Warriors Haters & Steph Curry Haters Call To Arms (Haters Unification Thread) VOL WHY NOT?

**** KD. No respek for this Coward.

Why didn't he do this last season? Dude went ghost and now feelin himself after joining 3 All-Stars and a Finals MVP. BAN
Cause he's soft. Can't close a 3-1 lead in the WCF with a fellow top 5 player beside you? Soft
If I had to pick a select bunch:







That's the right answer.

Any team besides GS.

That's the real answer.
Seriously? The Rockets? They ran up and jacked up more threes than anybody in nba history this year. 
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That's cool.

But it's awful to watch. They literally prance up court and chuck 3s from 30ft out and make them on the regular. That's corny as hell. It's like the skinny kid who has no handles, coordination, or any athletic ability whatsoever who just sits behind the line and jacks 3s.

It's ruining the viewing experience. IDC about ratings. They're inflated with casuals who couldn't care less about the game outside the Warriors or the playoffs. This league is a 1-team sprint to the finish line.

**** the warriors. **** KD and **** their style of play. I spent the last 9 months watching a season that didn't matter. At all. The entire playoffs sucked. There was no real threat to the Cavs or Warriors. Then they meet and the Cavs can't keep up with the 3 ball.

Imagine if in the early 2000s you took AI, Ray Allen, Kobe, and Ben Wallace and put them on the same team. Sure, it isn't the best replica of the Warriors, but the team would still be cheat codes in real life.

How can you talk about "causal fans"....when you think "all the Warriors do is jack up contested 40ft 3s"

:lol:. Dude tells you they finished 7 in paint points...and you don't care. You're not looking at the game with a nuanced eye. Just fuming with hot takes. I'm not sure you even really know what's going on. GSW throws the ball into the post quite a lot. But it's not always to score. It's to find an open shooter, cutter or get the ball moving. Livingston, posts up quite a lot too. They get wide open shots because they move, and move the ball.

This is the ZENITH of team basketball. From team defense. Passing, movement etc.
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That's cool.

But it's awful to watch. They literally prance up court and chuck 3s from 30ft out and make them on the regular. That's corny as hell. It's like the skinny kid who has no handles, coordination, or any athletic ability whatsoever who just sits behind the line and jacks 3s.

It's ruining the viewing experience. IDC about ratings. They're inflated with casuals who couldn't care less about the game outside the Warriors or the playoffs. This league is a 1-team sprint to the finish line.

**** the warriors. **** KD and **** their style of play. I spent the last 9 months watching a season that didn't matter. At all. The entire playoffs sucked. There was no real threat to the Cavs or Warriors. Then they meet and the Cavs can't keep up with the 3 ball.

Imagine if in the early 2000s you took AI, Ray Allen, Kobe, and Ben Wallace and put them on the same team. Sure, it isn't the best replica of the Warriors, but the team would still be cheat codes in real life.
How can you talk about "causal fans"....when you think "all the Warriors do is jack up contested 40ft 3s"

. Dude tells you they finished 7 in paint points...and you don't care. You're not looking at the game with a nuanced eye. Just fuming with hot takes. I'm not sure you even really know what's going on. GSW throws the ball into the post quite a lot. But it's not always to score. It's to find an open shooter, cutter or get the ball moving. Livingston, posts up quite a lot too. They get wide open shots because they move, and move the ball.

This is the ZENITH of team basketball. From team defense. Passing, movement etc.
You know what man, you're right. I got the hot takes tonight. I'll level with you, it's just frustrating that not a single team in the league can keep up with them. At all. AT ALL.

You can praise GS for level of play and being the "zenith of team basketball" and that would be cool if they were playing a clone of themselves, but if you aren't a GS fan, how do you enjoy watching their games when the opposing team doesn't stand a chance in hell? How do you guard 3 40% 3PT shoots and a PF that can hit from outside occasionally and two of those 4 guys are former MVPs and can handle the ball and get to the rim?

