USC's Floyd to become Arizona Head Coach

From everything I've read here's what happened:

Cal was going to come, until UK popped up.
Pitino was the second choice but he was drawn to the rivalry with Cal
Dixon didn't want to leave
Capel is waiting for Duke
Few is waiting for Oregon

After you eliminate those guys, Floyd is about as good as we're going to get. The program's prestige took a huge hit the past two years.

Floyd can recruit, and at least the teams will play defense now. At worst he should be able to stabilize the program and keep it afloat as a bridge to JoshPastner.
The more I think about it the better hire I believe this is for the situation is in...he turned around USC very quickly and playing in LA ugly step sister toUCLA at a football school no less. By going to Arizona he can recruit just as well, if not better and will take Solomon Hill and possibly two others for nextyear, maybe even Sidney. He has NBA experience and got a raw deal having to coach the bulls after Phil jackson/jordan left. No one can say this was a BADhire. Not a great one but a solid hire
Originally Posted by P MAC ONE

From everything I've read here's what happened:

Cal was going to come, until UK popped up.
Pitino was the second choice but he was drawn to the rivalry with Cal
Dixon didn't want to leave
Capel is waiting for Duke
Few is waiting for Oregon

After you eliminate those guys, Floyd is about as good as we're going to get. The program's prestige took a huge hit the past two years.

Floyd can recruit, and at least the teams will play defense now. At worst he should be able to stabilize the program and keep it afloat as a bridge to Josh Pastner.

Originally Posted by High Class Scum Bag

why not take a chance on dana altman of creighton? or go get gillespie?
Dana Altman is gonna get the players in here to extend the streak of tourney appearances?

And Gillespie is apparently a raging alchie, needs to get that under control first.

i dont like tim floyd for this job.
He's proven that he can recruit, and he can coach a team in a major conference. Two priorities for Arizona.
We badly need stability and some good years quickly to maintain our elite status. Maintaining national relevancy had to priority number 1, and I can say thatFloyd should be able to do that. Cal or Pitino would have been better, but that didn't happen. oh well.
post on

Pessimistic View of USC vs. AZ future

Floyd has basically killed SC and brought UofA back from the dead in one move.

How did he kill SC? SC will likely now lose Taj and Demar AND HACKETT (doubt the new coach keeps his dad) and not get MoMo Jones. Whereas before USC was going to replace Taj and Demar with Sidney and Hill/Johnson and MoMo Jones, USC will likely now lose Sidney, Hill and Johnson. Hill always wanted to go to Zona, so it is basically a done deal that he is gone and Johnson was coming to USC for Floyd, as was MoMo Jones. USC can also say goodbye to Franklin who was a Zona lean before Lute retired, Polee because his dad won't be a school employee and Boatwright.

If all of this happens next years team will be one of the worst in the Pac10.

As for Zona,

They might be losing Chase and Hill, but I now expect Wise to stay. Him and Kyle Fogg make an excellent backcourt. Horne is also a solid player. As I said before, I expect Hill to follow Floyd and would not be shocked to see MoMo Jones and Sidney follow him too. They will also sign Victor Rudd. In one day, Floyd will have brought a significant influx of talent to UofA and yes it is easier to recruit to Zona than to USC. Players grew up idolizing many of Zona's current NBA players.

I see you Tim

Originally Posted by Bigmike23

Originally Posted by P MAC ONE

From everything I've read here's what happened:

Cal was going to come, until UK popped up.
Pitino was the second choice but he was drawn to the rivalry with Cal
Dixon didn't want to leave
Capel is waiting for Duke
Few is waiting for Oregon

After you eliminate those guys, Floyd is about as good as we're going to get. The program's prestige took a huge hit the past two years.

Floyd can recruit, and at least the teams will play defense now. At worst he should be able to stabilize the program and keep it afloat as a bridge to Josh Pastner.


He was never going to Zona. They offered him a "blank check" offer and he said no.
Originally Posted by Nike God

Originally Posted by Bigmike23

Originally Posted by P MAC ONE

From everything I've read here's what happened:

Cal was going to come, until UK popped up.
Pitino was the second choice but he was drawn to the rivalry with Cal
Dixon didn't want to leave
Capel is waiting for Duke
Few is waiting for Oregon

After you eliminate those guys, Floyd is about as good as we're going to get. The program's prestige took a huge hit the past two years.

