Wake up black men.

Originally Posted by ctdaprince

Originally Posted by ceelo4

Originally Posted by ctdaprince

that is so not true alot of people take a look at me and would say o he is nothing but one of those little thugs but that is certainly not me

Apply that to your outfit and maybe you will see why people view you as a "little thug." First apperances are everything in this world.

juss cause i like to wear jordans and a hat o and im black makes me a thug

its no point in arguin wit this dude. Based on his posts, he seems to be prejudiced against black people, he probably believes every stereotype hehears about black males
Originally Posted by AirMaxin1

Originally Posted by Thugnificence

Originally Posted by TBONE95860

Originally Posted by blackmagnus514

i see white dudes saying flagrant #+% as well
I don't know what kind of white dudes you see/hang around....
Must be some poor unintelligent ones.
Come to where I live where it's all rich white people & you definitely won't be seeing any of that.

I think i've seen you in the PNW forum...you one of them Medina/Hunts Point cats?

why is that funny? are you implying this is not true?
Originally Posted by ceelo4

Originally Posted by B Smooth 202

You fail to realise that you can't justify their actions by calling me racist. The truth hurts, go tell your fellow brothers how to act properly and maybe I wouldn't have an opinion on the matter.
People think they are smart though. In actuality those people just reinforcing the ancient conception of blackness itself.

Why would one put poor and unintelligent in the same sentence in the first place? People without money are assumed stupid, and inferior, which is not the truth .

On top of that, back up your BS by saying "the truth hurts"......*!%#@ please

Do you know the truth?
Considering that "poor" has more than one meaning and can be used to describe ones attitude, not just his or her financal status it has every right to be in that sentence. Quit trying, its past your bedtime
. Explain to me what this "ancient conception of blackness" is and what it has to do with my statement/opinion? Your entire post is so ironic. You really must have thought you were smart there didnt ya
. I know the truth and these pitiful attemps at converting me to accept mediocrity just proves my point.

Poor can be used to describe ones attitude?
Yourreaching, NO !%%% poor can be used multiple ways, it's clear as crystal how it was put in context in the original statement.

I wasn't necessarily referring to your opinion, but I guess I was since you decided to defend that idiotic statement TBONE made.

There are a lot of conceptions of blackness prevalent in this country. If you knew the history of the United States of America (and prior), I wouldn't haveto explain them to you.
Originally Posted by swizzc

Originally Posted by AirMaxin1

Originally Posted by Thugnificence

Originally Posted by TBONE95860

Originally Posted by blackmagnus514

i see white dudes saying flagrant #+% as well
I don't know what kind of white dudes you see/hang around....
Must be some poor unintelligent ones.
Come to where I live where it's all rich white people & you definitely won't be seeing any of that.

I think i've seen you in the PNW forum...you one of them Medina/Hunts Point cats?

why is that funny? are you implying this is not true?
It was a comical response, that's all.
Originally Posted by Thugnificence

Originally Posted by ctdaprince

Originally Posted by ceelo4

Originally Posted by ctdaprince

that is so not true alot of people take a look at me and would say o he is nothing but one of those little thugs but that is certainly not me

Apply that to your outfit and maybe you will see why people view you as a "little thug." First apperances are everything in this world.

juss cause i like to wear jordans and a hat o and im black makes me a thug

its no point in arguin wit this dude. Based on his posts, he seems to be prejudiced against black people, he probably believes every stereotype he hears about black males

Based on just this post, dude is just saying regardless if you agree with it or not, most people do judge a book by its cover. People are gonna makeassumptions on people based on what they see in the media. If they see some guy rob a store and he is wearing a jersey, a bandanna, Dickies, and some Tims thenthe next time they see someone dressed similar they will have preconceived notions about that person. Regardless on if they are true or not. I'm notbacking or against anything ceelo has said thus far but this holds true, sadly...

Originally Posted by Thugnificence

Originally Posted by ctdaprince

Originally Posted by ceelo4

Originally Posted by ctdaprince

that is so not true alot of people take a look at me and would say o he is nothing but one of those little thugs but that is certainly not me

Apply that to your outfit and maybe you will see why people view you as a "little thug." First apperances are everything in this world.

juss cause i like to wear jordans and a hat o and im black makes me a thug

its no point in arguin wit this dude. Based on his posts, he seems to be prejudiced against black people, he probably believes every stereotype he hears about black males

You could have simply stated, "there is no point in arguing when I can't think of a decent rebuttal" Stereotypes exist for a reason.
If I see someone in a Fubu jersey, my preconceived notion would be that they just awoke from a 4 year coma.
Originally Posted by p0tat0 5alad

