Wake up black men.

^ JuJu, it is generally recommended to use proper punctuation and spelling in a post claiming to be superior intellectually to someone else. I just thoughtI'd give you that reference for the future. And your post that started all this seems to indicate you don't realize that crack and crack cocaine(powder) aren't the same. One has approximately an 85% white user base while the other has about the same percentage black user base. So yeah, no shockerthat you probably see more black people selling crack.
Originally Posted by swizzc

Originally Posted by Robby Valentino

Originally Posted by TBONE95860

Originally Posted by thaisativa1

Originally Posted by Definition Of Dopeness

Originally Posted by H4ppyTime Harry

Originally Posted by Thugnificence

your late. and why dont you direct it towards all men.
cuz all men dont do it. its mostly the urban black male who has this attitude/behavior.
word. I dont see white dudes doin this crap... nor any other ethnicity besides maybe some puerto ricans lol furthermore, did you even watch this video???
Seriously.... I pretty much have never seen any white dudes doing stuff like this.... maybe a RARE few occasions... and I think I'd know better then the average person on NT seeing as I live in an area where the population is like 90% white

I don't even know if white dudes (myself included) have the balls to say stuff like that
Besides the fact that it's disrespectful.

Originally Posted by Definition Of Dopeness

Originally Posted by thaisativa1

Originally Posted by Definition Of Dopeness

Originally Posted by H4ppyTime Harry

Originally Posted by Thugnificence

your late. and why dont you direct it towards all men.
cuz all men dont do it. its mostly the urban black male who has this attitude/behavior.
word. I dont see white dudes doin this crap... nor any other ethnicity besides maybe some puerto ricans lol furthermore, did you even watch this video???
If you've never seen white guys doing this type of $+$%, you've got to get out more. You ever been around them college frat boys? Get a group of young white boys and send them cats to a hooters, Becky is going to be getting it from all angels.
They might not go as hard as others, but they do the $+$% as well.
I get out tons, I go to all white frat parties, etc etc....
And I just don't see it in the same way, so I'd have to disagree for the most part.
Of course ALL young men are horny so that causes some % of ALL young mean to do things...


that was racist as hell
If the truth is racist then you are 100% correct.
actually i quoted the wrong part..nevermind me
Originally Posted by B Smooth 202

I don't know what kind of white dudes you see/hang around....
Must be some poor unintelligent ones.
Come to where I live where it's all rich white people & you definitely won't be seeing any of that.
WOWWWWWWWWW no shame in that blatant display of ignorance

Assuming that what you percieve as truth must apply to the entire world is also "ignorant." He doesn't see any of his white friendsdo it and therefore he states that those who act trashy are unintelligent. You can't argue against that because he experiences it on a daily basis.Don't throw around words you don't know the meaning of.
DatZNasty wrote:
mytmouse76 wrote:
i find it funny how so many of you are getting offended...
Seems to me like minorities just get tired of always being generalized based on the worst, when that worst doesn't even represent a high enough % to make it justified (since generalizing is rounding, shouldn't it have to be >50% otherwise you'd generalize down?), whilst other groups get the benefit of being seen as individuals.

i agree but had this been something black women being whatever it'd be pages of co-signing and me and bout two other black females on the board trying todefend us...no i'm not whining...just making a point...and yes i understand not all black males act that way or even the majority...
i honestly stopped reading juju's responses after about the 3rd or 4th one because it really got off topic

but on another note.....all of those chicks were not attractive lmao.....
Originally Posted by Robby Valentino

Originally Posted by swizzc

Originally Posted by Robby Valentino

Originally Posted by TBONE95860

Originally Posted by thaisativa1

Originally Posted by Definition Of Dopeness

Originally Posted by H4ppyTime Harry

Originally Posted by Thugnificence

your late. and why dont you direct it towards all men.
cuz all men dont do it. its mostly the urban black male who has this attitude/behavior.
word. I dont see white dudes doin this crap... nor any other ethnicity besides maybe some puerto ricans lol furthermore, did you even watch this video???
Seriously.... I pretty much have never seen any white dudes doing stuff like this.... maybe a RARE few occasions... and I think I'd know better then the average person on NT seeing as I live in an area where the population is like 90% white

I don't even know if white dudes (myself included) have the balls to say stuff like that
Besides the fact that it's disrespectful.

