**Video **Obama addresses Muslim World in Egypt -- "A New Beginning"

It's only a speech and only words. To me actions speak louder than words and I haven't seen Obama doing very much.
Originally Posted by Fede DPT

Originally Posted by SunDOOBIE

Originally Posted by I Be John Mayer

Originally Posted by Fede DPT

Goodbye Israel.

Khalid Al-Mansour taught him well.

Fede posting Fox News propaganda yet again. Dude exemplifies this mindset of hate and fear rhetoric used to garner Fox New's following.

Ayers, Rev. Wright, birth certificate, he's a Muslim, a socialist, this and that, blah blah blah and the American public overwhelmingly still voted for Obama... go figure?

Then he had the nerve to post "Goodbye Israel." I mean did you forget that a good 77% of Jewish Americans voted for Obama and did you forget that Obama's Chief of Staff, Rahm Emanuel, who is also Jewish, assisted the Clinton Administration in the signing of the Oslo Accords between Arafat and the Prime Minister of Israel at the White House Rose Garden. I mean regardless of those facts, based on one speech you conclude... it's "Goodbye Israel?"
Dude cracks me up...gotta love Fox News sheep.

As far as the speech goes... I only have one word: HISTORICAL. Never in my wildest dream would I ever imagine an American President quote not only the Koran but also the Bible and the Jewish Talmud in one speech. Truly impressive delivery by Obama. But the only thing is... it's just words. Obama knows how to talk and talk some more however let's see if the change is made in US foreign policy. After all what good is this speech if in a week a US drone kills dozens of innocent Muslim civilians in a Pakistani village?

All you can do is come back with "LOL Fede and his Fox News propaganda". Pathetic.

I don't care if quoted every holy book ever made, that doesn't mean anything. You dudes are looking at the wrong hand when he talks. He sprays fairy dust with the right hand, but you need to look at the left hand.

You're giving me stats on how much Jews voted for him, who cares? Historically Jews are liberal anyway, what difference does that make? Alot of Jews are against the state of Israel, you think all Jews are in favor of a Jewish state? Noam Chomsky is a good example, Karl Marx, the Jewish Socialist group the Fabian Society all against the state of Israel.

Although all Jews might not be for Zionism, all Jew's are pro-Israel.
Originally Posted by B Smooth 202

Liberalism is totalitarianism with a human face.
you are lost

Really? Last time I looked Totalitarianism is the regulation on public and private life. Funny, Obama told the U.S. what kind of cars they will be driving,brand new taxes based on a fabrication of science, and GPS in peoples cars to regulate how much gas they use, and I'm lost? He's also a Fascist, hestrong armed banks CEO's into taking Stimulus money they didnt want and cant give back, he basically fired the CEO of GM, who is a private citizen, put anorganized Labor Union in charge of now a Gov't runned company.

Do some history on the Progressive movement in America, clown.

Barack Obama is student of Saul Alinksy, so is Hillary Clinton. Read Rules for Radicals and that's who Barack Obama is.

You dudes listen to State Run media outlets like NBC whose CEO is one of Barack Obama's economic advisors and is lobbying for Cap and Trade for Gov'tcontracts, and I'm coming with propaganda? Just because those media outlets ho are dictated by the administration dont report it doesnt make it not true.Pitiful, self educate yourself.

Although all Jews might not be for Zionism, all Jew's are pro-Israel.

Couldn't be further from the truth.
All talk to me.

In the speech, he was talking about spreading democracy, as well as bridging and re-working relationships with the Muslim world, all the while he is thereshaking hands with Hosni Mubarak, a known authoritarian dictator as the leader of Egypt. What kind of message is this? How about the U.S. government stopsbefriending and allying with dictators in the Middle East who serve their interests and objecting to their own interests when it comes to foreign policy bytaking advantage of the Middle East and its people. The imperialist and colonial expansion of the Middle East by Western powers is nothing new and it willremain just the same.
Originally Posted by Fede DPT

You do have some VERY valid points. I won't argue them, I feel the same way about Obama and his administration.
Hopefully the result of America's future is better than our current present
Originally Posted by Hazeleyed Honey

All talk to me.