Originally Posted by Thugnificence

Originally Posted by ctdaprince

Originally Posted by ceelo4

Originally Posted by ctdaprince

that is so not true alot of people take a look at me and would say o he is nothing but one of those little thugs but that is certainly not me

Apply that to your outfit and maybe you will see why people view you as a "little thug." First apperances are everything in this world.

juss cause i like to wear jordans and a hat o and im black makes me a thug

its no point in arguin wit this dude. Based on his posts, he seems to be prejudiced against black people, he probably believes every stereotype he hears about black males

Based on just this post, dude is just saying regardless if you agree with it or not, most people do judge a book by its cover. People are gonna make assumptions on people based on what they see in the media. If they see some guy rob a store and he is wearing a jersey, a bandanna, Dickies, and some Tims then the next time they see someone dressed similar they will have preconceived notions about that person. Regardless on if they are true or not. I'm not backing or against anything ceelo has said thus far but this holds true, sadly...


yea i understand that but i dont agree that perception is reality which is what he started out saying
Originally Posted by ceelo4

Originally Posted by Thugnificence

Originally Posted by ctdaprince

Originally Posted by ceelo4

Originally Posted by ctdaprince

that is so not true alot of people take a look at me and would say o he is nothing but one of those little thugs but that is certainly not me

Apply that to your outfit and maybe you will see why people view you as a "little thug." First apperances are everything in this world.

juss cause i like to wear jordans and a hat o and im black makes me a thug

its no point in arguin wit this dude. Based on his posts, he seems to be prejudiced against black people, he probably believes every stereotype he hears about black males

You could have simply stated, "there is no point in arguing when I can't think of a decent rebuttal" Stereotypes exist for a reason.

stereotypes exist for a reason. So back in the day when everybody thought that black people were inferior intellectually, according to you it wastrue.

please defend this statement or at least revise it
Originally Posted by B Smooth 202

Originally Posted by ceelo4

Originally Posted by B Smooth 202

You fail to realise that you can't justify their actions by calling me racist. The truth hurts, go tell your fellow brothers how to act properly and maybe I wouldn't have an opinion on the matter.
People think they are smart though. In actuality those people just reinforcing the ancient conception of blackness itself.

Why would one put poor and unintelligent in the same sentence in the first place? People without money are assumed stupid, and inferior, which is not the truth .

On top of that, back up your BS by saying "the truth hurts"......*!%#@ please

Do you know the truth?
Considering that "poor" has more than one meaning and can be used to describe ones attitude, not just his or her financal status it has every right to be in that sentence. Quit trying, its past your bedtime
. Explain to me what this "ancient conception of blackness" is and what it has to do with my statement/opinion? Your entire post is so ironic. You really must have thought you were smart there didnt ya
. I know the truth and these pitiful attemps at converting me to accept mediocrity just proves my point.
Poor can be used to describe ones attitude?
Your reaching, NO !%%% poor can be used multiple ways, it's clear as crystal how it was put in context in the original statement.

I wasn't necessarily referring to your opinion, but I guess I was since you decided to defend that idiotic statement TBONE made.

There are a lot of conceptions of blackness prevalent in this country. If you knew the history of the United States of America (and prior), I wouldn't have to explain them to you.

Obviously you were referring to my opinion and my statement because you decided to quote me fool. I know the history of the United States and youhave not gone through what your ancestors have been through. So yes, you are correct that you wouldn't have to explain anything me because you have noright to tell me what happened since you never experienced it.
Originally Posted by DatZNasty

If I see someone in a Fubu jersey, my preconceived notion would be that they just awoke from a 4 year coma.

Yeah I was trying to think of a generic jersey and that was the first thing that came to mind. Sue me
Originally Posted by ceelo4

Originally Posted by B Smooth 202

Originally Posted by ceelo4

Originally Posted by B Smooth 202

You fail to realise that you can't justify their actions by calling me racist. The truth hurts, go tell your fellow brothers how to act properly and maybe I wouldn't have an opinion on the matter.
People think they are smart though. In actuality those people just reinforcing the ancient conception of blackness itself.

Why would one put poor and unintelligent in the same sentence in the first place? People without money are assumed stupid, and inferior, which is not the truth .

On top of that, back up your BS by saying "the truth hurts"......*!%#@ please

Do you know the truth?
Considering that "poor" has more than one meaning and can be used to describe ones attitude, not just his or her financal status it has every right to be in that sentence. Quit trying, its past your bedtime
. Explain to me what this "ancient conception of blackness" is and what it has to do with my statement/opinion? Your entire post is so ironic. You really must have thought you were smart there didnt ya
. I know the truth and these pitiful attemps at converting me to accept mediocrity just proves my point.
Poor can be used to describe ones attitude?
Your reaching, NO !%%% poor can be used multiple ways, it's clear as crystal how it was put in context in the original statement.

