US Government Headed to Shutdown

If y'all government caves to that wall it will be pathetic

I heard a very interesting theory, the wall is an experiment in artificial intelligence. It won’t be built and never was meant to be built. Based off the emotional responses, tons of information is being gathered to form algorithms that feed the AI so it can render AI user interfaces that supplements people’s belief and desires. Trump is the culmination of everything that the masses oppose and was intentionally put in place so that AI could replace him with the “answer” to the world’s problems. Even those who support him will have platforms that AI makes them feel at home because so much info has been gathered. Definitely something to ponder.
Think about this before the trump supports jump in and say a wall CAN be made.

1. The “wall” has now been downsized to a fence 2. The cost of a concrete wall and fence is different (much lower) yet the demand for money actually went up
3. Experts are already laughing at the logistics of building a wall across the entire boarder (basic logic can tell you why)
4. If they began the wall TODAY it wouldn’t be done in a decade. Next person up will stop it
5. The actual cost for the wall isn’t anywhere near the amount being asked.
You can't say "we are the government" and then say "politics ain't none of our business."

What this country is currently going through is the result of decades of not making politics our business.
The issue with the McDonald's and Clemson players... The fast food isn't the issue... My issue is that there are people dying of starvation on the same street as the white House, but they don't play football so who cares about them.
You went a different route with it, which I get, but it is what it is. I’m saying a kids birthday party is served better food than that. That was all out disrespect and some of those idiots laughed it off. Should of walked off and said **** you
You can't say "we are the government" and then say "politics ain't none of our business."

What this country is currently going through is the result of decades of not making politics our business.

If you want to be literal government stems from the Latin word meaning to govern the mind. Hip hop is far more influential in terms of the mind then any politician I’ve come across.
But to speak to your point, we are the government in the sense that we dictate what goes on in this country. Wall Street is sitting on the backs of thousands of slaves. We gave the European the blueprint on how to build a civilization which is why you see African iconography encoded in everything of value to this country, masonry included. While you’ll likely say the priorities are misaligned, there’s a reason people care a lot more about music and the culture associated with it then they do politics. Bottom line is, as everyone as been saying in the thread if black people turned their backs on the country it would disintigrate. No Wall Street, no R. Kelly to distract the masses, No Rock N Roll, no inventions to be stolen at the patent office, Etc. If you feel politics is the answer i implore you to continue on your endeavors.

You went a different route with it, which I get, but it is what it is. I’m saying a kids birthday party is served better food than that. That was all out disrespect and some of those idiots laughed it off. Should of walked off and said **** you

Agreed 100% At this point as HOv said, “It’s only entertainment.”
You went a different route with it, which I get, but it is what it is. I’m saying a kids birthday party is served better food than that. That was all out disrespect and some of those idiots laughed it off. Should of walked off and said **** you

One of them clemson tigers players quote “I thought this was joke” at the fast food banquet. On video. Saw this on colbert last night.
moderndarwin moderndarwin What other countries have you visited that brought you to your conclusion in regards to “we are still the leading edge of a progressive balanced place to live.” Not asking this in antagonistic way. I’ve met people who have traveled and gotten varied opinions.

Very fair question. Europe, South America, Southeast Asia, and lived in SKorea and Japan. Had roommates from England, Australia, Germany, New Zealand over the course of adulthood.

I think the perception of America via the internet or media is quite different than the reality of it if you were a person that only lived life by experiences and statistics. The statistics don’t correlate at all to the way issues are represented in the media or the general public perception of them. It’s why most of us still live a somewhat stable life. There are systemic problems (health, education, infrastructure) with America and sadly the current use of media and politics is getting us further away from those issues and more focused on superficial bandaid issues (guns, border immigration for example)
Fair enough. I lived in S.Korea/Japan as well, Okinawa to be specific and felt like it was more stable in my opinion but I’d be lying if I said there weren’t certain things I didn’t miss living in America. I guess it’s preference at the end of the day. I feel sovereign enough in my mind where I think I could feel at home almost anywhere but I understand there’s things here people certainly take for granted. Thanks for taking the time to respond.
At some point they've got to realize that everyone doesn't have a nest egg or realize that it's deplenishing.

If tsa walks out that would be veeerry interesting and i think it'd legitimately be a turning point in American history.

Government would think of something though.
I'm thinking they'd hire new workers on the spot, tell them to stick it out best they can and once the shutdown ends, they'll have a job.

Boy. I legit don't know what I'd do. Probable drive for Uber.

Air Traffic Controller strikes has happen in the past (i.e 1981) where those who did walked out, ended up being replaced. I believe Ronald Reagan ended up firing 11,000 controllers during that strike. One buddy that i know dad ended getting a controller job during the strike and has pretty much been one since. I'm pretty sure the traffic controllers have thought about leaving, but at the end, they would easily be replaced to those willing to work for free in order to get a great paying job. When I say great, I mean, 120,000 median salary great.
Yeah because they had a no strike clause.

Get that clause taken out of your contract and strike and be paid and protected.

And when I say get rid of the government I’m not saying go to an anarchist society. I’m saying jail everyone who is corrupt including the police.
Russia is just manipulating the US, UK, and France so it can overtake Ukraine.

Apparently Putin just following this playbook

The book emphasizes that Russia must spread Anti-Americanism everywhere: "the main 'scapegoat' will be precisely the U.S."

In the United States:

  • Russia should use its special services within the borders of the United States to fuel instability and separatism, for instance, provoke "Afro-American racists". Russia should "introduce geopolitical disorder into internal American activity, encouraging all kinds of separatism and ethnic, social and racial conflicts, actively supporting all dissident movements – extremist, racist, and sectarian groups, thus destabilizing internal political processes in the U.S. It would also make sense simultaneously to support isolationist tendencies in American politics".[9]

I encourage y'all to read the wiki

It'll make you sick
I heard a very interesting theory, the wall is an experiment in artificial intelligence. It won’t be built and never was meant to be built. Based off the emotional responses, tons of information is being gathered to form algorithms that feed the AI so it can render AI user interfaces that supplements people’s belief and desires. Trump is the culmination of everything that the masses oppose and was intentionally put in place so that AI could replace him with the “answer” to the world’s problems. Even those who support him will have platforms that AI makes them feel at home because so much info has been gathered. Definitely something to ponder.

Knowing what we know about the Government this isn't farfetched at all, however wouldn't this have already been accomplished by social media?
Saw the post above AI conspiracy theory...
Here is another thought along those lines and only half as crazy....

"The wall" can easily become "the cage" depending on what kinda crisis Americans could really end up in. Especially in a martial law doomaday scenario .
Knowing what we know about the Government this isn't farfetched at all, however wouldn't this have already been accomplished by social media?

I think it could be a little of both. Facebook was the crawling stage, Instagram is the walking stage. Look at how vocal people have become since 2016. A lot of the people that were quiet during the Obama era started speaking up.

Saw the post above AI conspiracy theory...
Here is another thought along those lines and only half as crazy....

"The wall" can easily become "the cage" depending on what kinda crisis Americans could really end up in. Especially in a martial law doomaday scenario .

Something I’ve considered as well. I don’t think it’s a coincidence in all these superhero movies you see keep seeing references to cubes. Funny you mention cage, I was just watching “The edge of tomorrow” and the protagonist name was cage and it was a doomsday scenario. Not martial law but still social engineering from an external boogie man standpoint.
That doesnt cover fed contractors though right? My dad is an faa contractor about 2 years away from retirement. Im starting to worry if they r going to make it.
Signs a bill to help undo what he did in the first place. Can’t wait to hear the supporters pretend this is a positive for him
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