US Government Headed to Shutdown

My problem with electric cars is lithium mines.

BUT can you imagine an electric pickup? Instant torque and tons of it with very few moving parts. I’d be on board if it looked like a regular truck.
Are we gonna act like the midterms didn't happen? Are we gonna act like most Americans don't agree on policies that are on the left of the political spectrum? Are we gonna act like GOP strategists don't recognize that the party appeals very little to the generations following the boomers?

Yeah presidental elections aren’t popularity votes so this mid term isn’t an indication on the 2020 election. It’s gonna be a repeat again, republicans are gonna wake up Election Day, vote in the masses, win the electoral vote. And we’ll have Trump be President again. Dems and libbies are gonna cry again.
Yeah presidental elections aren’t popularity votes so this mid term isn’t an indication on the 2020 election. It’s gonna be a repeat again, republicans are gonna wake up Election Day, vote in the masses, win the electoral vote. And we’ll have Trump be President again. Dems and libbies are gonna cry again.

Then you don’t follow history very well. Once a republican president fails too hard a dem follows due to the backlash. Trump is complete **** up.
Yeah, my whole family but my mom used to be republican.

After bush they all switched. They’d vote Bernie before a republican now.
Then you don’t follow history very well. Once a republican president fails too hard a dem follows due to the backlash. Trump has is complete **** up.
Give me a candidate that will win against him? This dude literally grab a female by the vag, been on golf trips every weekend leading up to the shutdown, trashed nfl players, legitimately scrutinized Muslims and Mexicans, probably intervened the elections with Russian assistance, held the country hostage in order to build a useless border wall, a nationalist, impose trade wars with China, yet, he stil here. If the economy doesn’t let yet, unemployment is still low, we don’t go to war, and no other industries go under, he’ll get re-elected.
Give me a candidate that will win against him? This dude literally grab a female by the vag, been on golf trips every weekend leading up to the shutdown, trashed nfl players, legitimately scrutinized Muslims and Mexicans, probably intervened the elections with Russian assistance, held the country hostage in order to build a useless border wall, a nationalist, impose trade wars with China, yet, he stil here. If the economy doesn’t let yet, unemployment is still low, we don’t go to war, and no other industries go under, he’ll get re-elected.
Other republican will beat him at this point. “Still here” lol was that a serious statement? Do you understand how this works? Economy this and that what positive is trumps doing? These “easy” trade wars have cost us billions for years to come. Farmer buy it cost us billions. Major factories have left. We traded family supporting jobs for more minimum wage jobs. Talking about jobs, the idiot personally stopped jobs from happening.

All your talking points sound like someone who’s watched the news recently and does not understand how things work. All fox talking points that have no legitimate backing.

I’ll leave it at that
Other republican will beat him at this point. “Still here” lol was that a serious statement? Do you understand how this works? Economy this and that what positive is trumps doing? These “easy” trade wars have cost us billions for years to come. Farmer buy it cost us billions. Major factories have left. We traded family supporting jobs for more minimum wage jobs. Talking about jobs, the idiot personally stopped jobs from happening.

All your talking points sound like someone who’s watched the news recently and does not understand how things work. All fox talking points that have no legitimate backing.

I’ll leave it at that

Other republican candidates didn’t answer the question on who would beat him. If this guy survives in the office until 2020. I can’t see how this guy gets dethroned. If your logic on how economy works, why didn’t a democratic win the elections whenever the US was firing on all cylinders economically? Let me guess, Hillary was probably the worst candidate possible that year? Why did the libbies let that incompetent person win over Bernie?

Argue all you want, these aren’t taking points from a news article for fox. This is being observant over the last 3 years. Out back and country America don’t care about basic economy, they’ll vote red throughout regardless of the economy and win the electoral college while they are at it.
Trumps getting re-elected for sure. Like dude said, the more outlandish crap he does, the more popular he gets. “He’s not your typical politician. And he actually cares about murica. Let’s maga”
you know how many trillions of gallons of oil reserves are on earth? :lol:
energy consumption coming from someone who has never left their country. you speak of global politics, but you have no clue how other countries have different operations. You should have stayed in the DR. humble yourself.
Other republican candidates didn’t answer the question on who would beat him. If this guy survives in the office until 2020. I can’t see how this guy gets dethroned. If your logic on how economy works, why didn’t a democratic win the elections whenever the US was firing on all cylinders economically? Let me guess, Hillary was probably the worst candidate possible that year? Why did the libbies let that incompetent person win over Bernie?

