**Video **Obama addresses Muslim World in Egypt -- "A New Beginning"

Originally Posted by kix4kix

Although all Jews might not be for Zionism, all Jew's are pro-Israel.
isnt there something in the torah that prohibits mass movment to palestine? i thought i heard that some where
Originally Posted by CallHimAR

Originally Posted by Fede DPT

Originally Posted by I Be John Mayer

Why do I live in the United States? I was born here. It is the greatest country in the world and I love it here, however I do not love the fact that countless times throughout history my government has decided to go into a nation on the grounds that there are "terrorists" there who are "an imminent threat to our existence" while the countries directly adjacent to them are baffled by this because they know for a fact that they are no threat to anyone. I also find it troubling that if a country democratically elects a person who disagrees with U.S. policy, we simply stir up rebel fighters to overthrow said government.

atleast obama mentioned and somewhat apologized for what was done in 1953 in Iran. The CIA destruction of a democracy to bring dictatorship thatdestroyed US relations with Iranian people
atleast obama mentioned and somewhat apologized for what was done in 1953 in Iran. The CIA destruction of a democracy to bring dictatorship that destroyed US relations with Iranian people
A step in the right direction but by no means an apology.
Originally Posted by I Be John Mayer

It seems as though you are mixing your personal opinion up with the U.S.'s Middle East policy. In fact, the two seem to be in direct contrast. And I wholeheartedly disagree with you on the right of a Palestinian state. They kicked alot of those "palestinians" out of Isreal in order to artificially create a state, and now those people need a place to live where they can have human rights and a right to the land that was taken from them.

I made that opinion because I read, homie. Artificially? Those "Palestinians" don't have an identity, they are just Jordanian immigrants i.e.Yasser Arafat. Palestine was never a country it was under Ottoman control for 400 years and British mandate for some time. In 1917 you had the BalfourDeclaration, which the British, who were in control of the land told the Israelis that desginated land would be established for a Jewish State. Now whether youthink that is some sort of conspiracy against the Arabs is debatable and no evidence proves that.

The reason you have those "refugees" is because in the 1947-48 war Jordan, Syria, Lebannon, and Egypt told the Arabs in the West Bank and Gaza toleave their home because of an inevitable invasion of Israel. Israel ends up winning the war and those Arabs who left those settlements lost their home as welland it's Israel's fault? Egypt, Jordan, and Lebannon didnt want those immigrants in their country either.

People can priase Yasse Arafat all you want, but fact of the matter is he made is worse for his "people". Stealing aid money given to the PLO fromthe U.S. and sending to his wife in France and blames it on the Israeli's? Please. The Palestinian Gov't are the ones oppressing their own people, theflourish on the fact that their people suffer because it keeps their people angry and willing to do anything they dictate to do.

Ive been to Israel numerous times, I'm actually Israeli. I've been to the West Bank and Gaza, I've been to Jericho, I've seen these places. Idont agree that the Palstinians should have their own state, but it will happen in some fashion and personally I feel it will be an "all or nothing".Either Israel will be destroyed or the Palestinians will take total control with help of Hezbollah and Iran.

I think what Obama is doing is wrong, these people are religously motivated. He thinks he will be able to talk to thme if they are "directed by God"?Who does he think he is? Ahmadinejiad thinks he's the 12th Imam, how can you talk to that dude?
Originally Posted by J Burner

Originally Posted by SunDOOBIE

Ayers, Rev. Wright, birth certificate, he's a Muslim, a socialist, this and that, blah blah blah and the American public overwhelmingly still voted for Obama... go figure?
Ayers, Wright, and socialism are all valid points, and important information about the kind of person Obama is. The fact that obama-bots can't take the truth doesn't make it irrelevent. And by the way, the American public did not "overwhelmingly" vote for Obama, 48% of the country voted AGAINST him. Half this country can see right through him, the other half just have no idea what they are talking about, like yourself...

Ayers is actually not a valid point because it has been debunked a million times.

Wright a little bit but when the hell will you let it go obviously America didn't give a damn about the connection.

Socialism is not worth talking about here because yippie for us the country voted for him

By the way the election was a blow out. It was over with by 9:30, officially over at 11.
egypt was cooler when it had horus, set, osiris, thoth and all thoese as their gods. now they're a bunch muslim homosexuals.

they should rebuild the great pyramid and put the limestone back on that was used for a crappy mosque.
Originally Posted by enlightenedespot

Those "Palestinians" don't have an identity, they are just Jordanian immigrants
Egypt, Jordan, and Lebannon didnt want those immigrants in their country either.
I dont agree that the Palestinians should have their own state

So where do they belong?

Where do they live now? I'm not saying they cant live in Israel, I'm just saying there shouldn't be a "Palestinian State". Where do youthink they work? They work in Israel they don't work in Gaza and the West Bank, the Unemployment rate is damn near 35% and 25% and that is Israel'sfault? Please, the Gov't the have cant even take care of their own people and they want their own country?
Let me tell you guys why the Middle East is chaotic. A brief history and my view of the problems.

1. Arab Countries; Egypt, Jordan, Saudia Arabia despotic regimes. They have a vested and economic interest in continuing the instablity and chaos in the MiddleEast. Egypt and Jordan receive billions of dollars every year and if there ever is a Palestinian state, they will lose that funding from the US.

