Vice Appreciation Thread

Need to get this thread going again, anyone watch last nights episode?
dudes were crucifying Shane in his AMA when Murdoch came up :lol:

someone asked if it would effect content. Shane's reply:

well well well I just noticed all of this happened after I signed off. SO here is my answer "Why would it?" because a) 5% of ownership buys you say in... nothing. Biz matters, editorial, anything. This should be self-evident but apparently it isn't. B) he is running the largest media company in the world if you think that he has any time for VICE even if he wanted to you have no idea how things work in the real world. c) I vote 95% of the board why? so as to keep control of all matters editorial and commercial. We did this deal to stay independent it is unheard of to do non-majority deals why? Because they do not have a say in any of the management of the company. and D) Vice is successful because of what we do and say to change that would hurt the business, no one would want to change that. We change the content of the company on one criteria - that we like it - period

it's from 2ish weeks ago.
Shane's AMA was garbage though. He used it purely to promote the new season and was never interested in answering questions it seemed.

Plus homeboy has said so many times in the past that money corrupts everything but you gonna take Murdoch's money and act like it is no big deal. :lol:
I like some Vice videos and respect their hustle, but you have to take what's being said and portrayed with a grain of salt. Shane Smith is a compulsive liar who has made up many stories. His nickname was *********er Shane growing up.

Vice was great until Gavin McInnes was forced out.
VICE is going downhill. It's turning into white hipsters and their odd fascination with sub-standard living conditions.

Try and watch this without becoming mad.

It's impossible for me to get past the Wal-Mart scene. Brooklyn "journalist" hipsters drawing attention to themselves.
This one gave me a big case of the feels. I couldn't stand watching the kid go through that bullying, then talking about his dad. Almost teared up over here.


It's nice to see Vice do something on the Sunflower Movement (my parents are from Taiwan so I visit often).

Basically the president (who has >10% approval rating) is passing a trade pact with China. It'd basically ruin Taiwan's economy since China would gain a lot of control.
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dope that they have it on hbo now too
i gotta say one of the ones that stuck out the most to me was the interview with an assassin for some reason.. had me like :wow:
the krokodil one was also crazy
Action Bronson short film was dope.

Their sister channel Noisey with the chiraq docs were pretty good too.
lol funny you mention that, theres this dude that arguing with me in the chicago thread who made a claim about how the journalist is exploiting the people he was interviewing after only watching maybe like 2 min of the vid 

Vice has great content, keeps me entertained while at work. 
Action Bronson short film was dope.

Their sister channel Noisey with the chiraq docs were pretty good too.
lol funny you mention that, theres this dude that arguing with me in the chicago thread who made a claim about how the journalist is exploiting the people he was interviewing after only watching maybe like 2 min of the vid 

Vice has great content, keeps me entertained while at work. 
He slow af then.
I literally still have the first Vice mag from back in the days. Never thought they'd ever get to the level where they are at now. I was only a fan of their Do's and Don'ts at the time.

Their best thing are their shows produced by other people like Epicly Later'd, Fresh Of The Boat, Tattoo Age, Munchies, etc. of the best sites for free content. I wish I could work for them.
This one gave me a big case of the feels. I couldn't stand watching the kid go through that bullying, then talking about his dad. Almost teared up over here.
Damn way too many feels :frown:

Sometimes stuff like this just makes me hate the world. Why can't we all just love each other man 
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