Argue all you want, these aren’t taking points from a news article for fox. This is being observant over the last 3 years. Out back and country America don’t care about basic economy, they’ll vote red throughout regardless of the economy and win the electoral college while they are at it.
I'm definitely anxious about 2020. Trump should have never won in 2016 but here we are. At the very least, I don't think Trump has gained more support. If anything, I think a lot of people have been negatively impacted by him, and I think they are disappointed they voted for a conman. It's important to remember that he didn't win the presidency by much. The 2018 Midterm Elections should also bring us a bit of hope.

I think we will also need to see how the Special Counsel's investigation plays out. It's pretty clear that Trump and his team colluded with Russia. It just depends on how Congress and the general public react to it.

I'm cautiously optimistic.
why didn’t a democratic win the elections whenever the US was firing on all cylinders economically?

Because of propaganda.

The economy was the worst ever under Obama; on January 21st, 2017, the economy had never been better. That is your assessment of America if your news come from Infowars, Limbaugh, and the Fox News cohort.

One thing Trump will not have going for him in 2020: there won't be a Democratic candidate with a multi-decade long smear campaign against her.

The second thing is, Trump hurt the very people who thought his policies wouldn't affect them; do you think they will want four more years of that? Especially since there isn't a candidate on the Left the Right-wing media will be able to vilify like they did Hillary?

The GOP tried the "a vote for X is a vote for Pelosi" playbook during the midterms and the Dems had landslide victories in the House and - most importantly - state legislatures.
How could a man involved in so much corruption still have so much support? I don't get it

Because he is portrayed as being very Pro-white. A TON of people I’ve talked to in my rural spot have preached that Obama was anti-white and “Obama got this country so screwed up, it’s like a crime to be white anymore.”

In my opinion, wypeepo feel they were losing power for 8 Years, now the Don is gonna help them be great again.

Side note: If caucasians are ever the minority in this country....things will Be muuuuuch worse. the history of market-dominant minorities, worldwide, is NOT pretty. Think apartheid.
Other republican candidates didn’t answer the question on who would beat him. If this guy survives in the office until 2020. I can’t see how this guy gets dethroned. If your logic on how economy works, why didn’t a democratic win the elections whenever the US was firing on all cylinders economically? Let me guess, Hillary was probably the worst candidate possible that year? Why did the libbies let that incompetent person win over Bernie?

Argue all you want, these aren’t taking points from a news article for fox. This is being observant over the last 3 years. Out back and country America don’t care about basic economy, they’ll vote red throughout regardless of the economy and win the electoral college while they are at it.
Basically your argument is that enough people will vote trump becuase they want to. Fine, but don’t throw in anything else as a “fact”. That’s the point. Who will run against fine? Don’t know yet becuase more people will announce they’re running. Is that hard to understand? To top it off people don’t need to vote for trump to remain a republican. Again, looking at history once a candidate ****s up bad enough the backlash gets them out or the opposite party wins.
The fallout continues:

The Department of Homeland Security has issued an emergency directive ordering administrators of most federal agencies to protect their Internet domains against a rash of attacks that have hit executive branch websites and email servers in recent weeks.

The DHS’ Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) issued the directive on Tuesday, 12 days after security firm FireEye warned of an unprecedented wave of ongoing attacks that altered the domain name system recordsbelonging to telecoms, ISPs, and government agencies. DNS servers act as directories that allow one computer to find other computers on the Internet. By tampering with these records, attackers can potentially intercept passwords, emails, and other sensitive communications.

“CISA is aware of multiple executive branch agency domains that were impacted by the tampering campaign and has notified the agencies that maintain them,” CISA Director Christopher C. Krebs wrote in Wednesday’s emergency directive. He continued:

Using the following techniques, attackers have redirected and intercepted web and mail traffic, and could do so for other networked services:

1. The attacker begins by compromising user credentials, or obtaining them through alternate means, of an account that can make changes to DNS records.

2. Next, the attacker alters DNS records, like Address (A), Mail Exchanger (MX), or Name Server (NS) records, replacing the legitimate address of a service with an address the attacker controls. This enables them to direct user traffic to their own infrastructure for manipulation or inspection before passing it on to the legitimate service, should they choose. This creates a risk that persists beyond the period of traffic redirection.

3. Because the attacker can set DNS record values, they can also obtain valid encryption certificates for an organization's domain names. This allows the redirected traffic to be decrypted, exposing any user-submitted data. Since the certificate is valid for the domain, end users receive no error warnings.

To address the significant and imminent risks to agency information and information systems presented by this activity, this emergency directive requires the following near-term actions to mitigate risks from undiscovered tampering, enable agencies to prevent illegitimate DNS activity for their domains, and detect unauthorized certificates.
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