was Jerry Seinfeld a system quarterback in Larry David's offense?

Jerry didn't want to do another show because he wanted to stay at home wit his family and continue to do stand-up. Homeboy turned down 100 million to do one more season :x

Larry David wasn't even part of the show for the last couple seasons and it still brought the heat. Think he helped write the finale though

Even Larry David and anyone around the show doesn't believe he carried Jerry.

Seinfeld without Jerry = fail

100 mill? for one season? That's what? 5 mill an episode? :x

Bruh, in the 90s 100 mill. Damn.
Jerry didn't want to do another show because he wanted to stay at home wit his family and continue to do stand-up. Homeboy turned down 100 million to do one more season :x

Larry David wasn't even part of the show for the last couple seasons and it still brought the heat. Think he helped write the finale though

Even Larry David and anyone around the show doesn't believe he carried Jerry.

Seinfeld without Jerry = fail

100 mill? for one season? That's what? 5 mill an episode? :x

Bruh, in the 90s 100 mill. Damn.

funny thing is that both David and Seinfeld are both worth almost a billion dollars( 800 mill a piece). While George is only worth 75 mill

and elaine is the daughter of a billionaire. The whole cast was ballin
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Any SoFla NTers see Jerry Seinfeld at the Hardrock last night?

I was there, he was excellent. Still manages to pull off the "nothing" so well.
you look back at the show and if you ranked the funniest characters on the show

i think it goes

1.GEORGE.......larry said george was basically his character



There's no way Jerry is sharing that 3 spot with Elaine, she's easily 4th.

Like other NT'ers have been saying, I don't think Jerry is a system QB neither.  You can't replace Jerry and have the same results, but, on the same note, there is no Seinfeld without Larry David...
To an extent I agree cuz with another bit of evidence I don't find Seinfeld's stand-up all that funny but we all know he co-write eps and co-created the show so I can't think it was all Larry. That'd be dumb. The main problem is Jerry hasn't gone on to make another show or direct/write a movie and with Curb's existence Larry seems even more of the right answer when you think of who should get the credit for Seinfeld. I definitely found things funny about the Jerry character on the show (high pitch voice when mad, constant Superman references, sudden obsession to get Jean Paul Jean Paul to the race on time and other things like that, his high maintenance, slight germaphobe, the weird hangups he'd have over various gfs (;fake breast, same dress, man hands, two face, maid/prostitute,etc.), etc.)

I think we should keep in mind for the most part Jerry the character is suppose to be written as the straight man that's part of a cast of uniquely weird awful friends. The other characters are suppose to be playing off of him more times than not for the laughs.

I think Jerry said it best here:
George: What kind of a person are you?
Jerry: I think I'm pretty much like you, only successful.
And as we know from a few eps (George stops having sex and becomes a genius, George gets a toupee, George does the opposite of his instinct, etc.) a successful George can't be funny for a prolonged amount of time. You'd essentially have 2 Jerry's.

As far as the characters that ranking is about right but to be clearer all of them are funny given the situation but George and Kramer are the most funniest in situations more times than not.

The ep where Jerry always breaks even also comes to mind when we're talking about the humor levels of these characters.

If Jerry went on to make a show or movie I believe it would be on the same high quality level as Curb but since I'm basing this off my taste in humor I know I wouldn't find it as funny. It'd be as entertaining if you can see the difference though.

Also, gotta separate the characters from the actor/writer.
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Both were equally important for the show's success. Yes LD made Curb afterwards and I find it just as hilarious as Seinfeld but look where he was before the show, he wasn't nearly as big as a standup as Jerry was and only lasted half a season on SNL. Jerry after the show just doesn't seem to care about anything other then his standup shows.
Heard somewhere a couple years ago both Larry & Jerry make over a 100 mil a year off royalties alone
Must be nice
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Lol... forreal tho its pretty much ALL Larry. Jerry really isnt all that funny... Its only because of Larrys unique/quirky storytelling and character development that that both shows are so great.

Jerry helped Larry his start but Larry made Jerry what he is today. Larry certainly played on Jerrys "star power" at the time to get the wheels in motion... but there is no question in my mind w/o the show and Larrys writing Jerry would have totally fallen off like so many other standup comedians from the era.

IMO its like the exact opposite of Will Smith on the Fresh Prince. Most people watch the Fresh Prince because Will himself has that superstar quality that pulls all the characters together and really brings the whole show to life. In all honesty... FPs writing was piss poor generic sitcom crap for the first few seasons and it was due soley to Wills charisma that the show lasted and became as popular as it did. On the other hand Jerry Seinfeld himself isnt really the reason people like to watch Seinfeld. Its the unique the storys and wild twists that come full circle that really pulled people in.
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While we are talking its something I always wanted to say....

Kramer is one of the most overrated characters ever to be on TV. I just don't find the dude funny.

But Seinfeld itself is a very funny show.

George and Elain>>>> Kramer
i'm a expert, i have seen at every episode of seinfeld at least 5 times and curb at very least 5 times. I first started watchig seinfeld season 2 or 3 early 90s throughout the show i knew nothing of LD, not even when he started curb. it wasnt until i heard that one of the writers(later learned co-creator) had his own show did i start watching curb....it was clear early in my watching of curb that LD was the brains behind seinfeld. curb is the best show of al time, really if i were stuck on an island can can only take one TV show dvds wtih me it would be curb....or baywatch:tongue:
While we are talking its something I always wanted to say....

Kramer is one of the most overrated characters ever to be on TV. I just don't find the dude funny.

But Seinfeld itself is a very funny show.

George and Elain>>>> Kramer
No, because Jerry tied everything together.  As dude above me said, they all played off of him.  Without Jerry, the show wouldn't really work on any level.    

It's funny, though, the more you think about it, the more you realize they were all a product of an almost perfect cast.  Not that they haven't or couldn't shine on their own, but Seinfeld put them in a perfect situation to flourish individually.  There's no better example of this than Kramer.  Of all people, not sure how he hasn't been mentioned in terms if being a product of the show.  The only thing I can remember post-Seinfeld was that racist tirade after getting heckled.  No shows, no movies, no cameos, nada. 

Though I doubt Larry would fare any better, I've always stood by my opinion that Jerry is a below average comedian.  Dude's stand up before the shows were mediocre at best and I've never seen him do stand up that made me laugh out loud.  More of just a really funny situational guy than a great comedian
Are dudes in here really trying to act like Jerry Seinfeld didn't co-create and write Seinfeld? Half the themes in the show are based on his stand up...bunch of haters in here! Sure Jerry is a bad actor, but damn! Saying Jerry isn't worth a lick???? The nerve of half of you in this thread 
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