*USA Basketball* WOMEN EARN GOLD v. ESP (101-72)! MEN EARN GOLD v. SRB (96-66)!

wish i could've been online while i witnessed history.

children across the globe will be drinking chocolate milk tonight.

USA :smokin
Harden got mollywhopped and its great to see Melo show the world how good he is, i wonder if hes still overated.

Are you serious man?

A performance against Nigeria in the Olympics is supposed to change someone's opinion on a player?
i watched this game live and still record it in my dvr

going to watch it tonight before bed :smokin
Damn man I keep hearing how good thing game is. Do they replay it? Where can I see. Forgot to dvr
Damn man I keep hearing how good thing game is. Do they replay it? Where can I see. Forgot to dvr


Probably the coolest, most enjoyable blowout I've ever seen.
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Now that's a beatdown! Team USA is getting better and better, I just hope this win doesn't cause them to get too cocky or complacent.
NBC sports has a bunch of stuff included basketball listed from 4-9 am EST. it says today was the origional air date so i guess this is it.

Should be broken up. Now I gotta record this huge time slot SMH

NBC has been terrible
Y'all ever peep Jim Boeheim on the sidelines? Dude looks out to lunch throughout the whole game.
Melo played well today, hope he can get into some kind of shape and do this type stuff in the NBA this year...

-Sidenote anyone notice that in the new Samsung commercial for the Olympics, everyone is running in that commercial BUT Carmelo, so maybe he never will get into shape....
Which performance you guys think is better? 33 points in 1 quarter NBA game or today's 37 in 14 min?
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I think it'd be a toss up because both would require ridiculous efficiency.

But if I had to pick one, I'd take Melo's purely because he did it at the olympics.
Well, My allegiance is USA (anything)>anything (Kings, Giants, Niners, Galaxy, etc)

So I would still take Melo's 37 
Seen this on twitter, thought it was pretty funny lol
"Y'all done ruined MJ's summer now."
"Somewhere in the world Michael Jordan is breaking his cigar in half right now."

:lol: funny thing is people talking about how horrible Nigeria played. 92 dream team was playing teams worse than Nigeria every single night back in 92 :lol:

Thats how horrible the competition was back then...
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