2. Saudia Arabia is just a cruel & repressive regime that doesn't represent the Saudi public. They use the Arab/Israeli conflict to deflect theattention from their corrupt regime.

3. Iran is being used as another scapegoat by the Arab rulers and the US & Israel. Why were we willing to sell them nuclear technology and build themnuclear reactors in 70's but now refuse them the right to nuclear technology. It was rumored the deal between the former Shah of Iran and the US was worthmore than $1 Trillion dollars.

4. Iraq used to be a favorite ally of the US when the US was showering Saddam Hussein with the latest weapons. We built up the Iraq Army to become the 4thlargest military in the world in the 80's and early 90's. They had more than 10,000 tanks which was only second to the US which has 20,000 tanks.

5. Obama should've gave his speech in Indonesia or Malaysia. Those countries are great examples of democracy and Islam. They are forward looking &progressive countries unlike the backward mentality of a majority of Arab Countries. I'm not blaming the people of Arab countries but their corrupt leadersthat hold their people back.
Originally Posted by Fede DPT

Originally Posted by I Be John Mayer

It seems as though you are mixing your personal opinion up with the U.S.'s Middle East policy. In fact, the two seem to be in direct contrast. And I wholeheartedly disagree with you on the right of a Palestinian state. They kicked alot of those "palestinians" out of Isreal in order to artificially create a state, and now those people need a place to live where they can have human rights and a right to the land that was taken from them.

I made that opinion because I read, homie. Artificially? Those "Palestinians" don't have an identity, they are just Jordanian immigrants i.e. Yasser Arafat. Palestine was never a country it was under Ottoman control for 400 years and British mandate for some time. In 1917 you had the Balfour Declaration, which the British, who were in control of the land told the Israelis that desginated land would be established for a Jewish State. Now whether you think that is some sort of conspiracy against the Arabs is debatable and no evidence proves that.

The reason you have those "refugees" is because in the 1947-48 war Jordan, Syria, Lebannon, and Egypt told the Arabs in the West Bank and Gaza to leave their home because of an inevitable invasion of Israel. Israel ends up winning the war and those Arabs who left those settlements lost their home as well and it's Israel's fault? Egypt, Jordan, and Lebannon didnt want those immigrants in their country either.

People can priase Yasse Arafat all you want, but fact of the matter is he made is worse for his "people". Stealing aid money given to the PLO from the U.S. and sending to his wife in France and blames it on the Israeli's? Please. The Palestinian Gov't are the ones oppressing their own people, the flourish on the fact that their people suffer because it keeps their people angry and willing to do anything they dictate to do.

Ive been to Israel numerous times, I'm actually Israeli. I've been to the West Bank and Gaza, I've been to Jericho, I've seen these places. I dont agree that the Palstinians should have their own state, but it will happen in some fashion and personally I feel it will be an "all or nothing". Either Israel will be destroyed or the Palestinians will take total control with help of Hezbollah and Iran.

I think what Obama is doing is wrong, these people are religously motivated. He thinks he will be able to talk to thme if they are "directed by God"? Who does he think he is? Ahmadinejiad thinks he's the 12th Imam, how can you talk to that dude?
It's absolutley mind boggling that israel was "artificially created" yet a palestine that never officially exists is not"artificial". I love how people forget how the ottomons and brits were there. It's so convienient to complain about land lost in the 6 day war aswell. THEY LOST. If Israel lost that war they would have lost land. That's usually how WAR works..

I hope palestine does become a country just so the world sees how the rest of the arab world will continue to **** on their "brothers". Obama isplaying with fire here, getting close to the jimmy carter route. But hey if Hamas reckognizes Israel's right to exist maybe this can actually work though.Even though israel's destruction is in their charter....
Originally Posted by Essential1

By the way the election was a blow out. It was over with by 9:30, officially over at 11.
By the way, numbers don't lie. Obama got 52% of the popular vote, that means 48% of the country voted against him. The numbers don'tchange based on what time the results were in. Almost half the country still voted against him. This is not a debate, its a statement of facts.
Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

Fede be making some good points (not that I agree with all of them) but I don't think some of y'all even read what he writes, just quote it and stoneface
Your turn.

Originally Posted by J Burner

Originally Posted by Essential1

By the way the election was a blow out. It was over with by 9:30, officially over at 11.
By the way, numbers don't lie. Obama got 52% of the popular vote, that means 48% of the country voted against him. The numbers don't change based on what time the results were in. Almost half the country still voted against him. This is not a debate, its a statement of facts.

9 million vote margin is HUGE in elections it is not Reagan Dukokis but that is HUGE, that is like winning the game by 25 in the NBA. I am not saying bypercentage that isn't close but by election standards that is huge margins.
Although all Jews might not be for Zionism, all Jew's are pro-Israel.

What do you mean "pro-Israel"?? If you mean pro-Israel in the sense that there should be a state called Israel, then you might be right (althoughthere are still Jews who don't want the state of Israel to exist).. But if you mean "pro-Israel" in the sense that they support everything thatIsrael does, including the continuous building of illegal settlements on the West Bank, then no. Many Jews are critical of this, just as they were with thestrikes on Gaza and the 06 Lebanon campaign..
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