(VIDS UP)CNN reports briefing in Washington on UFOs **IT'S ABOUT TO GET REAL YALL**

Humans seem to have this constant need to believe in something. I'm sure most of you here don't believe in organized religion and laugh at the idea of an all knowing God or heaven. Yet here we are in this thread, believing in things coming down from the heavens and destroying us, as told to us by the enlightened prophets to deliver us from evil, although we lack true or tangible proof. Miracles or grainy camcorder footage, 2012 or Revelations, what's the difference anymore.

Sounds about right...

Well, I'm from the South and I eat a lot of Dairy Queen so I have no control over my own mind since I stare at their logo a lot. On the other hand, many of my fellow NT brethren who, like me, have a strong fascination with shoes and collect them, are somehow a cut above the rest and can resist their mind control techniques. As such, they can spit the truth over the interweb while avoiding the ever present MIB. I think the irony in a lot of these posts is that they aren't willing to listen to any type of mainstream source, and yet are willing to gobble up the goods on any other stream of media, as if their own theories don't rule out the possibility of them already being fed disinformation, which means all this truth they think they have, is only taking them further away from the truth.

Excellent Point...


BINGOOOO...and we have a winner...This thread is simply one variation of the "supposed" truth that has been reverberated over the course of history.It happens all the time...and it always starts with a group of people who for some reason of another, feel the need to excommunicate themselves from societybecause they feel it to be a sham. Amongst themselves, they find some commanility and assume this to be the hidden truth, somehow, imperceptible to the rest ofthe social population. If you try hard enough, you can even theorize this to be the progenitor of all religions.

Now realize this--at the heart of this thread, at the heart of religion, and at the heart of the human capacity is THENEED TO BELIEVE coupled with THE NEED TO BE PART OF A GROUP...this is at the psychological level and atthe biological level, respectively...

So once again, but more simply stated, the "truth" being spread around in this thread is nothing new. It's simply the manifestation ofRED and PURPLE amongst individuals who desperately seek to findpatterns in the world, and do so under delusive pretences. The "truth" is obsure and very relative and is a contrary entity at times. Science andMath communicate "truths" based on very real "laws" that govern our universe. But faith also communicates a very real "truth"that cannot be explained by physical or natural laws, and dissected by Science and Math. So at the end of the day which "truth" is correct; the onebased on Math and Science, or the ond based on Faith. Or is it some combination of the two. Or maybe it's neither...

The point is, the "truth" is a very malleable, shapeless, continuously changing obscurity. Don't be foolish enough to "believe" that itis being elucidated in this thread simply because of the "accounts" of a few individuals who bolster up their hypothesis with patterns theypercieved. If you try hard enough, you will always find patterns and symbols that connote some relevance to the "truth" you're adhering to.ALWAYS...

Is the "truth" being perpetuated in this thread...I highly doubt it...but what I know for sure is that, the real "Truth" is something younor I really know...that's the "Truth"...


Here's a pattern or symbol for you: My post count when I made this post was 1333.

This post count is made up of 2 numbers, 1 and 3. Now if we subtract the 1 from 3, we get 2. Now multiply the 2 by all the 3's and we get ***.

Now how is that of any relevance...well maybe, I'm the super-devil (which would explain why my screen name begins with SUPER) and I'm working withIlluminati in hopes of derailing this thread so that the "Truth" is not perpetuated amongst the people. Heck check out my avy, It say's "Iwill destroy you"...very SUPER-devil like wouldn't you say...

How's that for a pattern...


Originally Posted by abeautifulhaze

Originally Posted by JamesOnNT

what happened to NothingBefore?

A lot of the %!!! he said was crazy but these type of threads are the best on NT.

My man Haze .. elaborate. What should we be looking for heading towards/into/through 2012?

The Universe and our world is in perfect order.

Just look at everything in nature and how it fits together perfectly like a complex puzzle.

It is only the human mind, which is in disarray and confusion. And we are born a blank slate, phsyically perfect, capable of achieving things that are currently unimaginable. Why is it that something as highly advanced, fine tuned and evolved as the human brain is not being used aywhere close to its capacity?

That confusion has been planted and tended to by interested parties because they have read the writing on the walls a long time ago.

We were a more elevated being thousands of years ago. Through metu-neter people were able to communicate telepathically and on higher planes. Just look at the pyramids and the ancient Egyptian/Kemetic sciences...we are still in awe and trying to figure out their brilliance centuries later.

