*Warning: The Official Spoiler Thread* Vol. We Spoiling Everything B!

Damn, I may actually end up watching Hawkeye. Hopefully theres more Bishop than Barton.

Most hyped for Thor 4 and Dr. Strange 2.

Not necessarily believing that Norman Osborn stuff. Seems a stretch to make plans making him a main villain when the deal with Sony has not been renewed.
Would make more sense to do that with doom.. could make him a force on multiple fronts.. and they own the rights, outright

Imagine king BP meeting doom at some UN thing.. or doom being a guest of the US government and walking in with general/secretary ross
Doom is a sovereign ruler of his own country. Would not work or make much sense for him to be operating in NYC and buying Stark tower.

I see what they're going for but it'd make more sense to do with the Kingpin.
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What should be the extra twist and gut punch is when Jon stabs Dany she tells him shes pregnant.
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Doom is a sovereign ruler of his own country. Would not work or make much sensefor him to be operating in NYC and buying Stark tower.

I see what they're going for but it'd make more sense to do with the Kingpin.

No no.. I’m just saying overarching and impacting various characters to on various levels., so you could see him in a BP movie and also the main avengers villain

Finally they're bringing the Leader in to the MCU.

It'd be nice if they get Roth back as Abomination. **** a Justin Hammer though but I know Rockwell can be some good comedic relief.

Thunderbolts could end up being really good.
The **** is disturbing how hard they're going with this bittersweet ending ********.

More than one way to do that.




When I first read the spoilers I was like these cant be real, even with how disappointed I was in the writing, but I knew it was true with the spoilers for last the previous ep being in it.

But the ending with Bran on the iron throne. Thats gonna be true too?

Like I said before that is some Keyser Soze ****. He doesnt want anything but he's gonna accept being king. **** is crazy.
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At least this isn't as bad as some script leak i read after S7 ended that had Tyrion hooking up with Missandei while raising Jon and Dany's daughter aptly named Lyanna :rofl:

Scene 6 – Winterfell
"We see Lady Sansa and Lord Gendry now being together. Sansa watches with
Gendry, Edmure and Roslin how Edmure’s sons are sparring with each other.
Edmure still holds the title of Lord of Riverrun. Sansa notices that one of Edmure’s
sons carries Arya’s sword, Needle and asks how he retrieved it. Edmure answers
that his son, Willem, has found the sword in the woods when they were hunting. He
asks whether her sister is still alive, at which Sansa responds that she probably
would be. Arya always has found a way to survive somehow. Sansa and Gendry visit
the crypts of Winterfell. Jon’s statue stands in the crypts as well. Gendry asks Sansa
if the truly belongs down there. Sansa says that it is the only place where Jon truly
belonged, next to his real father Ned and with his brothers. Gendry jokes that he
wasn’t named “Jon” actually. Sansa says that he will always remain “Jon Snow’ to
her. Sansa mentions that she has a lot of work still to do, as she’s Lady of Winterfell
and Lady of the Vale by now. She asks what Gendry will do with Storm’s End, now
that it’s left unoccupied. Gendry says he’s planning to do soon after that he’s been
ackowledged as a true Baratheon by the King Regent.
And then we get to see the King Regent and Hand of Queen Lyanna Targaryen,
Tyrion Lannister. Tyrion is watching how Missandei is reading a book for Lyanna
about the tales of Rhaenys and Visenya Targaryen, before she goes to sleep.
Lyanna asks if her mother also rode a dragon and Missandei answers that she was
quite a warrior. The next scene, Tyrion and Missandei are seen in bed with each
other and talk about Lyanna, that she’s not the most easygoing child. Tyrion
mentions that she’s quite good at brooding as well.

Missandei laughs and tells Tyrion that he shouldn’t have expected otherwise with
Jon and Daenerys as parents. Tyrion tells Missandei that she’s doing an excellent
job in educating Lyanna and the two start to have sex with each other. The last
scene with Tyrion is one with Lyanna on the giant map of Westeros. Tyrion tells
Lyanna she will rule the Seven Kingdoms one day. He explains that the North and
the Vale are currently ruled by Lady Sansa Stark, the only remaining Stark child and
that she’s married to Lord Gendry Baratheon, Lord of the Stormlands. The
Riverlands are ruled by Edmure Tully. Tyrion himself is in charge of Casterly Rock at
the moment, but the castle is left unoccupied still. The Reach is ruled by Lord
Samwell Tarly, son of Randy Tarly. The Iron Islands on the other hands are currently
ruled by Yara Greyjoy. Lyanna asks about Dorne, on which Tyrion answers that
Dorne is now ruled by one of Oberyn’s daughters. She has been married to a man
who has always dreamt of owning a castle and having a fine young lady. Now he

has both of them. Now Tyrion and Lyanna walk toward the Iron Throne. Tyrion
warns Lyanna that the Game of Thrones isn’t a child’s play and it’s one that comes
at a price. Of course, Tyrion assures her that she’ll never have to deal with the
Game of Thrones alone and he’ll always be there for her. Last shot is Lyanna and
Tyrion staring at the Iron Throne.
Last Scene
We end with a scene in the far far North, in the Lands of Always Winter. A single
White Walker rides to and brings the body of Bran Stark to an altar. Remember that
the Night King stabbed Bran in episode 2. He was stabbed in the heart with
Dragonglass. He performs a certain ritual and Bran opens his eyes. They’re bright
blue. The White Walker puts a crown on Bran’s head and the altar slowly changes
into one of ice. Winter is coming…

and this is just the ending scene lol
Yeah I don't think it's Jon that kills her.

Arya said she's coming to the capital to kill the queen, never said which queen. Given what she went through last episode and her already distaste for Dany it makes sense.

I don't see Jon killing her simply because he loves her and she is family. I see him leaving her for what she's done, but he's not one to pass judgment like that especially because he still believes she's the queen.
What I don't get about the spoilers is who does Jon surrender to? No way Grey Worm lets' him live, or any of the unsullied or Dothraki. Who would they listen too?
I imagine the spoiler is leaving out the deaths of Greyworm somehow.

It isnt clear what happens with Arya either.

I imagine he gives himself up to Tyrion.
Yeah I don't think it's Jon that kills her.

Arya said she's coming to the capital to kill the queen, never said which queen. Given what she went through last episode and her already distaste for Dany it makes sense.

I don't see Jon killing her simply because he loves her and she is family. I see him leaving her for what she's done, but he's not one to pass judgment like that especially because he still believes she's the queen.
No she said shes coming to kill Cersi.

This very past so when a soldier tries to stop her and the Hound she straight up says she's going to kill Queen Cersi. Hound then describes the convienence of that move. Then they just dip.

At least this isn't as bad as some script leak i read after S7 ended that had Tyrion hooking up with Missandei while raising Jon and Dany's daughter aptly named Lyanna :rofl:

and this is just the ending scene lol
I remember this :lol: This is really bad reading it over.
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