Originally Posted by Definition Of Dopeness

Originally Posted by thaisativa1

Originally Posted by Definition Of Dopeness

Originally Posted by H4ppyTime Harry

Originally Posted by Thugnificence

your late. and why dont you direct it towards all men.
cuz all men dont do it. its mostly the urban black male who has this attitude/behavior.
word. I dont see white dudes doin this crap... nor any other ethnicity besides maybe some puerto ricans lol furthermore, did you even watch this video???
If you've never seen white guys doing this type of $+$%, you've got to get out more. You ever been around them college frat boys? Get a group of young white boys and send them cats to a hooters, Becky is going to be getting it from all angels.
They might not go as hard as others, but they do the $+$% as well.
I get out tons, I go to all white frat parties, etc etc....
And I just don't see it in the same way, so I'd have to disagree for the most part.
Of course ALL young men are horny so that causes some % of ALL young mean to do things...


that was racist as hell
If the truth is racist then you are 100% correct.
actually i quoted the wrong part..nevermind me
Originally Posted by DatZNasty

Originally Posted by mytmouse76

i find it funny how so many of you are getting offended...
Seems to me like minorities just get tired of always being generalized based on the worst, when that worst doesn't even represent a high enough % to make it justified (since generalizing is rounding, shouldn't it have to be >50% otherwise you'd generalize down?), whilst other groups get the benefit of being seen as individuals.
see thats what im sayin. it just sucks man... cuz after a random white chick sees that, she'll see me (a God-fearing college student raised onvalues of respect for the opposite sex & all peoples) and think twice just cuz im a black guy, when a white guy could come up & she'll give him asmile & the time of day but he could be a straight up serial killin rapist.

i swear... i hate how black men are always initially viewed with a negative eye. if you see a black couple or an interracial couple with a black dude &they're debating on something, some ^#$^# always comes up & asks the girl "are you ok?" like they're gonna hurt the woman. it'shappened countless times to me & my associates yo

disrecpect can happen from any man, to any woman.

does ANYONE understand what im sayin?? i think this is what everyone's trying to get at, we're just approaching it from diff. directions...
thats besides the point if they were attractive or not, we all know dudes beast over ugly chicks too, word to pyp posts.
Originally Posted by ceelo4

Only people getting offended are those who have been called out in the video. Stop acting like trash and maybe this video wouldn't exist.

i dont even do the stuff the ladies said in the video cause i have too much love and respect for my black sisters cause i wouldnt want anybody disrespecting mysisters or mom.

but i was offended by the generalizations and stereotypes that were made against all Black men
Originally Posted by ceelo4

Originally Posted by B Smooth 202

I don't know what kind of white dudes you see/hang around....
Must be some poor unintelligent ones.
Come to where I live where it's all rich white people & you definitely won't be seeing any of that.
WOWWWWWWWWW no shame in that blatant display of ignorance
Assuming that what you percieve as truth must apply to the entire world is also "ignorant." He doesn't see any of his white friends do it and therefore he states that those who act trashy are unintelligent. You can't argue against that because he experiences it on a daily basis. Don't throw around words you don't know the meaning of.

...wait what?

he just inferred that the black dudes who do this are poor and unintelligent...how is that ok?
Originally Posted by Robby Valentino

Originally Posted by ceelo4

Originally Posted by B Smooth 202

I don't know what kind of white dudes you see/hang around....
Must be some poor unintelligent ones.
Come to where I live where it's all rich white people & you definitely won't be seeing any of that.
WOWWWWWWWWW no shame in that blatant display of ignorance
Assuming that what you percieve as truth must apply to the entire world is also "ignorant." He doesn't see any of his white friends do it and therefore he states that those who act trashy are unintelligent. You can't argue against that because he experiences it on a daily basis. Don't throw around words you don't know the meaning of.
...wait what?

he just inferred that the black dudes who do this are poor and unintelligent...how is that ok?

It's ok when there are videos exemplifying their "poor and unintelligent" attitude.
Originally Posted by cycopth

all of those girls need a slap.....................none of them look good, the first two need to go comb their hair, and the rest of them juss talk too much foolishness. all of them think too much.

so you want a dumb broad who will just do what you tell them huh? got any tips for getting gravy stains out a wifebeater son?
Originally Posted by Robby Valentino

Originally Posted by ceelo4

Originally Posted by B Smooth 202

I don't know what kind of white dudes you see/hang around....
Must be some poor unintelligent ones.
Come to where I live where it's all rich white people & you definitely won't be seeing any of that.
WOWWWWWWWWW no shame in that blatant display of ignorance
Assuming that what you percieve as truth must apply to the entire world is also "ignorant." He doesn't see any of his white friends do it and therefore he states that those who act trashy are unintelligent. You can't argue against that because he experiences it on a daily basis. Don't throw around words you don't know the meaning of.
...wait what?