Bodies in space are acting on us right now and moving closer and closer to Earth. There is new stardust in the atmosphere that can be inhaled and used fpr physical and spiritaul well being. The ancients knew all of this and many in the ruling class know it as well.

Pranayama (Sanskrit: pr
Originally Posted by LESfamilia

Originally Posted by buggz05

Has anybody been having trouble meditating?
Yeah... I've been falling asleep or have been distracted trying to do it lately. The closest thing I could do to either it or praying today was shooting some hoops in the gym today.
please feel free to PM me if you have any questions or need some tips for meditation.
or we can always just discuss it in here
Originally Posted by Mangudai954

What is everyone's thoughts on telepathy?

Very possible. Its deep in our minds but we dont understand it yet. There are levels of energy thay every living and non living thing produces. Our minds arejust not tuned to most of them. Telepathy is one of them. We all get that "wierd feeling" sometimes. Or the feeling you do not like an individualEven though youve never seen them or spoke to them in your life. Its an aura, an essense, An energy that a person gives off. I can be possitve or negative butwe feel it. I felt it. Energies from everywhere. I touched my dog and felt nothing but peace And calmness, but felt negative scratching energies from ppl. Iunderstood that our minds Are just not "tuned" to it in our everyday lives, but we do have this ability. When we are born and grow we slowley fallaway from it. Just like when you reach a certain Age we cant hear certain sound waves anymore. Thos waves are energies that our minds Have chosen to not beapart of our daily lives. But there are things the earth bares that brings Us back to that state where our "ego" is no more allowing our minds to bemore sensative to energies
Originally Posted by Chi ILL

listen... i don't know why people need to argue about their beliefs -not you in particular... anyone. it's great to share and bounce off of each others ideas... seeing things from a different perspective is enlightening. but can you force another person to agree with you? and see like you see? how can you crucify people for what they believe? how can you expect someone to see eye to eye with you if you are looking down on them?
i just don't get it... care to enlighten me?

I don't understand how NTers expect people to take in their opinions & what they're saying when they're looking down upon their audience (or the people disagreeing with them) .


How do we know that the sky is blue ? What is blue ? Society told us that .

So how can you guys sit in here & say we basically "don't know anything"?

How do we know what we know ? How do you know what you know ?

Yeah. I HATE how people take what they're told or taught asgospel (and most of the time it's just a very shallow understanding of the topics). I argue both sides of the fence. For people who are too into science, Iargue about their scientific beliefs (and it usually helps that I know more about science/physics/etc than them). For people who are too into religion, I argueabout their religious beliefs (and it usually helps that I know more about the Bible/world's religions than them). Anyways, best way to combat ignorance isby educating yourself. Maybe they are right but you're not any better unless you learn and read more (from a breadth of stuff).
Originally Posted by SuperAntigen

Humans seem to have this constant need to believe in something. I'm sure most of you here don't believe in organized religion and laugh at the idea of an all knowing God or heaven. Yet here we are in this thread, believing in things coming down from the heavens and destroying us, as told to us by the enlightened prophets to deliver us from evil, although we lack true or tangible proof. Miracles or grainy camcorder footage, 2012 or Revelations, what's the difference anymore.

Sounds about right...

Well, I'm from the South and I eat a lot of Dairy Queen so I have no control over my own mind since I stare at their logo a lot. On the other hand, many of my fellow NT brethren who, like me, have a strong fascination with shoes and collect them, are somehow a cut above the rest and can resist their mind control techniques. As such, they can spit the truth over the interweb while avoiding the ever present MIB. I think the irony in a lot of these posts is that they aren't willing to listen to any type of mainstream source, and yet are willing to gobble up the goods on any other stream of media, as if their own theories don't rule out the possibility of them already being fed disinformation, which means all this truth they think they have, is only taking them further away from the truth.

Excellent Point...


BINGOOOO...and we have a winner...This thread is simply one variation of the "supposed" truth that has been reverberated over the course of history. It happens all the time...and it always starts with a group of people who for some reason of another, feel the need to excommunicate themselves from society because they feel it to be a sham. Amongst themselves, they find some commanility and assume this to be the hidden truth, somehow, imperceptible to the rest of the social population. If you try hard enough, you can even theorize this to be the progenitor of all religions.

Now realize this--at the heart of this thread, at the heart of religion, and at the heart of the human capacity is THE NEED TO BELIEVE coupled with THE NEED TO BE PART OF A GROUP...this is at the psychological level and at the biological level, respectively...

