was Jerry Seinfeld a system quarterback in Larry David's offense?

Easily my favorite show of all time :smokin

The show wouldn't have been the same without Jerry though. I don't think he was a system QB for Larry because if he ventured off into another show I think it still would've been successful. Plus as mentioned, Jerry did a lot of writing for the show as well. I think the chemistry between Larry David & Jerry, down to each character fitting their roles to perfection, just worked out perfectly all around for the show.

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Are dudes in here really trying to act like Jerry Seinfeld didn't co-create and write Seinfeld? Half the themes in the show are based on his stand up...bunch of haters in here! Sure Jerry is a bad actor, but damn! Saying Jerry isn't worth a lick???? The nerve of half of you in this thread 
Co-sign. Can't believe someone just labeled him as a "below-average" comedian. Really? Compared to who? On what scale? The only reason he got the show deal in the first place was because he was a highly successful comedian on a national scale who killed whenever he did late night shows.

Unless you're just a total gimmick(this goes for all races/cultures) or you've been blatantly stealing others' content, it's flat-out dumb to label someone as successful as Jerry, even if he had never had the TV success, as "below average."
Seinfeld is a HUGE pet peeve of mine. Specifically his being vastly overrated.

Seinfeld is a great example of being in the right place at the right time. In essence, Seinfeld was a sign of the times when it came to the cultural atmosphere of the era. A feel good, corny White dude who rode the boom times through the mid 80's and into the late 90's. 

He's one of those entertainers who cannot be carried through various cultural epochs. Transport Seinfeld a decade earlier or later than his peak and he's a lame. 

There are a lot of entertainers like Seinfeld but his mediocrity was sustained as a result of the show. 

The dude is literally one of the greatest luckboxes in entertainment history. 

Same goes with "Friends" and that entire doodoo cast and show. 
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Seinfeld is a HUGE pet peeve of mine. Specifically his being vastly overrated.:lol:

Seinfeld is a great example of being in the right place at the right time. In essence, Seinfeld was a sign of the times when it came to the cultural atmosphere of the era. A feel good, corny White dude who rode the boom times through the mid 80's and into the late 90's. 
He's one of those entertainers who cannot be carried through various cultural epochs. Transport Seinfeld a decade earlier or later than his peak and he's a lame. 
There are a lot of entertainers like Seinfeld but his mediocrity was sustained as a result of the show. 

The dude is literally one of the greatest luckboxes in entertainment history. 

Same goes with "Friends" and that entire doodoo cast and show. 

Transport Kobe into the 1983 draft and he's Clyde Drexler... What's your point?
^ Nah, dude, it's all subjective.  I always get killed for saying that, but it's how I've always felt.  Been a huge Seinfeld fan since I can remember.  Probably seen every episode multiple times.  Still, to me, his stand up was never anything special.  The bits before the episode set up some of the themes, which was cool, but I don't think I laughed out loud at any of the intros.  

My saying he was below average was in comparison to other star comedians and completely my own opinion.  I'm sure I'm in the minority on that and that's fine.  
Seinfeld is a HUGE pet peeve of mine. Specifically his being vastly overrated.:lol:

Seinfeld is a great example of being in the right place at the right time. In essence, Seinfeld was a sign of the times when it came to the cultural atmosphere of the era. A feel good, corny White dude who rode the boom times through the mid 80's and into the late 90's. 
He's one of those entertainers who cannot be carried through various cultural epochs. Transport Seinfeld a decade earlier or later than his peak and he's a lame. 
There are a lot of entertainers like Seinfeld but his mediocrity was sustained as a result of the show. 

The dude is literally one of the greatest luckboxes in entertainment history. 

Same goes with "Friends" and that entire doodoo cast and show. 

You say some ******ed things

Everything is a sign of the times
Transport Kobe into the 1983 draft and he's Clyde Drexler... What's your point?
? Way to make my point.

Clyde was sick. Kobe was sick. The era notwithstanding. 

Bring Clyde to any era and he'd be top 10. Put Kobe in Clyde's era and he'd be top 10 as well. 

Transport Seinfeld +/- 10 years and the dude would be obscure at best. He'd do better in the 70's than the 2k's though. 
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You say some ******ed things
Everything is a sign of the times
But the truly great stuff carries over. That's the difference. 

