Was The Original Design Of The Statue Of Liberty A Black Woman That Was Meant To Represent the End O

Yea of course. The french sculptor had a black model. Common knowledge no?
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very interesting piece of history to know if true, but honestly this didn't pull any type of emotion out of me what so ever.
very interesting piece of history to know if true, but honestly this didn't pull any type of emotion out of me what so ever.
It was just thrown out there for the sake of discussion more than anything. Much like anything in history, nobody can PROVE anything. Everything is essentially he say she say
Stupidest thing I've ever heard. Some jabroni on Facebook also posted this.

It was modeled after the Colossus.
awwwwwwwwwwwww here it goes
Colossus was an ancient wonder of the world; the Greeks built it as a monument to the titan Helios.

It was the blueprint for the Statue of Liberty, except Liberty was the goddess of freedom.

That video is wild, unfounded speculation.  If the date was the Emancipation Proclamation or the end of the Civil War, then maybe.  But its July 4th 1776.
I feel like I had heard this before but its still interesting.

What always make me laugh is how the light-skinned brothers are the most pro-black. 

EDIT: This snopes article says its false, but I find MAJOR faults with their findings http://www.snopes.com/history/american/statueofliberty.asp


They say "oh just cause the statue was black it was because of the materials, not because it was a black woman."...REALLY??? 

They're beating around the bush. They don't outright deny anything in the video, but they damn sure don't confirm it either. 
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