So once again, but more simply stated, the "truth" being spread around in this thread is nothing new. It's simply the manifestation of RED and PURPLE amongst individuals who desperately seek to find patterns in the world, and do so under delusive pretences. The "truth" is obsure and very relative and is a contrary entity at times. Science and Math communicate "truths" based on very real "laws" that govern our universe. But faith also communicates a very real "truth" that cannot be explained by physical or natural laws, and dissected by Science and Math. So at the end of the day which "truth" is correct; the one based on Math and Science, or the ond based on Faith. Or is it some combination of the two. Or maybe it's neither...

The point is, the "truth" is a very malleable, shapeless, continuously changing obscurity. Don't be foolish enough to "believe" that it is being elucidated in this thread simply because of the "accounts" of a few individuals who bolster up their hypothesis with patterns they percieved. If you try hard enough, you will always find patterns and symbols that connote some relevance to the "truth" you're adhering to. ALWAYS...

Is the "truth" being perpetuated in this thread...I highly doubt it...but what I know for sure is that, the real "Truth" is something you nor I really know...that's the "Truth"...


Here's a pattern or symbol for you: My post count when I made this post was 1333.

This post count is made up of 2 numbers, 1 and 3. Now if we subtract the 1 from 3, we get 2. Now multiply the 2 by all the 3's and we get ***.

Now how is that of any relevance...well maybe, I'm the super-devil (which would explain why my screen name begins with SUPER) and I'm working with Illuminati in hopes of derailing this thread so that the "Truth" is not perpetuated amongst the people. Heck check out my avy, It say's "I will destroy you"...very SUPER-devil like wouldn't you say...

How's that for a pattern...



i think this is my wavelength...

Try and understand the basis of everybodies thinking, sit back and watch it play out
Originally Posted by NikeTalker23

Originally Posted by abeautifulhaze

All the information you will ever get online or in a book will always be from secondhand accounts. How is one to believe anything anybody else says? It's impossible to know if it's fact or not. Unless you witness the truth firsthand, you can never assume what you think you know is the truth. I can do all the research I want but at the end of the day how am I supposed to know it's 100% true unless I've witnessed it myself?
Thats not true.

Books and online information are often first hand accounts, which people have witnessed themselves and many times you can verify that information on your own.
It's a firsthand account to the author but not to the one reading.

But I should have been more specific. I was referring to topics like the Illuminati. How are we supposed to believe anything we read about them when we really can't prove it ourselves. At the end of the end of the day you can go out and do all the research you want but you can never be 100% sure it's fact. It's all conspiracy theories.

The same can said about most things, though. Can't it?
Originally Posted by FromThaTown

Originally Posted by BeatJunkie5

Where you from? By your s/n...i'm assuming your from Oakland...now where the hell did you see a UFO in the bay?
I saw them at San Ramon. It was 3 objects that had colors twirling around the craft, and they were moving around on stacked formation ( On top of each other). They looked like they were floating on top of each other and just zoning in mid-air. All of sudden the top UFO had this sudden burst of energy and looked like it evaporated out the sky. The other 2 objects followed in sequential order from top to bottom. My boy still has it on his cell phone. I told him to turn it in, but he's kind of spooked about have people( government) all in his business. I was in the background in his cell phone video frantically cussing and everything. When it happens to you, you feel conflicted in telling your story to others at first. But I felt since I have proof, why the hell not??? I still get reactions like you're one of "those" people, I seeeeeeee. It's cool though cause I know what I saw along with others that day.
post that ++#! here asap!
Originally Posted by SuperAntigen

So once again, but more simply stated, the "truth" being spread around in this thread is nothing new. It's simply the manifestation of RED and PURPLE amongst individuals who desperately seek to find patterns in the world, and do so under delusive pretences. The "truth" is obsure and very relative and is a contrary entity at times. Science and Math communicate "truths" based on very real "laws" that govern our universe. But faith also communicates a very real "truth" that cannot be explained by physical or natural laws, and dissected by Science and Math. So at the end of the day which "truth" is correct; the one based on Math and Science, or the ond based on Faith. Or is it some combination of the two. Or maybe it's neither...

The point is, the "truth" is a very malleable, shapeless, continuously changing obscurity. Don't be foolish enough to "believe" that it is being elucidated in this thread simply because of the "accounts" of a few individuals who bolster up their hypothesis with patterns they percieved. If you try hard enough, you will always find patterns and symbols that connote some relevance to the "truth" you're adhering to. ALWAYS...

Is the "truth" being perpetuated in this thread...I highly doubt it...but what I know for sure is that, the real "Truth" is something you nor I really know...that's the "Truth"...

