allow all those corporate entities that use this American land (agriculture and mining giants) and American bodies (Walmart, Amazon, trucking companies, factories) the ability to effectively establish their own rules that we will all have to abide by.

You sure you want that?
Not unless the people in government helped.

They drank too much kool aid already though.
Our system doesn’t work becuase the people in charge no longer represent the people they serve. rich old white Ned Mulligan has no business representing me. It ain’t a white world no more and they’re afraid of that. Those guys don’t care if schools shut down, they go to private school anyway. They don’t care that the airport is clogged up, they have a private jet. They don’t care if nobody is working,they were born rich.
Our democracy is a sham, the people have no say. Calling elected officials and representatives does jack. Electoral college is BS.

We need to hold popular votes to decide major issues of this country if we want a true democracy, which I can’t ever see happening.
It dissapoints me how anti government we are. Even our messed up imperfect system stops us from being animals. Without government it would be true mayhem out there. Whichever gang with the most guns, value of money meaningless, whichever zealot that convinces directionless people their way is the best way. We wake up in a country everyday where there are schools, hospitals, a stable currency, thriving job industries, stability to build your life, etc. There are definitely tons of problems that we can aim to improve and fix but to disparage the beauty and importance of what we have...I’m not on board with that. Having seen and lived outside the US I am thankful everyday for the opportunity to build a life here. The stability of our country is like no other. Presidents like this drive me nuts because they tear down the fabric of our society by dividing people and by instilling this belief that our country is broken. When in reality the world is a crazy place and we are still the leading edge of a progressive balanced place to live. Not comparing us to tiny places like Denmark obviously.
It dissapoints me how anti government we are. Even our messed up imperfect system stops us from being animals. Without government it would be true mayhem out there. Whichever gang with the most guns, value of money meaningless, whichever zealot that convinces directionless people their way is the best way. We wake up in a country everyday where there are schools, hospitals, a stable currency, thriving job industries, stability to build your life, etc. There are definitely tons of problems that we can aim to improve and fix but to disparage the beauty and importance of what we have...I’m not on board with that. Having seen and lived outside the US I am thankful everyday for the opportunity to build a life here. The stability of our country is like no other. Presidents like this drive me nuts because they tear down the fabric of our society by dividing people and by instilling this belief that our country is broken. When in reality the world is a crazy place and we are still the leading edge of a progressive balanced place to live. Not comparing us to tiny places like Denmark obviously.
Problems with our government does not equal have no government
Yea, let's find a realistic middle ground. Highlighting how terrible our government has been/is becoming does not mean we don't need a government at all.
Crazy to me how much this country talks about god this and god that, but the way the country is ran is so far from Godly.
Why given that the same group of ppl used said God to justify enslaving people raping, killing, robbing of everything of enslaved ppl, exploiting and robbing ppl of their continent, etc etc.
And the imagery of christianity is specifically white for a reason.

This is the same govt with the same laws ran and created by white supremacists.

It is what it is.
Heard folks' section 8 is getting all f'd up because of the shut down? Any truth to this?
moderndarwin moderndarwin What other countries have you visited that brought you to your conclusion in regards to “we are still the leading edge of a progressive balanced place to live.” Not asking this in antagonistic way. I’ve met people who have traveled and gotten varied opinions.
The issue with the McDonald's and Clemson players... The fast food isn't the issue... My issue is that there are people dying of starvation on the same street as the white House, but they don't play football so who cares about them.
Private industry contracting >

Both of my parents are fed govt tho. **** is crazy.

Growing up everyone always said “get in the govt after you graduate” “govt benefits... you’ll never be without a job... blah blah”

So glad I didn’t....
How about just being a borderline professional athlete and to celebrate a major accomplishment you poison yourself with that garbage. If garbage is American food and people are what we eat...
I thought about that while typing the message. He might be the tragedy we need. He's the American dream embodied: rich, narcissistic, money-over-morals. This country needs a wake-up call. There's no camaraderie until disaster strikes. Maybe he will unintentionally make America great.

america was built off division, hatred, and rich narcissistic men... i don't know what will change that.
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