In the speech, he was talking about spreading democracy, as well as bridging and re-working relationships with the Muslim world, all the while he is there shaking hands with Hosni Mubarak, a known authoritarian dictator as the leader of Egypt. What kind of message is this? How about the U.S. government stops befriending and allying with dictators in the Middle East who serve their interests and objecting to their own interests when it comes to foreign policy by taking advantage of the Middle East and its people. The imperialist and colonial expansion of the Middle East by Western powers is nothing new and it will remain just the same.

Originally Posted by xilegacy

It's only a speech and only words. To me actions speak louder than words and I haven't seen Obama doing very much.

Nailed it straight on the head.

Hopefully this is the first step to a better relationship with them.
Obama said that there are 7 million Muslims in this country?

There's only 1.5 million, this dude just makes things up along the way because nobody is going to question him, people are afraid of Barack Obama.
Originally Posted by Hazeleyed Honey

All talk to me.

In the speech, he was talking about spreading democracy, as well as bridging and re-working relationships with the Muslim world, all the while he is there shaking hands with Hosni Mubarak, a known authoritarian dictator as the leader of Egypt. What kind of message is this? How about the U.S. government stops befriending and allying with dictators in the Middle East who serve their interests and objecting to their own interests when it comes to foreign policy by taking advantage of the Middle East and its people. The imperialist and colonial expansion of the Middle East by Western powers is nothing new and it will remain just the same.

Sad but true. Hopefully it can change one day, I just have a feeling it will not be soon.
Originally Posted by Fede DPT

Obama said that there are 7 million Muslims in this country?

There's only 1.5 million, this dude just makes things up along the way because nobody is going to question him, people are afraid of Barack Obama.
Most estimates say that there are between 5-8 million Muslims in the US.
Originally Posted by Fede DPT

Originally Posted by SunDOOBIE

Originally Posted by I Be John Mayer

Originally Posted by Fede DPT

Goodbye Israel.

Khalid Al-Mansour taught him well.

Fede posting Fox News propaganda yet again. Dude exemplifies this mindset of hate and fear rhetoric used to garner Fox New's following.

Ayers, Rev. Wright, birth certificate, he's a Muslim, a socialist, this and that, blah blah blah and the American public overwhelmingly still voted for Obama... go figure?

Then he had the nerve to post "Goodbye Israel." I mean did you forget that a good 77% of Jewish Americans voted for Obama and did you forget that Obama's Chief of Staff, Rahm Emanuel, who is also Jewish, assisted the Clinton Administration in the signing of the Oslo Accords between Arafat and the Prime Minister of Israel at the White House Rose Garden. I mean regardless of those facts, based on one speech you conclude... it's "Goodbye Israel?"
Dude cracks me up...gotta love Fox News sheep.

As far as the speech goes... I only have one word: HISTORICAL. Never in my wildest dream would I ever imagine an American President quote not only the Koran but also the Bible and the Jewish Talmud in one speech. Truly impressive delivery by Obama. But the only thing is... it's just words. Obama knows how to talk and talk some more however let's see if the change is made in US foreign policy. After all what good is this speech if in a week a US drone kills dozens of innocent Muslim civilians in a Pakistani village?

All you can do is come back with "LOL Fede and his Fox News propaganda". Pathetic.

I don't care if quoted every holy book ever made, that doesn't mean anything. You dudes are looking at the wrong hand when he talks. He sprays fairy dust with the right hand, but you need to look at the left hand.

You're giving me stats on how much Jews voted for him, who cares? Historically Jews are liberal anyway, what difference does that make? Alot of Jews are against the state of Israel, you think all Jews are in favor of a Jewish state? Noam Chomsky is a good example, Karl Marx, the Jewish Socialist group the Fabian Society all against the state of Israel.