But whatever. The NBA is set on repeat for the next 5 seasons. Warriors gonna rattle off 3-5 in a row. I'll just watch my Sixers develop and hope we're contending in 2020and beyond because unless LeBron gonna reload with a top 10 player, it's a wrap.
Don't even hate the Warriors. I think they're a great squad and I have a ton of respect for what they've built.

I do, however, loathe KD and his decision to join the team that snatched his soul out his chest just weeks earlier. I get that cats just want to be champions, but his move is easily the weakest **** I've personally seen in sports. You just don't do that, IMO. He's an amazing player for sure, but maaaaan....what a *****.

So with that, **** KD! Dude's chip(s) will always have an asterisk next to them for me.
Don't even hate the Warriors. I think they're a great squad and I have a ton of respect for what they've built.

I do, however, loathe KD and his decision to join the team that snatched his soul out his chest just weeks earlier. I get that cats just want to be champions, but his move is easily the weakest **** I've personally seen in sports. You just don't do that, IMO. He's an amazing player for sure, but maaaaan....what a *****.

So with that, **** KD! Dude's chip(s) will always have an asterisk next to them for me.
Exactly how I feel man. I dont understand how people dont see that as a coward move. Cant beat em? F it I'll join em. SOFT. 

Dude talked down on other players joining superteams on Twitter and will forever be quoted. Then he goes out and does the same thing. 

I used to respect this clown when he was on OKC. That all went out the window last July. Act tough all you want on the court but deep down he knows people think he's soft.

Sure he's probably gonna win a championship this year, they might even go 16-0 en route but people will only remember it for the fact he b**** out and joined the team that spanked him the year before

F*** KD
It's gonna be interesting to see how people remember KD's championship(s). The media I think will elevate him, but amongst the fans, I'm curious to see how he's remembered in 10 years.

Will we praise his title(s) and forget the circumstances or will we forever roast him for running to the team that beat him?
Some of the anger towards KD is similar to the hardcore wrestling fans reacting to Hulk Hogan joining the nWo lol
**** KD. No respek for this Coward.

Why didn't he do this last season? Dude went ghost and now feelin himself after joining 3 All-Stars and a Finals MVP. BAN


This shouldn't even count for him. It's an asterisk

:lol: Dude left a team where he was too scared to tell Westbrook, a person he's over 7 inches taller, it was his team and prove it. To going to a team that won 73 games, had a back to back MVPs(questionable) and the team that beat him. I see this guy shooting and nailing shots then trying to mean mug and act like the killer instinct was always there and I'm just laughing.
Sure Lebron went to Miami, but he didn't take his cavs Jersey off and then go to the Celtics. It looks even worse because they had to arrange this years finals story to fit KD in. They already had the "Steph, Klay, Dray looking for immediate revenge" angle then they had to be like and "Five years ago, KD is looking for revenge against Lebron"

What makes this more pressing and makes KD look worse is, it wasn't like money is a factor to this guy, you take money out of this equation and here's a guy who could've gone anywhere else and taken down the demon that was the dubs, he could've even gone to the Cavs. Going to the team that beat you, you automatically concede and admit, you were too much of a BAN to even step on the court with them(dubs) and you are a loser.

bottomline: KD would never have a ring if he didn't join this team and even he knows it. Dubs scared him so bad, he joined them :smh:
Dude is beyond a clown and easily one of the weakest minded athletes I've ever seen.

We need to stop debating if this guy is a beta boy or not

At this thread derailment :smh:
People in here actually trying to talk intelligently about the Dubs and inviting dubs fans in here for a civil debate

take it elsewhere man
**** KD. No respek for this Coward.

