US Government Headed to Shutdown

In a time where the government is shutdown and the president is being investigated for collusion with Russia, it should make you wonder why the Trump administration just lifted sanctions on firms linked to Oleg Deripaska. I'm sure ninjahood ninjahood will just bury his head in the sand on this one as he has done with all of the Trump-Russia links.

It’s a witch hunt! Fake news!
Congrats to all the government workers on their first day back to work.......unless your Trump supporter. If so, I hope your savings have dwindled and that you suffered greatly during this process. Have a nice day.
Hope they lost their homes and never recover
Exact same thing in the Filipino Community. The illegal aliens are being outted by other Filipinos in their own community. Then, immigration sends em out.

There are also other communities that are just anti Democrat for historical reasons - like the Americans of Vietnamese or Cuban background.
Wow, that's terrible.
this Trump Presidency is a pure Study on how easy it is to manipulate people, not just his base but even those who "hate" him
I told people when he got elected watch the new season of House of Cards is about to begin. Dude is making Frank Underwood look like a saint.
did it the right way, went through all the obstacles etc why should I empathize with others who don't want to do the same?
The huge blind spot in that line of thinking is that they almost always downplay the amount of support they got from family/friends/the system to get ahead.

When you make 40k and you live rent-free, you're not exactly the best judge of cost of living in NYC.

When you take unpaid internships because your parents support you financially throughout college, you don't get to clown those who had to work in fields unrelated to their majors to get ahead on their student loans.
The huge blind spot in that line of thinking is that they almost always downplay the amount of support they got from family/friends/the system to get ahead.

When you make 40k and you live rent-free, you're not exactly the best judge of cost of living in NYC.

When you take unpaid internships because your parents support you financially throughout college, you don't get to clown those who had to work in fields unrelated to their majors to get ahead on their student loans.
1000000000% . My girlfriend is white and leans right of center. We had a whole argument about this. She kept saying her parents worked their asses off to provide for their family. My whole damn point was right, YOU didn't do any of that. YOU were born into that privilege/advantage, stop being so proud of something you had no control over. Nobody is trying to take away from your hard work. We just want equality of opportunity. Opportunity, not outcom.e
yall savage. I don't wish ill will on anyone but I do hope it was a lesson learned.

They won't learn.

Republicans have been running for decades on the platform of making government as small as a baby to drown it in a bathtub. Conservatives in government thought that they wouldn't be affected just because (they're special?)

Good luck to them.
1000000000% . My girlfriend is white and leans right of center. We had a whole argument about this. She kept saying her parents worked their asses off to provide for their family. My whole damn point was right, YOU didn't do any of that. YOU were born into that privilege/advantage, stop being so proud of something you had no control over. Nobody is trying to take away from your hard work. We just want equality of opportunity. Opportunity, not outcom.e
what race are u???
Not that I'm afraid to answer or anything, just like to know what relevance is my race in this lol
well u stated ur girl was white
I'm just curious what race u are
to where how u was tryna explain her privilege
and she wasn't able to grasp what u were saying
i think ur race matters
because it would lead up to what i might say next
well u stated ur girl was white
I'm just curious what race u are
to where how u was tryna explain her privilege
and she wasn't able to grasp what u were saying
i think ur race matters
because it would lead up to what i might say next
I'm Asian. And while we were talking about the topic, I also mentioned I was born into privilege, not a racial one but an economic privilege. The fact I never had to worry about food on my table and access to education gives me a huge advantage over little kids in the ghetto who grow up with a single parent with boarded windows. I just wish everyone could remove themselves and their ego/pride and exercise compassion.

We shouldn't be required by law to help people who are worse off, but I guess I just hope everyone has that sense of obligation and responsibility if they are in the position to do so.
Republicans have been running for decades on the platform of making government as small as a baby to drown it in a bathtub

government isn't supposed to be a hulking monstrosity that runs every inch of your lives, that would be called socialism.
I'm Asian. And while we were talking about the topic, I also mentioned I was born into privilege, not a racial one but an economic privilege. The fact I never had to worry about food on my table and access to education gives me a huge advantage over little kids in the ghetto who grow up with a single parent with boarded windows. I just wish everyone could remove themselves and their ego/pride and exercise compassion.

We shouldn't be required by law to help people who are worse off, but I guess I just hope everyone has that sense of obligation and responsibility if they are in the position to do so.
in explaining everything to her
was she able to finally realize and get ur point or no???
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