Man you're missing the biggest point. The United States is completely invested in the existence and well-being of Isreal. Bottom line: America is andwill always be pro-Isreal no matter what they do.
So I'm 17 minutes in and I'm seeing things that are wrong.

First off, it sickens me when ANY American talks about how many innocent people were killed on 9/11 because since the birth of this country we have donenothing but commit atrocity after atrocity.

Secondly, I found it funny how he said that we didn't want military bases in Afghanistan, however didn't mention if we want to establish long termbases in Iraq. Edit: Well he actually just did say he did not plan to establish bases in Iraq, hopefully that is followed up on.

I also hope that we do help rebuild these countries we have pummeled.
Originally Posted by CallHimAR

So I'm 17 minutes in and I'm seeing things that are wrong.

First off, it sickens me when ANY American talks about how many innocent people were killed on 9/11 because since the birth of this country we have done nothing but commit atrocity after atrocity.

Secondly, I found it funny how he said that we didn't want military bases in Afghanistan, however didn't mention if we want to establish long term bases in Iraq. Edit: Well he actually just did say he did not plan to establish bases in Iraq, hopefully that is followed up on.

I also hope that we do help rebuild these countries we have pummeled.

1. Every country has commited atrocities and has also suffered the loss of innocent lives. Just because the United States has done some really shady stuffdoesn't mean that the lives lost in 9/11 are any less significant. I feel you that we don't need to be reminded of it in every speech made by a publicofficial, but at the same time you can't just discount it. Even if the circumstances around the event aren't what they seem, it was still an eventthat completely changed the course of American history in a way that hasn't been seen since World War II.

2. Me and you both know damn well that Iraq's function since our initial invasion is to create a "base", wether military, economic, orpolitical, in the Middle East from which we can have a strong influence and solid, consistent support and more governments under our control (see pakistan). It'll take some time, but eventually it will get there.
Originally Posted by I Be John Mayer

Man you're missing the biggest point. The United States is completely invested in the existence and well-being of Isreal. Bottom line: America is and will always be pro-Isreal no matter what they do.

Because of my beliefs, I think the U.S. should stop financially supporting Israel and every other country in this world and honestly, Israel doesnt needsfinancial support. People will say "Oh, the U.S. financially supports Israel's nuclear weapons." its just simply not true and their is noevidence of that. In the late 50's the French president at the time gave Israel the funding to start its nuclear activity and has been developing weaponssince and probably has the best Research and Development on the planet, without U.S. help. Hell, the U.S. doesn't even know how much nukes they have, theyhave a broad estimate of somewhere between 40-400.

In my opinion is well know, I dont think the "Palestinians" arent entitled to land. The U.S. has been using politics in this situation and never cameup with anything reasonable. If anything the U.S. made in worse in the 70's with the establishment of Gaza and the West Bank. Why in the hell would youcreate territories of a probable homeland on two different part of the land? Who ever heard of that? Which was developed with the help of Henry Kissinger, whois Jewsih also and is anti-Israel.
First off, it sickens me when ANY American talks about how many innocent people were killed on 9/11 because since the birth of this country we have done nothing but commit atrocity after atrocity.

Why do you live in the United States?
Originally Posted by SunDOOBIE

Ayers, Rev. Wright, birth certificate, he's a Muslim, a socialist, this and that, blah blah blah and the American public overwhelmingly still voted for Obama... go figure?
Ayers, Wright, and socialism are all valid points, and important information about the kind of person Obama is. The fact that obama-botscan't take the truth doesn't make it irrelevent. And by the way, the American public did not "overwhelmingly" vote for Obama, 48% of thecountry voted AGAINST him. Half this country can see right through him, the other half just have no idea what they are talking about, like yourself...
Fede be making some good points (not that I agree with all of them) but I don't think some of y'all even read what he writes, just quote it andstoneface
Originally Posted by Fede DPT

Originally Posted by I Be John Mayer

Man you're missing the biggest point. The United States is completely invested in the existence and well-being of Isreal. Bottom line: America is and will always be pro-Isreal no matter what they do.

