Was Loki (Tom Hidlesston) Just As Good As The Joker (Heath Ledger)???

Avengers was one of my favorite movies last year and Tom was good as Loki but Heath as the Joker was on a whole another level. It's overrated at times on here by some of the members but it was still a phenomenal performance. I don't understand what anybody sees in Bane though
Of course not.

Ledger's Joker is THE BEST THING ABOUT TDK. He made the movie. It's always more engaging when the Joker is on screen. He carried the entire film. That's just how it was given Bruce Wayne was not written as a character and Batman wasn't anything special and hampered by the ridiculous voice and most importantly nothing was written to showcase Bale's talents or written to his strengths. I mean outside of the plot and story line involving the Joker the rest of the story lines in the movie were basic as hell. So taking all that in Ledger's Joker just gets placed on a higher pedestal given what he managed to bring to the table.

In Avenegrs, Loki is barely in it. He's like behind the scenes pulling strings and then shows up for action scenes and the generic ad hominen dialogue. Nothing about the character was compelling and he sure as hell wasn't engaging. The plot involving the villain really weren't something that elevates and showcases what Loki is as character or main villain.

So yeah, of course not.
Honestly the only thing that stood out to me about loki was the subtle smile loki gave banner as shield soldiers escorted him to his prison chamber In the avengers
Loki was very good in my opinion, but it's not fair to compare him to Ledger.
Just in the quality in writing and story line, a mediocre actor playing joker would've outshined a brilliantly portrayed Loki.
I'm gonna say Joker was played better than Loki..But Bane was definitely played better than Joker..

I know I'm gonna need that suit, but I think Heath's performance was a little over rated..I feel like if he hadn't have passed away he wouldn't get as much credit as he does..There were a few times I felt like he basically ripped of Jack's version..Not saying he didn't do a great job, but it certainly wasn't as great as people hype it up to be and I don't think he deserved the Oscar..
I'm gonna say Joker was played better than Loki..But Bane was definitely played better than Joker..

I know I'm gonna need that suit, but I think Heath's performance was a little over rated..I feel like if he hadn't have passed away he wouldn't get as much credit as he does..There were a few times I felt like he basically ripped of Jack's version..Not saying he didn't do a great job, but it certainly wasn't as great as people hype it up to be and I don't think he deserved the Oscar..
When did you think that?  I mean, they did play the same character, so you would expect some similarities, but Heath clearly went in a different direction that Jack.  I remember dudes even saying they didn't like Heath's Joker because he wasn't anything like Jack's Joker...
Tom Hardy's Bane may be the most overrated thing ever.

That movie was average too.

inb4 my crucifixion.
Hardy had to do more with less considering dude had to use his eyes and mannerisms are his primary source of acting and getting the character across.

Heath was truly chilling though in the scenes where he had the home videos sent to the media and the scene where he cut Michael Jai White.
I agree the last Batman wasn't great but Stan's refuse to admit it and Bane was a bit of a disappointment to me

Plus I think we all saw that swerve coming it was done in the first movie
Heath Ledger was above and beyond Bane and Loki, Loki was a better villian but Hardy did a better job. just my opinion
and here is the Tom Waits interview that Ledger based the joker on

You mean Joker was above Bane and Loki? Or Ledger was above Hardy nd Hiddleston?

I've never seen that interview or reference to it. Kinda creepy how similar they are.
Heath ledger's performance as The Joker was legendary. So much so that he's one of the few actors to win an Oscar posthumously. With that being said the his performance was better than Tom Hiddleton's as Loki. Loki in the comics, though a bit dark, is not as dark as the joker therefore bringing him to the big screen didnt require him to really pull from a dark place but more so required him to pull from rage and jealousy. But I will say that as much as I hate TDKR, Tom Hardy's DIALOGUE AS BANE IS SIMPLY AMAZING! The whole scene when he's fighting batman in the sewer alone is insane. I would start quoting his best lines but I don't wanna sound like a dork...
The difference is there's so many ways to play the Joker and Heath was fortunate enough to create his own version that fit the Nolan-verse perfectly. The stars really all lined up for that one.

Tom plays the role of Loki absolutely perfect as well and nails the character down. I hope we get to see more of him, I think he's perfect in that role. But going back to what I said about the many ways Joker can be portrayed, unfortunately, the same can't really be said about Loki but who says that's a bad thing?
Ledgers Joker is better than Hiddlestons Loki.
The roles and movie were written differently, im 110% sure that Tom can deliver a pure evil chaotic character, but his Loki wasnt written to be that way... He is pushed by his jealousy and finding out he is adopted to cause mischief... Not go balls out rage like Joker does.

Bane isnt even in the conversation, poorly written character great acting job by Hardy tho
Heath ledger's performance as The Joker was legendary. So much so that he's one of the few actors to win an Oscar posthumously. With that being said the his performance was better than Tom Hiddleton's as Loki. Loki in the comics, though a bit dark, is not as dark as the joker therefore bringing him to the big screen didnt require him to really pull from a dark place but more so required him to pull from rage and jealousy. But I will say that as much as I hate TDKR, Tom Hardy's DIALOGUE AS BANE IS SIMPLY AMAZING! The whole scene when he's fighting batman in the sewer alone is insane. I would start quoting his best lines but I don't wanna sound like a dork...

"powerful agents to the un-initiated" :smokin
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