he just inferred that the black dudes who do this are poor and unintelligent...how is that ok?

its not. otehr dude was just lookin for a reason to put someone down. & failed at it
Originally Posted by greencelt06

lol good point^^^why are ya'll getting offended....isnt this about the women????

yet again this proves how selfish us males can be.

in any event.....where i'm from this is how it goes......

dude: eyy gal what yo name uzz?.....
girl: "no response"
dude: well F*** you then.....you aint even look that good

**that was my "black/white/puerto rican/asian...etc." example

as someone already said its not really about race because all men do it. whether it be subtle or not depends on alot of factors.....

it honestly boils down to this......
it is a fathers responsibility to teach his son, mostly by example, how to treat women.....and since a number of youths do not have fathers or father figures, they have to learn from other sometimes bad examples.....

even at that, a good mother can teach a son how women should be treated and respected if she respects herself.
if a single mother is disrespecting herself by dating some loser who treats her like crap then her children will see that and naturally have no other example to follow and will think that that is right until they are taught differently.

with that being said, as long as these men don't know better, then they won't do better.
not the guys fault the women in the video r juss foolish, those r the same kinda girls inna club that want to dance with a man but if you r notthe man they wanna dance with they cuss u for tryin to dance with them. they're too picky.
Originally Posted by ceelo4

Originally Posted by B Smooth 202

I don't know what kind of white dudes you see/hang around....
Must be some poor unintelligent ones.
Come to where I live where it's all rich white people & you definitely won't be seeing any of that.
WOWWWWWWWWW no shame in that blatant display of ignorance
Assuming that what you percieve as truth must apply to the entire world is also "ignorant." He doesn't see any of his white friends do it and therefore he states that those who act trashy are unintelligent. You can't argue against that because he experiences it on a daily basis. Don't throw around words you don't know the meaning of.

To be ignorant is to be uniformed. Even if he wasn't talking about blacks indirectly (which isn't the case), what he said is still stupid.Women are degraded and have been degraded since the beginning of human existence, no matter how rich you are, or how unintelligent you may be.
Originally Posted by ceelo4

Originally Posted by Robby Valentino

Originally Posted by ceelo4

Originally Posted by B Smooth 202

I don't know what kind of white dudes you see/hang around....
Must be some poor unintelligent ones.
Come to where I live where it's all rich white people & you definitely won't be seeing any of that.
WOWWWWWWWWW no shame in that blatant display of ignorance
Assuming that what you percieve as truth must apply to the entire world is also "ignorant." He doesn't see any of his white friends do it and therefore he states that those who act trashy are unintelligent. You can't argue against that because he experiences it on a daily basis. Don't throw around words you don't know the meaning of.
...wait what?

he just inferred that the black dudes who do this are poor and unintelligent...how is that ok?

It's ok when there are videos exemplifying their "poor and unintelligent" attitude.

...youre serious right now

well thats a wonderful thing....
...so a generalization based off of avideo...is ok?

just come out and say you dont like black people itll save us all some time
Originally Posted by Black Entourage inc

Originally Posted by DatZNasty

Originally Posted by mytmouse76

i find it funny how so many of you are getting offended...
Seems to me like minorities just get tired of always being generalized based on the worst, when that worst doesn't even represent a high enough % to make it justified (since generalizing is rounding, shouldn't it have to be >50% otherwise you'd generalize down?), whilst other groups get the benefit of being seen as individuals.
see thats what im sayin. it just sucks man... cuz after a random white chick sees that, she'll see me (a God-fearing college student raised on values of respect for the opposite sex & all peoples) and think twice just cuz im a black guy, when a white guy could come up & she'll give him a smile & the time of day but he could be a straight up serial killin rapist.

i swear... i hate how black men are always initially viewed with a negative eye. if you see a black couple or an interracial couple with a black dude & they're debating on something, some ^#$^# always comes up & asks the girl "are you ok?" like they're gonna hurt the woman. it's happened countless times to me & my associates yo

disrecpect can happen from any man, to any woman.

does ANYONE understand what im sayin?? i think this is what everyone's trying to get at, we're just approaching it from diff. directions...
i feel you man
Originally Posted by DatZNasty

^ JuJu, it is generally recommended to use proper punctuation and spelling in a post claiming to be superior intellectually to someone else. I just thought I'd give you that reference for the future. And your post that started all this seems to indicate you don't realize that crack and crack cocaine (powder) aren't the same. One has approximately an 85% white user base while the other has about the same percentage black user base. So yeah, no shocker that you probably see more black people selling crack.
are you serious son? crack and crack cocaine are the same thing.