I wasn't necessarily referring to your opinion, but I guess I was since you decided to defend that idiotic statement TBONE made.

There are a lot of conceptions of blackness prevalent in this country. If you knew the history of the United States of America (and prior), I wouldn't have to explain them to you.
Obviously you were referring to my opinion and my statement because you decided to quote me fool. I know the history of the United States and you have not gone through what your ancestors have been through. So yes, you are correct that you wouldn't have to explain anything me because you have no right to tell me what happened since you never experienced it.

you must be one of those 'black people need to stop bringing up slavery because they never experienced it' type of dudes.
Originally Posted by ceelo4

Originally Posted by B Smooth 202

You fail to realise that you can't justify their actions by calling me racist. The truth hurts, go tell your fellow brothers how to act properly and maybe I wouldn't have an opinion on the matter.
People think they are smart though. In actuality those people just reinforcing the ancient conception of blackness itself.

Why would one put poor and unintelligent in the same sentence in the first place? People without money are assumed stupid, and inferior, which is not the truth .

On top of that, back up your BS by saying "the truth hurts"......*!%#@ please

Do you know the truth?
Considering that "poor" has more than one meaning and can be used to describe ones attitude, not just his or her financal status it has every right to be in that sentence. Quit trying, its past your bedtime
. Explain to me what this "ancient conception of blackness" is and what it has to do with my statement/opinion? Your entire post is so ironic. You really must have thought you were smart there didnt ya
. I know the truth and these pitiful attemps at converting me to accept mediocrity just proves my point.

wow dude... i'll take a crack at the explanation you're lookin for...

the "ancient conception of blackness" is as real as "the possessive investment in whiteness" ever heard of it?

in short, it explains that the benefits of being white are passed down from generation to generation, thus keeping the social status, general financialstability, and cultural aspects of the general white population the norm, the gold standard...

whiteness built itself upon a common negative perception of blackness. all thru American history u saw everyone hatin on black people in all forms, pinningthem with all kinds of negative connotations, a common beast-like demeanor towards women being one of em. THATS the ancient conception in blackness in anutshell.

that's why blacks are commonly pinned with bad habits & white people have pretty much always been seen as having the right manners & attitudes.

this is just another instance of how black people (though any man of any race can be recorded, or witnessed disrespecting a woman) have been wrongfully accusedof commonly acting this way towards women.

in relation to your statement/opinion, we shouldnt have to go clean up the streets of just our ill-mannered black brethren, what about the whistling latinomen? or the bad-mouthed caucasian men? that duty is NOT solely ours. all men should make a common effort to treat women better. period.

we wanna see all men of all races to tell their fellow brothers to act right.

does that help any?
Yeah you know what???

You right...he's definitely trolling...I'm playing myself by even continuing this.

Fellow brothers??...seriously?...and you live in nyc?...surely you keep these feelings indoors on your couch

but I'm done...this is idiocy...
ceelo4 wrote:

Yep. Think about it for a minute, if you were traveling on a ship exploring lands and you ran into a bunch of people living in huts and hunting for food with bows/sticks while you had guns then you would obviously think they are intellectually inferior. Survival of the fittest.


Oh, my...
Originally Posted by Robby Valentino

Yeah you know what???

You right...he's definitely trolling...I'm playing myself by even continuing this.

Fellow brothers??...seriously?...and you live in nyc?...surely you keep these feelings indoors on your couch

but I'm done...this is idiocy...
Because all black people are physically threatening right? You just indirectly stated that black people can only solve arguements through physicalcontact. Great way to show how truly civil your people are
Originally Posted by mFury

ceelo4 wrote:

Yep. Think about it for a minute, if you were traveling on a ship exploring lands and you ran into a bunch of people living in huts and hunting for food with bows/sticks while you had guns then you would obviously think they are intellectually inferior. Survival of the fittest.

Oh, my...

Originally Posted by ceelo4

Originally Posted by Robby Valentino

Yeah you know what???

You right...he's definitely trolling...I'm playing myself by even continuing this.

Fellow brothers??...seriously?...and you live in nyc?...surely you keep these feelings indoors on your couch

but I'm done...this is idiocy...
Because all black people are physically threatening right? You just indirectly stated that black people can only solve arguements through physical contact. Great way to show how truly civil your people are
...you let me know where I said that

thats a reach of "poor doesnt mean they dont have money" proportions....

A place as diverse as NYC...you have that good backwoods racism in your heart...if you ran around NYC spouting this foolishness i can't see how anyonewould interact with you...

but yeah please go on...let the hate free i have nothing better to do right now
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