Vote for your Niketalk President 2008 The Winner Is...... PG 1 ....


Originally Posted by onewearz

Originally Posted by HarlemToTheBronx

@whywesteppin trying to get the female vote by picking NYelectric as his running mate. We're smarter than that.


the male to female ratio on this board is like 75:1

straight sausage board

this strategy might backfire


Purple Johnson and sausage go hand in hand.


We will rise
It is telling that my other candidates are hung up on the female issue. I don't view NYelectric as simply a female but rather as a smart, strong, talentedindividual who will contribute much to this board. Folks, I'm going to give you some straight talk right here. We are facing tough times as a board. Wedon't need any more of this typical @!%%%$%#. We need to come together and focus on the issues and give the NT public the opportunity to see who we reallyare and what we stand for. Let's cut the smear tactics, folks.

There is too much at stake here to continue the failed policies of the current administration. We need a fresh face, one who is willing to fight corruptgrammar while still making us laugh, one who can cajole the Dirtyliciouses and Method Men of this board while still hanging with the common poster, one whowill bring about change. That is why I chose my running mate. No one is smarter than this.
The polls are corrupt..i voted for purple haze johnson and they checked some next %$%#


We need reform, prosperity, and peace. We won't get this with another administration! Let's GOOOOO!
c'mon now guys. whywesteppin picking NYelectric is comparable to him picking Hillary Clinton. She's qualified. it's not like he picked some SarahPalin type member, like Pinkloveheart, Jordanfetish, or, me.

with that being said, Haze/Odrama
your speeches have me
Originally Posted by onewearz

the world is watching .........


fact check: when senator whywesteppin (again, who?) said he was there when mrmossyman dressed like harry potter, mossy never dressed like harry potter, he wasdubbed harry potter by muscle68(tum tum from 3 ninjas by me) and thusly photoshopped.

And i expect royalties for "purple johnson"
Originally Posted by super roach



We need reform, prosperity, and peace. We won't get this with another administration! Let's GOOOOO!
I support this message.
"Dressed as Harry Potter" was a jab at mossyman. I know he posted a picture of himself and was called Harry Potter. Then later on he posted anupdated pic of himself and said, "I don't look that much like Harry Potter anymore, do I?" to which the first reply was the picture photoshoppedwith a wand and glasses and the wizard hat, followed by the longest NT thread up to that point. Somewhere in there was the famous line, "All I want issome damn respect on this board."

Anyway, that is all small details. If you were actually around back then, you would have recognized my name from some of those photoshops.

SiMPLYDiMPLY, thanks for the support. We need more independent-minded women like you on here.

Roach, gas:
now why we steppin, my vote is loyal to mr Odrama and Mr. Haze, i was just making a point. My logic is never affected by my emotions
updated polls :

ogbobbyjohnson/purpleface aka purple johnson 27% (56 votes)

abeautifulhaze/barackodrama 44% (90 votes)

whywesteppin / nyelectric 29% (60 votes)

Comments (9)
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Hello friends. It's been a long and arduous battle in the primaries and now we are down to the final three candidates for presidency. Let mebegin by congratulating my fellow opponents Barack 0drama and NYelectric. Moderator onewearz thank you for presiding over the debates.

I have spoken with the people and I've heard all your pains and troubles and let me say this... I am going to solve them. It truly pains me to see"Joe the Poster" down. You can see from my track record that I have been an influential part to NT and my participation here has bought me to thispodium here today.

One of the issues I've been hearing often is the lack of visuals when presenting a thread about a female. This issue at hand is problematic because itleaves the people in a state of confusion, frustration, You see, we are a visually driven society and the lack of "pics" will leave the ordinaryperson's attention span to a mere nanoseconds. OGbobbyjohnson and I have had talks about this together and we've laid out all the solutions and came upwith one final one and that is when the OP types in keywords that allude to someone of the female gender, the 'Post reply' button will become phantomand in its place will a "Upload..." button appear.

Now, I know a lot of you have the energy crisis on your minds and that is why effective immediately, if I enter office with OGbobbyjohnson, we will implementthe Bloomberg Oil Initiative Layout - B.O.I.L. for short. That's right folks, we have begun talks with the mayor of NYC and he is cooperating into a newdeal in which we can attain an unlimited supply of oil.

Odrama brings up my involvement with the "terrorist organization" known as 4chan but he is gravely wrong. They are not terrorists but creators -creators of every "lulz" that is on the Internet. I am merely a diplomat of sorts. I know how they think and I know how they are. How can we achievepeace if we call every group that creates humor in a unorthodox way "terrorists"? That, my friend, is hate.

Thank you for your time.

Cliff notes:
-i thanked everybody in the race including the moderator
-talked with the people and expressed my own feelings
-nobody can submit a thread about a girl unless they upload a pic
-mayor of nyc oil initiative = unlimited supply of oil
-i reply back to odrama accusing me of my "terrorist" affiliations

Cliff cliff notes:
-i made cliff notes
Originally Posted by Purple Face

That's right folks, we have begun talks with the mayor of NYC and he is cooperating into a new deal in which we can attain an unlimited supply of oil.


unlimited supply of grease, YES !!!!!
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