Vote for your Niketalk President 2008 The Winner Is...... PG 1 ....

^ haze is from NY
Originally Posted by OGbobbyjohnson773

Originally Posted by SiMPLYDiMPLY

so when do the polls close?

At the Purple Johnson headquarters, our polls are accessible 24/7.


latest poll results:

ogbobbyjohnson/purpleface aka purple johnson 29% (81 votes)

abeautifulhaze/barackodrama 44% (120 votes)

whywesteppin / nyelectric 27% (74 votes)

Comments (12)
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by Marie Samuels

Soulja Boy, Nick Cannon, Madonna, Star Jones, and Isaiah Thomas are just some of the well-known names that have publicly pledged their support for the Haze/0drama and Purple Johnson tickets in the upcoming Niketalk Presidential race. While voting for these tickets might be the "trendy" or "hip" choice, more level-headed members of the Hollywood elite have come out in droves to support Whywesteppin and NYelectric.

"I'm a lifelong Democrat," says Alec Baldwin. "As a fellow Irish American liberal from New York NYelectric is most suited to my deepest desires and needs. She's a strong, rational woman and I'm confident that she will make a terrific president if anything were to happen to Senator Steppin. Can we say the same thing about the stammering, imitation candidate Barack 0drama?"

"Look, Senator Steppin has been around for a long, long, long time," explains Edward Norton. "We know where he sits on the issues, and it's where he has always sat. While Purpleface has been a member of our board for quite some time, OGbobbyjohnson is a relatively new face. Purple Johnson simply isn't long enough in terms of time on this board. I just don't know OGbobby well enough to trust him with such a huge responsibility. Purple Johnson has just exploded onto the scene. I can't be confident that they will take this job as seriously as they should. I don't think that they realize how hard it is. It's a lot to handle. I mean, it's really, really big. Simply put: I'm not entirely comfortable being responsible for the rise of Purple Johnson. They don't excite me."

"Whywesteppin and NYelectric are quietly funny and clever," proclaims Seth Rogan. "Purple Johnson really just shoves it down your throat."

"I doubt their determination," says Ben Affleck of Purple Johnson. "I mean, if Whywesteppin can sit through five seasons of Lost without finding out what makes that stupid sound he can be dedicated to anything. I just haven't felt clean since Purple Johnson reared its ugly head."

"I like the white girl," says Tracy Morgan, lifting his shirt up to his neck. "She makes my nipples hard."

While lack of experience and seriousness has aroused suspicion in Purple Johnson, a lack of rationality and moderation in Haze and 0drama has some people nervous.

"He's just so extreme," says Spike Lee of Mr. Haze. "It's all 'the white man did this,' or 'conspiracy theories that.' I mean, I'm as angry as anyone at the government or white people, but I need a little more rationality; a little more discipline. With NYelectric we get the best of both worlds; the blackest, whitest candidate. She's from Brooklyn. She's extremely leftist, and appeals to the sensibilities of poor blacks and whites without negating the rich. I mean, until that Place Your Photograph thread I didn't even know she was white. Haze pretty much has his race right there in his name. Should that be a candidate's main platform? I think not."

OGbobbyjohnson, a self proclaimed member of "Team Electro," and proud owner of a pea coat has some speculating that he is a hipster.

"OGbobbyjohnson doesn't care about rap people," Kanye West states uneasily. "Also, as a Chicago native, I find Senator Steppin's Kirk Hinrich-like face soothing and familiar."

"It's a dark time for Niketalk," noted famed Niketalk moderator 23ska909red02. "It's like a dark, gloomy winter day. Whywesteppin and NYelectric are like warm, bright, happy rays of sunshine coming through the storm clouds, if you will. Consider each pair of candidates as plates of food. I'm a mean and potatoes kind of guy; something like Senator Steppin and Governor Electric. Consider Haze and 0drama something spicy. Something like jerk chicken. Now, I may try jerk chicken. I may even enjoy jerk chicken. But I'm not ready to eat jerk chicken every day. Purple Johnson just has too much happening on their plate. It's too bold a mixture, and everything is touching. I'm not experimental. I know what I like. I don't want to ever taste Purple Johnson."

Classically mixed metaphors aside, this reporter happens to agree with Ska.
"OGbobbyjohnson doesn't care about rap people," Kanye West states uneasily. "Also, as a Chicago native, I find Senator Steppin's Kirk Hinrich-like face soothing and familiar."


Did jblack give you that one?

What's not funny though is how far we're falling behind in the race. We need your support, NT.
Now, I know a lot of you have the energy crisis on your minds and that is why effective immediately, if I enter office with OGbobbyjohnson, we will implement the Bloomberg Oil Initiative Layout - B.O.I.L. for short. That's right folks, we have begun talks with the mayor of NYC and he is cooperating into a new deal in which we can attain an unlimited supply of oil.

"Well Senator Face, I'm glad we can find some common ground on the issues. My camp has also had sit-downs with Mayor of NYC, And we're innegotiations to start offshore drilling in the oil-rich crevices of his face. At the same time, I think we need to explore safer, alternative sources of energysuch as the wind power supplied by the "flag" or "cape" that hangs from the back of Mayor's off-white Du-Rag. But President Haze and I would like to avoid dependency on Mayor-related energies altogether ifpossible.
No, ma'am. He's a decent forum member and poster that I just happen to have disagreements with on fundamental issues and that's what this campaign's all about. He's not an ISSer.