Crack cocaine, crack or rock is a solid, smokable form of cocaine. It is a freebase form of cocainethat can be made using baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) or sodium hydroxide,[sup][1][/sup] in a process to convert cocaine hydrochloride(powder cocaine) into methylbenzoylecgonine

crack cocaine is not a powder its cocaine that has been turned into crack rock aka crack cocaine i like how you try and get at me for sloppy punctuation thentry and school me on drugs and come with an error yourself see how nobody is perfect doggie?
Originally Posted by ceelo4

Originally Posted by Robby Valentino

Originally Posted by ceelo4

Originally Posted by B Smooth 202

I don't know what kind of white dudes you see/hang around....
Must be some poor unintelligent ones.
Come to where I live where it's all rich white people & you definitely won't be seeing any of that.
WOWWWWWWWWW no shame in that blatant display of ignorance
Assuming that what you percieve as truth must apply to the entire world is also "ignorant." He doesn't see any of his white friends do it and therefore he states that those who act trashy are unintelligent. You can't argue against that because he experiences it on a daily basis. Don't throw around words you don't know the meaning of.
...wait what?

he just inferred that the black dudes who do this are poor and unintelligent...how is that ok?

It's ok when there are videos exemplifying their "poor and unintelligent" attitude.

And I guess there are no videos exemplifying any other social groups as being poor and/or unintelligent, or any other number of unflattering adjectives thatdon't get blanketed on the whole group.

My bad, I get my drugs mixed up. I didn't cop that latest Rick Ross. I was going to Google it, but that was how I remember it. I don't care either way,will never affect me.
Originally Posted by Black Entourage inc
I feel you man. I'm mixed but you can tell I am black so when I talk to random white chicks or whatever they look like I'm bout to snatchtheir purse. And living in the South isn't helping it either. Its mad annoying
Originally Posted by Black Entourage inc

Originally Posted by DatZNasty

Originally Posted by mytmouse76

i find it funny how so many of you are getting offended...
Seems to me like minorities just get tired of always being generalized based on the worst, when that worst doesn't even represent a high enough % to make it justified (since generalizing is rounding, shouldn't it have to be >50% otherwise you'd generalize down?), whilst other groups get the benefit of being seen as individuals.
see thats what im sayin. it just sucks man... cuz after a random white chick sees that, she'll see me (a God-fearing college student raised on values of respect for the opposite sex & all peoples) and think twice just cuz im a black guy, when a white guy could come up & she'll give him a smile & the time of day but he could be a straight up serial killin rapist.

i swear... i hate how black men are always initially viewed with a negative eye. if you see a black couple or an interracial couple with a black dude & they're debating on something, some ^#$^# always comes up & asks the girl "are you ok?" like they're gonna hurt the woman. it's happened countless times to me & my associates yo

disrecpect can happen from any man, to any woman.

does ANYONE understand what im sayin?? i think this is what everyone's trying to get at, we're just approaching it from diff. directions...

Co-sign on that. I've experienced
like this.
Originally Posted by Robby Valentino

Originally Posted by ceelo4

Originally Posted by Robby Valentino

Originally Posted by ceelo4

Originally Posted by B Smooth 202

I don't know what kind of white dudes you see/hang around....
Must be some poor unintelligent ones.
Come to where I live where it's all rich white people & you definitely won't be seeing any of that.
WOWWWWWWWWW no shame in that blatant display of ignorance
Assuming that what you percieve as truth must apply to the entire world is also "ignorant." He doesn't see any of his white friends do it and therefore he states that those who act trashy are unintelligent. You can't argue against that because he experiences it on a daily basis. Don't throw around words you don't know the meaning of.
...wait what?

he just inferred that the black dudes who do this are poor and unintelligent...how is that ok?

It's ok when there are videos exemplifying their "poor and unintelligent" attitude.
...youre serious right now

well thats a wonderful thing....
...so a generalization based off of a video...is ok?

just come out and say you dont like black people itll save us all some time

You fail to realise that you can't justify their actions by calling me racist. The truth hurts, go tell your fellow brothers how to act properly and maybeI wouldn't have an opinion on the matter.
i like how you guys turned this into a thread about how this makes you look and not how to correct what's goin on...even if its not you we all know someonewho has done this...
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