Floyd can recruit, and at least the teams will play defense now. At worst he should be able to stabilize the program and keep it afloat as a bridge to Josh Pastner.


He was never going to Zona. They offered him a "blank check" offer and he said no.
It was widely rumored for almost a month that he had expressed interest in coming to Arizona, and that it was only when his dream job popped up,that he decided to turn away from Arizona.

Not saying that it's true, but if a lot of people with sources in college basketball are saying it, then it could be true.
Kent only had a job if Mark Few was unavailable, no way no how did they actually give Kent another year if they also thought Few was attainable.
Originally Posted by 2wenty thre3

Floyd coaches great Defense, but his offensive sets are terrible. I wonder who SC is going to get
This man is 100% correct. I was never a fan of Floyd but I doubt SC can replace him with someone worth a %%#+. At this point it's back tocheering for the football team and big balls Pete
Originally Posted by P MAC ONE

From everything I've read here's what happened:

Cal was going to come, until UK popped up.
Pitino was the second choice but he was drawn to the rivalry with Cal
Dixon didn't want to leave
Capel is waiting for Duke
Few is waiting for Oregon

After you eliminate those guys, Floyd is about as good as we're going to get. The program's prestige took a huge hit the past two years.

Floyd can recruit, and at least the teams will play defense now. At worst he should be able to stabilize the program and keep it afloat as a bridge to Josh Pastner.
Originally Posted by dreClark

Originally Posted by P MAC ONE

From everything I've read here's what happened:

Cal was going to come, until UK popped up.
Pitino was the second choice but he was drawn to the rivalry with Cal
Dixon didn't want to leave
Capel is waiting for Duke
Few is waiting for Oregon

After you eliminate those guys, Floyd is about as good as we're going to get. The program's prestige took a huge hit the past two years.

Floyd can recruit, and at least the teams will play defense now. At worst he should be able to stabilize the program and keep it afloat as a bridge to Josh Pastner.

I'll believe that when I see it.
Originally Posted by YngSeanCombs12

Originally Posted by dreClark

Originally Posted by P MAC ONE

From everything I've read here's what happened:

Cal was going to come, until UK popped up.
Pitino was the second choice but he was drawn to the rivalry with Cal
Dixon didn't want to leave
Capel Johnny Dawkins is waiting for Duke

Few is waiting for Oregon

After you eliminate those guys, Floyd is about as good as we're going to get. The program's prestige took a huge hit the past two years.

Floyd can recruit, and at least the teams will play defense now. At worst he should be able to stabilize the program and keep it afloat as a bridge to Josh Pastner.

I'll believe that when I see it.

[h3]Dawkins' Future[/h3]
Although Dawkins career at Stanford is just beginning, Duke people are already beginning to speculate about how long Dawkins will remain in Palo Alto. Even Stanford athletic director Bob Bowlsby suggested that Dawkins was in line to replace Mike Krzyzewski, when he retires.

Dawkins may indeed be in line for Coach K's job -- arguably the most-coveted position in college basketball. One thing is certain, though; no matter when the Duke job opens and if he's considered to replace Mike Krzyzewski, Johnny Dawkins will do what he's always done before making a move.

He'll be patient.

Read more: "Patience Pays for Duke's Johnny Dawkins: Former Blue Devils Player and Assistant Coach Is Stanford Head Coach" - http://college-basketball.suite101....e_pays_for_dukes_johnny_dawkins#ixzz0BX6oOGQY
Gee I believe it was only a week ago I got to read quotes from Floyd about how USC was the best job right now, best area, and he has never been more happy andnever wants to leave.
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02/25/09 9:00 AM
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I would love to see Capel come back home after K retires and if Dawkins doesn't return for the spot.


Ricardo Malta wrote:
He sippin' red kool-aid and mashed potatoes through a straw for 2 months. And I'm still winning, just got complacent in the 3rd quarter. It's nothing I can't shake off. Ain't a felony and it's only 6 months. I'm still wavy

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I would have to go to Johnny of Jeff, IMO.

Anyone other than that, and it's a fail.

Johnny put in his years, went out and got the HC experience, and in a half decade or so when K retires, they should turn the reins over to him.

OR to the younger Capel. Esp. is he can field competitve teams post the Blake Griffin years.
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