The real quality stuff transcends time. Take any form of entertainment/art. The good **** transcends cultural boundaries. 

Corny white boomer/ gen x'we Seinfeld doesn't transcend boundaries. And this is coming from a corny white dude. 

Right place at the right time. Positive variance. 

Seinfeld is so loved by Boomer/ early Gen X America because it's the last thing that the aholes have to hold on too. It's like their greatest creation and they can't seem to let go of it. Seinfeld is a Boomer/Early Gen X wet dream. 
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In essence, Seinfeld was a sign of the times when it came to the cultural atmosphere of the era. 
This is one of the dumbest posts I've ever read on this forum and that sentence in particular almost comes across as a parody of a dumb internet "opinion." What exactly are you even attempting to reference? 
My response was directed at After the Dance.

Wawa, you're tripping.  Your statement might hold weight if the show wasn't nationally syndicated with endless reruns 15 years after the last episode.  
My response was directed at After the Dance.

Wawa, you're tripping.  Your statement might hold weight if the show wasn't nationally syndicated with endless reruns 15 years after the last episode.  
I gotcha. If it means anything I think Steve Martin's original "groundbreaking" stand-up is wildly overrated, and I get flak for it. Respect your opinion.
This is one of the dumbest posts I've ever read on this forum and that sentence in particular almost comes across as a parody of a dumb internet "opinion." What exactly are you even attempting to reference? 
When it comes to Seinfeld people get touchy. lol

Some things are great because they're simply there at the right place at the right time. This happens. It's a fact. 

Other things are great because they're truly ******g great. 

The old luck v skill debate.

Seinfeld is a luckbox. Plain and simple. 

Seinfeld = Jerry West.  How can you not dribble with your left and still pull off multiple 30+PPG seasons? Great or a sign of the times? 

Same **** with Seinfeld. He was great in an era of cultural bankruptcy. 
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That doesn't take away from the greatness.

Saying it was a case of right place, right time, doesn't weaken the quality, it just speaks to what made it so popular. It was a postmodern show that appealed  to audiences in the 90s and beyond. It couldn't have been successful in the 80s because it needed all of the cheesy, conventional sitcoms to come before it in order to break from the norm and give audiences something different. It couldn't have happened in the 2000s because comedies of this decade were influenced by Seinfeld and it's postmodern qualities. No emotional conclusions, self-referential and meta humor, etc. 

It's really not plain and simple. Saying it's a matter of luck isn't fair at all. Would it have been as widely successful in another era? No, but it's success and quality was a reflection of it's time... but that's not a fault. Rather it's the progression of sitcoms and Seinfeld was a major part of that.
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When it comes to Seinfeld people get touchy. lol

Some things are great because they're simply there at the right place at the right time. 

Other things are great because they're truly ******g great. 

The old luck v skill debate.
Seinfeld is a luckbox. Plain and simple. 

You try to come off overly bright but really fail doing so

How are you gonna say Seinfeld is not truly great? People who were in diapers love this show today

There is a reason it's one of, if not the most syndicated shows on TV
My response was directed at After the Dance.

Wawa, you're tripping.  Your statement might hold weight if the show wasn't nationally syndicated with endless reruns 15 years after the last episode.  
A lot of shows are  widely syndicated. Cheers, Frasier, etc. 

Seinfeld is by far the most successful at it but so what? It's a safe pick for most networks and out of all of those lame shows it may be the best. You have to fill the spots with something, right? 

The dying and lifeless boomers/ gen x'ers are reminiscing about "the gold ole times" when watching Seinfeld episodes . 
I think you're underestimating the appeal of Seinfeld. I know plenty of people born in the 90s who watch and enjoy the show, it's not only appealing to boomers.
You try to come off overly bright but really fail doing so
How are you gonna say Seinfeld is not truly great? People who were in diapers love this show today
There is a reason it's one of, if not the most syndicated shows on TV
Because it's not truly great? idk, why is it truly great? 

People love a lot of things. 

People loved subprime mortgages. 

People loved college loans.

People loved pets.com 

People loved/love Weezy

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