Wow, arrogant, much....
There are tons of UFOs just not the alien variety.

Good read
[h1]The Road to Area 51[/h1]


Email Picture

After decades of denying the facility's existence, five former insiders speak out


And the quintessential Area 51 conspiracy-that the Pentagon keeps captured alien spacecraft there, which they fly around in restricted airspace? Turns out that one's pretty easy to debunk. The shape of OXCART was unprece-dented, with its wide, disk-like fuselage designed to carry vast quantities of fuel. Commercial pilots cruising over Nevada at dusk would look up and see the bottom of OXCART whiz by at 2,000-plus mph. The aircraft's tita-nium body, moving as fast as a bullet, would reflect the sun's rays in a way that could make anyone think, UFO.

Originally Posted by Smedroc

Originally Posted by SuperAntigen

Humans seem to have this constant need to believe in something. I'm sure most of you here don't believe in organized religion and laugh at the idea of an all knowing God or heaven. Yet here we are in this thread, believing in things coming down from the heavens and destroying us, as told to us by the enlightened prophets to deliver us from evil, although we lack true or tangible proof. Miracles or grainy camcorder footage, 2012 or Revelations, what's the difference anymore.

Sounds about right...

Well, I'm from the South and I eat a lot of Dairy Queen so I have no control over my own mind since I stare at their logo a lot. On the other hand, many of my fellow NT brethren who, like me, have a strong fascination with shoes and collect them, are somehow a cut above the rest and can resist their mind control techniques. As such, they can spit the truth over the interweb while avoiding the ever present MIB. I think the irony in a lot of these posts is that they aren't willing to listen to any type of mainstream source, and yet are willing to gobble up the goods on any other stream of media, as if their own theories don't rule out the possibility of them already being fed disinformation, which means all this truth they think they have, is only taking them further away from the truth.

Excellent Point...


BINGOOOO...and we have a winner...This thread is simply one variation of the "supposed" truth that has been reverberated over the course of history. It happens all the time...and it always starts with a group of people who for some reason of another, feel the need to excommunicate themselves from society because they feel it to be a sham. Amongst themselves, they find some commanility and assume this to be the hidden truth, somehow, imperceptible to the rest of the social population. If you try hard enough, you can even theorize this to be the progenitor of all religions.

Now realize this--at the heart of this thread, at the heart of religion, and at the heart of the human capacity is THE NEED TO BELIEVE coupled with THE NEED TO BE PART OF A GROUP...this is at the psychological level and at the biological level, respectively...

So once again, but more simply stated, the "truth" being spread around in this thread is nothing new. It's simply the manifestation of RED and PURPLE amongst individuals who desperately seek to find patterns in the world, and do so under delusive pretences. The "truth" is obsure and very relative and is a contrary entity at times. Science and Math communicate "truths" based on very real "laws" that govern our universe. But faith also communicates a very real "truth" that cannot be explained by physical or natural laws, and dissected by Science and Math. So at the end of the day which "truth" is correct; the one based on Math and Science, or the ond based on Faith. Or is it some combination of the two. Or maybe it's neither...

The point is, the "truth" is a very malleable, shapeless, continuously changing obscurity. Don't be foolish enough to "believe" that it is being elucidated in this thread simply because of the "accounts" of a few individuals who bolster up their hypothesis with patterns they percieved. If you try hard enough, you will always find patterns and symbols that connote some relevance to the "truth" you're adhering to. ALWAYS...

Is the "truth" being perpetuated in this thread...I highly doubt it...but what I know for sure is that, the real "Truth" is something you nor I really know...that's the "Truth"...


Here's a pattern or symbol for you: My post count when I made this post was 1333.

This post count is made up of 2 numbers, 1 and 3. Now if we subtract the 1 from 3, we get 2. Now multiply the 2 by all the 3's and we get ***.

Now how is that of any relevance...well maybe, I'm the super-devil (which would explain why my screen name begins with SUPER) and I'm working with Illuminati in hopes of derailing this thread so that the "Truth" is not perpetuated amongst the people. Heck check out my avy, It say's "I will destroy you"...very SUPER-devil like wouldn't you say...

How's that for a pattern...



i think this is my wavelength...

