Vote for your Niketalk President 2008 The Winner Is...... PG 1 ....

Now, I know a lot of you have the energy crisis on your minds and that is why effective immediately, if I enter office with OGbobbyjohnson, we will implement the Bloomberg Oil Initiative Layout - B.O.I.L. for short. That's right folks, we have begun talks with the mayor of NYC and he is cooperating into a new deal in which we can attain an unlimited supply of oil.
LMAO @ Purple Johnson

"Response Senator Odrama?"

"LOL. Absolutely Gwen..."
I would now like to introduce my new running mate. This person has worked tirelessly to bring humor and candor to these forums. This person uses perfect grammar and decorum when posting.

My back-up VP in case anything should happen to NYelectric is RELIANTJ because he came through in the clutch.

My secretary of defense, one who will *+%%% slap the wizard should he step to us again, the only one with the grit to handle the evils of this world, the one who will son you little kids, is BwooDFolkGD74.

"Uhh...Uhh...Let me...Let me respond to these key points. First of all, I think theNikeTalkian people are tired of having their posting style dictated to them by the elitist snobs known as "The Grammar Police". This extremist groupwould...Uhh...have you believe that you're supposed to type in perfect grammar at all times, When this is in fact, A message board. The Grammar Police isin direct violation of free speech and NikeTalkians inalienable right to post in the fashion that they choose. If you elect Haze-Odrama into office, We'lltake steps to abolish The Grammar Police so that NikeTalkians can post without having some elitist grammar Nazi turn their nose up at them for a spellingerror..."

"And Uhh...God forbid anything should happen to Senator Steppin and Governor Electric,But can we trust ReliantJ to run our nation in their absence? This is a man who isn't even aware of what candidates are running in this election:
I'm not even going to lie; the haze/ODrama ticket can mudsling with the best of 'em.

Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

I'm not even going to lie; the haze/ODrama ticket can mudsling with the best of 'em.



i swear some of these responses got me laughing out loud.........
Originally Posted by Barack 0drama

I would now like to introduce my new running mate. This person has worked tirelessly to bring humor and candor to these forums. This person uses perfect grammar and decorum when posting.

My back-up VP in case anything should happen to NYelectric is RELIANTJ because he came through in the clutch.

My secretary of defense, one who will *+%%% slap the wizard should he step to us again, the only one with the grit to handle the evils of this world, the one who will son you little kids, is BwooDFolkGD74.

"Uhh...Uhh...Let me...Let me respond to these key points. First of all, I think the NikeTalkian people are tired of having their posting style dictated to them by the elitist snobs known as "The Grammar Police". This extremist group would...Uhh...have you believe that you're supposed to type in perfect grammar at all times, When this is in fact, A message board. The Grammar Police is in direct violation of free speech and NikeTalkians inalienable right to post in the fashion that they choose. If you elect Haze-Odrama into office, We'll take steps to abolish The Grammar Police so that NikeTalkians can post without having some elitist grammar Nazi turn their nose up at them for a spelling error..."

While our team name suggests that we enforce the rules of grammar, it is, in fact, simply a code that welive by. We do not correct the grammar of others. We leave that to FreshProduct, who, I might add, has no affiliation to our team. We are simply fans ofgrammar. Let's stick to facts, Senator. You would be hard pressed to find a member of our team behaving like an "elitist grammar Nazi." Ourchoice in type is our own, just as the choice to flood this thread with lies, exaggerations, and fear mongering is yours.

I would also like to mention that in addition to our rights of free speech, the boundaries of which would protect Team Grammar Police even if we werecorrecting the grammar of others, "NikeTalkians" have an inalienable right to organize. You say that you will take steps to abolish our group. Isthat promoting freedom?
Let me begin by making one point perfectly clear. BwooDFolkGD74 does not condone ebanging. In fact, he is what some may call a "streep sweeper" ofsorts. He cleans up streets. He does this for the betterment of everyone. Just look at his record. LET THE RECORD CLEAR HIS GOOD NAME. He has never been bannedin all his time with NT.

Does anyone have any questions? Yes, you old lady in the back:

OLD LADY: "I can't trust 0drama. I have read about him and he's not, he's not uh - he's an ISSer. He's not - "

No, ma'am. He's a decent forum member and poster that I just happen to have disagreements with on fundamental issues and that's what thiscampaign's all about. He's not an ISSer.

However, I think it is worth taking a deeper look at who this Barack 0drama really is. He is merely an alter ego of another man. He is just a front, a wannabe,a fake. How can we trust the words of one who cannot even represent himself honestly and transparently?
Originally Posted by Purple Face


Hello friends. It's been a long and arduous battle in the primaries and now we are down to the final three candidates for presidency. Let me begin by congratulating my fellow opponents Barack 0drama and NYelectric. Moderator onewearz thank you for presiding over the debates.

I have spoken with the people and I've heard all your pains and troubles and let me say this... I am going to solve them. It truly pains me to see "Joe the Poster" down. You can see from my track record that I have been an influential part to NT and my participation here has bought me to this podium here today.

One of the issues I've been hearing often is the lack of visuals when presenting a thread about a female. This issue at hand is problematic because it leaves the people in a state of confusion, frustration, You see, we are a visually driven society and the lack of "pics" will leave the ordinary person's attention span to a mere nanoseconds. OGbobbyjohnson and I have had talks about this together and we've laid out all the solutions and came up with one final one and that is when the OP types in keywords that allude to someone of the female gender, the 'Post reply' button will become phantom and in its place will a "Upload..." button appear.

Now, I know a lot of you have the energy crisis on your minds and that is why effective immediately, if I enter office with OGbobbyjohnson, we will implement the Bloomberg Oil Initiative Layout - B.O.I.L. for short. That's right folks, we have begun talks with the mayor of NYC and he is cooperating into a new deal in which we can attain an unlimited supply of oil.

Odrama brings up my involvement with the "terrorist organization" known as 4chan but he is gravely wrong. They are not terrorists but creators - creators of every "lulz" that is on the Internet. I am merely a diplomat of sorts. I know how they think and I know how they are. How can we achieve peace if we call every group that creates humor in a unorthodox way "terrorists"? That, my friend, is hate.

Thank you for your time.

Cliff notes:
-i thanked everybody in the race including the moderator
-talked with the people and expressed my own feelings
-nobody can submit a thread about a girl unless they upload a pic
-mayor of nyc oil initiative = unlimited supply of oil
-i reply back to odrama accusing me of my "terrorist" affiliations

Cliff cliff notes:
-i made cliff notes

THE KLIQ and the great nation of [censored for some odd reason] endorses PURPLE JOHNSON '08==============D
0Drama should be pres for real

secretly Crank Lucas is salty (of Kosher proportions) that he is not in the runnings
iKeed, iKeed.

-The Juice
"Uhh...Uhh...Let me...Let me respond to these key points. First of all, I think the NikeTalkian people are tired of having their posting style dictated tothem by the elitist snobs known as "The Grammar Police". This extremist group would...Uhh...have you believe that you're supposed to type inperfect grammar at all times, When this is in fact, A message board. The Grammar Police is in direct violation of free speech and NikeTalkians inalienableright to post in the fashion that they choose. If you elect Haze-Odrama into office, We'll take steps to abolish The Grammar Police so that NikeTalkianscan post without having some elitist grammar Nazi turn their nose up at them for a spelling error..."

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