However, I think it is worth taking a deeper look at who this Barack 0drama really is. He is merely an alter ego of another man. He is just a front, a wannabe, a fake. How can we trust the words of one who cannot even represent himself honestly and transparently?

"Now...Uhh...I've heard a lot of talk about bracelets. Well...Uhh...I have a bracelettoo. This bracelet has the engraved screennames of every fallen NikeTalkian that was ever unjustly banned...Every NikeTalkian that has ever been viciouslysniped as a result of our corrupt and failed 'system'. You want to know who 0drama really is? I embody every NikeTalkian on that bracelet...Thequestion should be asking yourself is: Who are you?"
at first i thought this thread was lame..

but then i read this
I think we need to explore safer, alternative sources of energy such as the wind power supplied by the "flag" or "cape" that hangs from the back of Mayor's off-white Du-Rag.
Originally Posted by NYelectric

"Look, Senator Steppin has been around for a long, long, long time," explains Edward Norton. "We know where he sits on the issues, and it's where he has always sat. While Purpleface has been a member of our board for quite some time, OGbobbyjohnson is a relatively new face. Purple Johnson simply isn't long enough in terms of time on this board. I just don't know OGbobby well enough to trust him with such a huge responsibility. Purple Johnson has just exploded onto the scene. I can't be confident that they will take this job as seriously as they should. I don't think that they realize how hard it is. It's a lot to handle. I mean, it's really, really big. Simply put: I'm not entirely comfortable being responsible for the rise of Purple Johnson. They don't excite me."


"OGbobbyjohnson doesn't care about rap people," Kanye West states uneasily. "Also, as a Chicago native, I find Senator Steppin's Kirk Hinrich-like face soothing and familiar."

at the innuendos & kanye reference.
latest poll results

ogbobbyjohnson/purpleface aka purple johnson 31% (91 votes)

abeautifulhaze/barackodrama 43% (127 votes)

whywesteppin / nyelectric 26% (77 votes)

Comments (12)
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Originally Posted by whywesteppin

"OGbobbyjohnson doesn't care about rap people," Kanye West states uneasily. "Also, as a Chicago native, I find Senator Steppin's Kirk Hinrich-like face soothing and familiar."


Did jblack give you that one?

What's not funny though is how far we're falling behind in the race. We need your support, NT.

Not necessarily, but he may have once described you as a "nerdy Kirk Hinrich looking white guy."
"Whywesteppin and NYelectric are quietly funny and clever," proclaims Seth Rogan. "Purple Johnson really just shoves it down your throat."

"I like the white girl," says Tracy Morgan, lifting his shirt up to his neck. "She makes my nipples hard."

"He's just so extreme," says Spike Lee of Mr. Haze. "It's all 'the white man did this,' or 'conspiracy theories that.' I mean, I'm as angry as anyone at the government or white people, but I need a little more rationality; a little more discipline. With NYelectric we get the best of both worlds; the blackest, whitest candidate."

"OGbobbyjohnson doesn't care about rap people," Kanye West states uneasily.

"It's a dark time for Niketalk," noted famed Niketalk moderator 23ska909red02. "I don't want to ever taste Purple Johnson."
Originally Posted by NYelectric

Originally Posted by whywesteppin

"OGbobbyjohnson doesn't care about rap people," Kanye West states uneasily. "Also, as a Chicago native, I find Senator Steppin's Kirk Hinrich-like face soothing and familiar."


Did jblack give you that one?

What's not funny though is how far we're falling behind in the race. We need your support, NT.
Not necessarily, but he may have once described you as a "nerdy Kirk Hinrich looking white guy."

You saw my pic.... One thing you ain't consider, I heard you when you told jblack, "ooooo, Wally can get it." Admit it.
Originally Posted by OGbobbyjohnson773


We will rise

Originally Posted by Barack 0drama

I think the real issue that needs to be addressed here is Senator Face's questionable relationship with the terrorist organization known as "4chan", And their leader "Pedo Bear". I don't believe that Senator Face has been very forthcoming and honest about his ties to this diabolical terrorist cell that could in fact, Wipe NikeTalk off the face of the interwebz with the push of a button. I have in my hands documents that irrefutably link Senator Face to this vile monster known as Pedo Bear..."

*Warning: These pictures may be considered graphic to some viewers*


Perfect. Even the pic...
morning poll
purple johnson is rising .... in the polls

ogbobbyjohnson/purpleface aka purple johnson 32% (100 votes)

abeautifulhaze/barackodrama 42% (131 votes)

whywesteppin / nyelectric 26% (82 votes)

Comments (12)
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who chose these guys as candidates? One dude only been on here since 06? This election is over method man is already unofficial prez of NT
Originally Posted by trethousandgt

who chose these guys as candidates? One dude only been on here since 06? This election is over method man is already unofficial prez of NT

Originally Posted by iLLoQuent aka DSK

Originally Posted by OGbobbyjohnson773


We will rise

Originally Posted by Barack 0drama

I think the real issue that needs to be addressed here is Senator Face's questionable relationship with the terrorist organization known as "4chan", And their leader "Pedo Bear". I don't believe that Senator Face has been very forthcoming and honest about his ties to this diabolical terrorist cell that could in fact, Wipe NikeTalk off the face of the interwebz with the push of a button. I have in my hands documents that irrefutably link Senator Face to this vile monster known as Pedo Bear..."

*Warning: These pictures may be considered graphic to some viewers*


Perfect. Even the pic...
word, this thread is losing steam where's the muddslingin , the attack ads ?

where are the candidates ?
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