Warren Sapp is broke but at least he still has his Jordans....

Originally Posted by ThunderChunk69

Originally Posted by JD214

I thought mouse was one of them?

Not us...

with the reputation you have on here
God knows what you mean 

when i say "us" i meant not giving substance to things that are clearly unfair just because one side has a penis and one has a vagina...
Originally Posted by ricky409

Originally Posted by ThunderChunk69

Originally Posted by JD214

I thought mouse was one of them?

Not us...

with the reputation you have on here
God knows what you mean 

when i say "us" i meant not giving substance to things that are clearly unfair just because one side has a penis and one has a vagina...
didn't quote you

fidididididididfambs - fabolous
NT please dont sit here and now try and argue the child support laws...them dude know the game and how much it trips people up but these dudes dont care. I'm not sorry that they are hanging in back payments long after they are out of the league. Clowns.
^ I'm not saying he wasn't spending money.

but when you look at someone like an athlete whose career has a short lifespan, if they have a child near the end of their career, that child support is can stay high up to 17 years after they quit and have nothing going for them.

that doesn't make sense.
^ Yeah I feel you but Sapp knows the child support game and still went out and had 4 different baby mommas.
Originally Posted by ThunderChunk69

Originally Posted by ricky409

Originally Posted by ThunderChunk69


with the reputation you have on here
God knows what you mean 

when i say "us" i meant not giving substance to things that are clearly unfair just because one side has a penis and one has a vagina...
didn't quote you

fidididididididfambs - fabolous

yeah... i was talkin' to ol' buddy too...

we all on the same side fambs... #teamYouWasntWithMeWhenIWasShootinInDaGym
All the money these dudes make and they end up broke. Sapp in the books with the rest of them.
Originally Posted by DMan14

this guy talks so much sh.. on twitter
going broke when you have a decent job, smh. these guys need to get a financial advisor
im sure they have an advisor, but the advisor is probably taking all their money 
Originally Posted by ThunderChunk69

Originally Posted by JD214

I thought mouse was one of them?

Not us...

with the reputation you have on here
God knows what you mean 

Thought dude was referring to mytmouse as a male,

So I said them as in females and us as in males.
Originally Posted by ricky409

Originally Posted by ThunderChunk69

Originally Posted by mytmouse76

if these kids were being raised in the same house as their rich fathers i doubt he would skimp on the expensive for them when he's buying it for himself...no reason they should miss out cuz we feel she got pregnant for the check or because of divorce of the parents

you say that cuz its child support but more than likely if they lived w/their dads most wouldn't think twice if he spent that same amount monthly if the kids were w/him...
as long as the kid is fed and has a roof over their head, what does "maintaining" a lifestyle mean to a 4 year old? 

all that $ just goes to the mother, so she can "maintain" a lifestyle, even though she might not have been married to the father? 
if child support made any sense, some of it should go in a trustfund (after a certain amount)
#whoadere... so mouse is supporting these outlandish child support laws?
i hope not fambs... i thought you were one of us.

i'm a supporter of common sense...common sense would tell any rich man..."i'm rich maybe i should wrap my ****"

i agree completely the laws are %@@%!# up but again...if he was raising the child they'd have an outlandish collection of J's and whatever extra stuff he has so i see no reason they child shouldn't be able to have that stuff at 4 or 14 just cuz the parents aren't together...

you guys can roll your eyes all you want but for now thats the game and you know it but for whatever reason these men think theyre invisible and it can't/won't happen to them...

there should definitely be a way to better regulate how the money is being spent but there isn't so you need to move accordingly

Originally Posted by trunks206

NT please dont sit here and now try and argue the child support laws...them dude know the game and how much it trips people up but these dudes dont care. I'm not sorry that they are hanging in back payments long after they are out of the league. Clowns.

and this
Originally Posted by eashawty

Originally Posted by Nako XL

he didn't lose his rings. that's the point.

everything he has is up for collection, but he claims he doesn't know where the rings are so they wont be touched. i bet you they're in a safe somewhere.