Try and understand the basis of everybodies thinking, sit back and watch it play out




Originally Posted by SuperAntigen

So once again, but more simply stated, the "truth" being spread around in this thread is nothing new. It's simply the manifestation of RED and PURPLE amongst individuals who desperately seek to find patterns in the world, and do so under delusive pretences. The "truth" is obsure and very relative and is a contrary entity at times. Science and Math communicate "truths" based on very real "laws" that govern our universe. But faith also communicates a very real "truth" that cannot be explained by physical or natural laws, and dissected by Science and Math. So at the end of the day which "truth" is correct; the one based on Math and Science, or the ond based on Faith. Or is it some combination of the two. Or maybe it's neither...

The point is, the "truth" is a very malleable, shapeless, continuously changing obscurity. Don't be foolish enough to "believe" that it is being elucidated in this thread simply because of the "accounts" of a few individuals who bolster up their hypothesis with patterns they percieved. If you try hard enough, you will always find patterns and symbols that connote some relevance to the "truth" you're adhering to. ALWAYS...

Is the "truth" being perpetuated in this thread...I highly doubt it...but what I know for sure is that, the real "Truth" is something you nor I really know...that's the "Truth"...

Wow, arragont, much....


How is any of what I said arrogant. If anything you and others in this thread are the arrogant ones simply because you are quick to dismiss any point that iscontrary to what you've come to believe in...

Originally Posted by CherryRed

Originally Posted by SuperAntigen

So once again, but more simply stated, the "truth" being spread around in this thread is nothing new. It's simply the manifestation of RED and PURPLE amongst individuals who desperately seek to find patterns in the world, and do so under delusive pretences. The "truth" is obsure and very relative and is a contrary entity at times. Science and Math communicate "truths" based on very real "laws" that govern our universe. But faith also communicates a very real "truth" that cannot be explained by physical or natural laws, and dissected by Science and Math. So at the end of the day which "truth" is correct; the one based on Math and Science, or the ond based on Faith. Or is it some combination of the two. Or maybe it's neither...

The point is, the "truth" is a very malleable, shapeless, continuously changing obscurity. Don't be foolish enough to "believe" that it is being elucidated in this thread simply because of the "accounts" of a few individuals who bolster up their hypothesis with patterns they percieved. If you try hard enough, you will always find patterns and symbols that connote some relevance to the "truth" you're adhering to. ALWAYS...

Is the "truth" being perpetuated in this thread...I highly doubt it...but what I know for sure is that, the real "Truth" is something you nor I really know...that's the "Truth"...

Wow, arragont, much...
Actually, I don't disagree with much of what he's said. But there are just one too many big words for me lol. Not that I don'tunderstand them; I just feel they have no place on NT. Keep it simple!
Originally Posted by SuperAntigen

How is any of what I said arrogant. If anything you and others in this thread are the arrogant ones simply because you are quick to dismiss any point that is contrary to what you've come to believe in...


You state the obvious, which is that patterns can be found in anything and don't think we take that into account, then call something someone presents adelusion because it's something you don't agree with.

I don't dissmiss, please make some points as to why the patterns are meaningless and aren't relevant to each-other, other than patterns can be foundin anything therefore it means nothing.
I seem to think about this stuff a lot more than I used to...

I'm not going to say the government is up to evil things as a means for control, and same for religion.
I can't say I believe in aliens or extra-terrestrials because I haven't seen one.
I can't really describe it, but I know something in the world isn't right.

I do question religion as I do question movies or "enlightenments" as the Zeitgeist film. How do we know which one is right?
I do believe however in the yin-yang theory. For every positive, there is a negative. A beginning and an end.
Originally Posted by CherryRed

Originally Posted by SuperAntigen

How is any of what I said arrogant. If anything you and others in this thread are the arrogant ones simply because you are quick to dismiss any point that is contrary to what you've come to believe in...


You state the obvious, which is that patterns can be found in anything and don't think we take that into account, then call something someone presents a delusion because it's something you don't agree with.

I don't dissmiss, please make some points as to why the patterns are meaningless and aren't relevant to each-other, other than patterns can be found in anything therefore it means nothing.

I mean, to be "fair"...i don't dismiss this or anything...but I maintain a high level of reservation...notice that I said "I HIGHLYdoubt" as opposed to "I doubt" which would make my disbelief absolute as opposed to fractional. The only thing that you can call me out on isthe fact that I used the term "foolish" which can have a negative connotation depending on how you read that particular sentence. But besides that,you have nothing that suggests that I'm arrogant...