Because of my beliefs, I think the U.S. should stop financially supporting Israel and every other country in this world and honestly, Israel doesnt needs financial support. People will say "Oh, the U.S. financially supports Israel's nuclear weapons." its just simply not true and their is no evidence of that. In the late 50's the French president at the time gave Israel the funding to start its nuclear activity and has been developing weapons since and probably has the best Research and Development on the planet, without U.S. help. Hell, the U.S. doesn't even know how much nukes they have, they have a broad estimate of somewhere between 40-400.

In my opinion is well know, I dont think the "Palestinians" arent entitled to land. The U.S. has been using politics in this situation and never came up with anything reasonable. If anything the U.S. made in worse in the 70's with the establishment of Gaza and the West Bank. Why in the hell would you create territories of a probable homeland on two different part of the land? Who ever heard of that? Which was developed with the help of Henry Kissinger, who is Jewsih also and is anti-Israel.
First off, it sickens me when ANY American talks about how many innocent people were killed on 9/11 because since the birth of this country we have done nothing but commit atrocity after atrocity.

Why do you live in the United States?

It seems as though you are mixing your personal opinion up with the U.S.'s Middle East policy. In fact, the two seem to be in direct contrast. And Iwholeheartedly disagree with you on the right of a Palestinian state. They kicked alot of those "palestinians" out of Isreal in order toartificially create a state, and now those people need a place to live where they can have human rights and a right to the land that was taken from them.
Originally Posted by Fede DPT

Originally Posted by I Be John Mayer

Man you're missing the biggest point. The United States is completely invested in the existence and well-being of Isreal. Bottom line: America is and will always be pro-Isreal no matter what they do.

Because of my beliefs, I think the U.S. should stop financially supporting Israel and every other country in this world and honestly, Israel doesnt needs financial support. People will say "Oh, the U.S. financially supports Israel's nuclear weapons." its just simply not true and their is no evidence of that. In the late 50's the French president at the time gave Israel the funding to start its nuclear activity and has been developing weapons since and probably has the best Research and Development on the planet, without U.S. help. Hell, the U.S. doesn't even know how much nukes they have, they have a broad estimate of somewhere between 40-400.

In my opinion is well know, I dont think the "Palestinians" arent entitled to land. The U.S. has been using politics in this situation and never came up with anything reasonable. If anything the U.S. made in worse in the 70's with the establishment of Gaza and the West Bank. Why in the hell would you create territories of a probable homeland on two different part of the land? Who ever heard of that? Which was developed with the help of Henry Kissinger, who is Jewsih also and is anti-Israel.
First off, it sickens me when ANY American talks about how many innocent people were killed on 9/11 because since the birth of this country we have done nothing but commit atrocity after atrocity.

Why do you live in the United States?

The only reason Israel doesn't need the financial support is because over the past 40 years we have given them so much it is mind boggling. If they wereleft to truly fend for themselves it would be a more even situation. Also, if you don't think we had anything to do with Israel obtaining/making their ownnuclear arsenal you are only fooling yourself. When Israeli politicians and army personel talk about the "special weaponry" that we gave them, itreally is no secret as to what they are talking about. As for the second part of what you wrote, you may want to type that out again because honestly I have noidea what you are trying to say. It's pretty much incoherent.

Why do I live in the United States? I was born here. It is the greatest country in the world and I love it here, however I do not love the fact that countlesstimes throughout history my government has decided to go into a nation on the grounds that there are "terrorists" there who are "an imminentthreat to our existence" while the countries directly adjacent to them are baffled by this because they know for a fact that they are no threat to anyone.I also find it troubling that if a country democratically elects a person who disagrees with U.S. policy, we simply stir up rebel fighters to overthrow saidgovernment.
Originally Posted by GhostWriter

It's about time. The speech was excellent. I didn't think I would see the day that America would elect a African American let alone one who was half-muslim.

u cant be half a religion
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