Yup. But I don't feel bad for him once I found out he had 4 baby momma's. Like Dwight Howard, I just lose respect for men that have a ton of kids by different women and don't really take care for them. Dudes out here stupid, if I'm worth $1 I'm not juicing these $%$$!% up for nothing in the world. U not getting a dime from me.

I swear to Bajesus if I see Warren Sapp selling Sneakers on eBay tho ............
4 baby mommas.
corrective speech therapy bills
lost championship rings
jordan collection listed as one of your few remaining assets.

jesus this has to be a record for the largest collection of L's in such a short span of time
Originally Posted by calibeebee

4 baby mommas.
corrective speech therapy bills
lost championship rings
jordan collection listed as one of your few remaining assets.

jesus this has to be a record for the largest collection of L's in such a short span of time
He's only claiming he lost his rings so if the IRS does come to collect, they can't touch those. As a player, them rings mean everything to you bruh.
I mean there are people who are literally ordered to pay OVER 100% of their income. My buddy had to pay child support for his current job, and 2 previous jobs, and when men cant afford to pay, they are put in jail. Look at Nas case, no child would EVER need $400k a month
Its sad how pro athletes and celebrities loose everything so easily. But hey at least he has his jays...
I don't know about you guys world but it isn't just rich dudes getting these girls pregnant out here. I'm sure you would be surprised by how many "regular dudes" have multiple kids with multiple moms. Now multiply that with having money and fame and the desires are all in the same. Men can be their own worst enemy when it comes to the desires of the flesh. A !$$%+ hound is a !$$%+ hound whether rich or poor. The consequences are just as dire and relative. 95% of you would be just as bad given the same situation.
In addition to declaring bankrupcy, sapp is likely out at the NFL network that pays him $45k a month. Link to story on ProFootballTalk.com here.
Originally Posted by ThunderChunk69

Originally Posted by JD214

I thought mouse was one of them?

Not us...

with the reputation you have on here
God knows what you mean 

Can't believe Sapp blew his money like this

@ anybody who thinks Mayweather is gonna go broke dude has his own boxing promotions after he permanently retires he will still be making money.

Can't go broke if you continue putting money back.
Originally Posted by mytmouse76

Originally Posted by xAiRMaXiNx

I always think that athletes would make bank of off kids. Watching She Hate Me opened my eyes to all the cash that could be made. You're a world class athlete and if some chick walks up(especially if hot) and offerend me like 20K to smash off raw, given her recent medical papers to say she's clean, and I have no rights/obligation/ connections to the child, I'm doing that. They probably don't know how to incorporate it with their finances which messes up their money.
I haven't seen this movie so i'm confused...

why would anyone offer a rich player money to have their baby and him not have any rights?

thats the whole point of having a baby by one of them...
Genetics.  It's a high chance that baby will come out with high chances of success, if the mom has her side together.  The movie is basically about lesbians who want to have kids, but are afraid of the sperm bank donor being someone other than describe.  In short one of the girls asks her ex fiance to do it.  They pay him 10,000 for each baby and waive his rights as a parent. Dude has a MBA from oxford, good physique, great health, etc. So he's making bread on the side by just giving clean, tested, in many cases beautiful women some baby sauce.  Dude made like 100K in a week.  So I wouldn't be shocked if a lot of players were doing the same, just on a more confidential note.  I don't want to get too into this, but you remember back to your teenage days when we all played madden right? The my player career mode where you had an option to pick your parents for the players and out of all the options of course you'd pick the "best" ones.  Such as the "All American" dad and "dancer" mom, or "doctor" dad and "track star" mom just for higher points in various "natural" attributes. In the game you had to train and practice to get over a 85 and that would take time, but if you had picked one of the parents from above, you'd start off at a 90+ thanks to you getting dads "All American" genes.
How is it some hating bastard always gotta bring Mayweather up I highly doubt.Floyd goes that's just you dudes with coward hearts praying on his downfall
Originally Posted by hugebird

^ You really need to stop watching movies and playing video games.

I haven't owned a gaming system since 08' and I don't even own a television. Just saying think a little.
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