Now the irony and the real arrogance is the fact that, y'all would consider me and others who present alternatives to y'all theories to be arrogantsimply because you assume we're trying to hinder your quest for knowledge when in fact, a great, if not the greatest part, of traversing that road thatroad to knowledge is learning to accept, evaluate, deconstruct, and imbibe any skepticism that is presented to you along your journey--all in hopes of makingthat knowledge you so seek, that more fortified and "tasty" once you attain. But then I read ishh like this:
Chi ILL wrote:
Originally Posted by SiMPLYDiMPLY

NikeTalker23 wrote:


Why does people hate when others try to expand their knowledge ?

Of course we don't know the truth , but we're trying to know something other than having blind faith .

You really think that's any better ?

And I'm like

I mean, what kind of knowledge are you seeking if it's one that wavers in the face of skepticism. Are you sure that's what you're trying to rockwith...

My favorite part of the above quote is the fact that ol' girl is quick to reduce something to "blind faith" when this is whole thread, and the"knowledge" she claims to be seeking, is essentially founded on blind faith simply because she is following the accounts and testimonials of otherswho may, and more probably, have not experienced what they claim. If you're following something but have yet to experience it--you're followingblindly--that's "blind faith". This thread is just another version of "blind faith".

Now as for the patterns, I assumed I was as lucid with my explanation as I could possibly have been. Now I recall haze posting some pictures a few pages backthat supposedly had some relevance to surreptitious force. Here's the thing--as I've already said--if you try hard enough you will find patterns thatsolidify whatever hypothesis you're trying to convey. I mean really, I can't break that statement into any smaller elements...
...Heck I used my post count as an example.

With that said, realize that I didn't dismiss patterns all together because some patterns have been PROVEN to connotate some relevant truth. You can findmany examples of this in the biological community. You're the one that stated that they were meaningless or irrelevant. Those are the terms that YOU typednot me. But even so, they almost are. Is every symbol for an eye a sign for the illuminati? Is every sign or picture highlighting a bull a sign of baal? Or arey'all just trying a tad bit to hard to make sense or apply meaning to a world that makes it a habit of confounding any human mind that tries to subjugateit.




Your last post count...try to find how many ways you can find the number 666...I already found a few...a few patterns...in a thread talking about human controland the illuminati...just like what the anti-christ is supposed to do...whose sign will be 666...so is there a link between YOU the ILLUMINATI and theANTI-CHRIST...

Are you working for them...or am I just being silly, even though the pattern is obvious...


This was my post count when I made my first post in this thread. My post count was 1333, the time of your last post was 1222--I already found patterns betweenthe numbers. See how many you can find.

Does this mean you and I are working together for the anti-christ, whose number is 666 which we can get by simply multiplying downward the 2's and the3's.

See what I'm saying with patterns and symbolism. Try hard enough, and you'll find them...

SuperAntigen.. I have no problems with what you say but how you say it (okay, maybe not me but I'm guessing this is how others are perceiving it)..Arrogance is not always about just the words that are said.. it's often in the tone that they are said..
Originally Posted by swyftdahoe

SuperAntigen.. I have no problems with what you say but how you say it (okay, maybe not me but I'm guessing this is how others are perceiving it).. Arrogance is not always about just the words that are said.. it's often in the tone that they are said..
I get you...but in my defense...an individual's "tone" is reallllly realllly hard to interpret over the internet...

I think if I come off a certain way, it may have to do with the emiticon (sp) I may have used...or how my replies are being read by the reader

Case in point:

Were I to say-- "I get you...but in my defense...an individual's "tone" is reallllly realllly hard to interpret over theinternet...

You'd most likely think I was an @SS and inscribe some negative tone mostly characterized by the
emiticon (sp) to me...

As opposed to if I said-- "I get you...but in my defense...an individual's "tone" is reallllly realllly hard to interpret over theinternet...

You'd take that to be significantly more light-hearted even though the message I am conveying is the same...


But If my "tone" is in fact coming off the wrong way--my bad...

after goin through this thread, one thing i know for sure is that everything balances out...
Originally Posted by SuperAntigen

But If my "tone" is in fact coming off the wrong way--my bad...
lol Just watching out for ya.. I agree with a lot of what you've said and think it's of valuable contribution to this thread.. Just awaste if people dismiss it because they misinterpret your tone or something.. And yes, that's why I use emoticons with care lol..
Originally Posted by dgk3188

Originally Posted by LESfamilia

Originally Posted by buggz05

Has anybody been having trouble meditating?
Yeah... I've been falling asleep or have been distracted trying to do it lately. The closest thing I could do to either it or praying today was shooting some hoops in the gym today.
please feel free to PM me if you have any questions or need some tips for meditation.
or we can always just discuss it in here

It's all G, we can discuss it here with other like-minded NTer's.
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