Why didn't he do this last season? Dude went ghost and now feelin himself after joining 3 All-Stars and a Finals MVP. BAN


This shouldn't even count for him. It's an asterisk


He didn't do it last season because he was practically planning his exit as they were choking the series away. People easily blame Westbrook, but if you go back to those last games, KD played a part in that collapse as well. He surely was taking ill-advised contested 3s and getting locked up on defense, but people will only show you highlights of Westbrook missing shots and turning the ball over. He was so shook by Draymond and others' defense, he figured it would simply be easier to join them so he wouldn't have to face them again. I don't blame him for leaving and getting a sure-fire ring, as having rings is better than not having them, as well as controlling your own career instead of letting GMs do it, but people comparing him and Lebron's move are very goofy. Even worse when they try to bring Ray Allen up, the 3rd or 4th best player on the Celtics, the same Celtics that tried to trade him several times before.
He didn't do it last season because he was practically planning his exit as they were choking the series away. People easily blame Westbrook, but if you go back to those last games, KD played a part in that collapse as well. He surely was taking ill-advised contested 3s and getting locked up on defense, but people will only show you highlights of Westbrook missing shots and turning the ball over. He was so shook by Draymond and others' defense, he figured it would simply be easier to join them so he wouldn't have to face them again. I don't blame him for leaving and getting a sure-fire ring, as having rings is better than not having them, as well as controlling your own career instead of letting GMs do it, but people comparing him and Lebron's move are very goofy. Even worse when they try to bring Ray Allen up, the 3rd or 4th best player on the Celtics, the same Celtics that tried to trade him several times before.

You're right. Not blaming him for leaving. I'd rather Boston or even the spurs! But gs? That's just the ill **** move!

What if lebron went to Boston in 2010? Or spurs in 2014?

Then the bandwagons saying f kd. He's trash. You blew a 3 1 lead. Now all of a sudden love him now

F kd
Dude left a team where he was too scared to tell Westbrook, a person he's over 7 inches taller, it was his team and prove it. To going to a team that won 73 games, had a back to back MVPs(questionable) and the team that beat him. I see this guy shooting and nailing shots then trying to mean mug and act like the killer instinct was always there and I'm just laughing.
Sure Lebron went to Miami, but he didn't take his cavs Jersey off and then go to the Celtics. It looks even worse because they had to arrange this years finals story to fit KD in. They already had the "Steph, Klay, Dray looking for immediate revenge" angle then they had to be like and "Five years ago, KD is looking for revenge against Lebron"

What makes this more pressing and makes KD look worse is, it wasn't like money is a factor to this guy, you take money out of this equation and here's a guy who could've gone anywhere else and taken down the demon that was the dubs, he could've even gone to the Cavs. Going to the team that beat you, you automatically concede and admit, you were too much of a BAN to even step on the court with them(dubs) and you are a loser.

bottomline: KD would never have a ring if he didn't join this team and even he knows it. Dubs scared him so bad, he joined them

Dude is beyond a clown and easily one of the weakest minded athletes I've ever seen.

We need to stop debating if this guy is a beta boy or not

At this thread derailment

People in here actually trying to talk intelligently about the Dubs and inviting dubs fans in here for a civil debate

take it elsewhere man
They don't hear you though.
Man this I thought I was in the "defend GSW and kd thread" for a second.

WTF let all these soft *** poachers through the door..........man take yall's brokeback dressing chinuts having assbreath back to the Hamptons, or wherever TF you came from.

Only hate going on in here, you want to defend assness, then log on FB and do it over there, only real G's in here. 
Hi haters... hope you guys are ready for the next 7 championships to be won by Golden State ..

assuming that KD feels superior, with no conflict from anyone else on his team, while at the same time they continue winning with ease.

Dubs fans acting like this frail baby won't bounce the 2nd his leadership is challenged or not handed to him, like i guess it should've been in OKC.

gotta prove you deserve to be the man, unless chumps like steph, and dray just step aside and not challenge you.

Steph a BAN too, how you the reigning 2 time MVP and just give your team over to KD and defer, like bro your not old or even close to being past your prime

but hey, you've accomplished everything in your career right Steph??
mom, wife daughter bigger than you....check
convinced dubs fans that 2 seasons in a row is a career and you should be in GOAT convos....check

Yeah steph hang back, you've earned this man!
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