Was this punch warranted? Vol. Hitting the opposite sex

Whoa, kids were in the same room too. smh Not cool at all.
Dude is salty from a punch that 95 lbs girl threw?
It's like seeing two grown children. I'm sure this camera was set up with ulterior motives, which I don't know, but why was he flipping out like that over a playstation and then kicking the damn tv?
Why kick the tv? Why stand over her like that to try and intimidate her? Disgusting. When the little boy says mama
both sides are wrong.

that said two wrongs don't make a right.

he needs to know better to act like that and look for other ways to solve the problems and she needs to realize that's a grown man and that everyone has their limits.
Originally Posted by RetroSan

i've never met a woman that's punched me in the face hard enough for me to strike back
You gauge by how hard she can punch you in the face? 
WOW a close fist and everything. If I ever got that upset over a chick, I would just leave. No need for that type of violence.
no that wasnt warranted...
he wasnt defending himself he was just mad

if anything he shouldve grabbed her and pushed her out the way...
LOL he goes and grabs the camera.....

That seems fake.....a set up to me...like they were filming a movie for a class or something.
i will say this though, if that really was his playstation and tv and she's playing games with his possesions then she needs to chill with that behavior.

it doesn't justify the punch but if those are his belongings she should've just let him get his stuff and leave rather then trying to act tough and prove a point
From the video's comments:

I'm a woman and I think she had what was coming to her. You don't just go around hitting people thinking it's ok just cuz you're a woman and expect there not to be any consequences. The only thing I find WRONG with this video is that he hit her in front of the kids. No child should have to see their parents acting like that.

I agree 100%
Originally Posted by SIZE TENS

Seeing the kids run up to their mom made me sick to my stomach....awful.

Poor kids shouldn't have to witness that stuff.
HOLY........Hope those children were taken away and never returned to their custody. They should both be put in jail. $*%^ makes me sooooooo
Originally Posted by JosephSKC

From the video's comments:

I'm a woman and I think she had what was coming to her. You don't just go around hitting people thinking it's ok just cuz you're a woman and expect there not to be any consequences. The only thing I find WRONG with this video is that he hit her in front of the kids. No child should have to see their parents acting like that.

I agree 100%

Originally Posted by FedExciter

1. why was there a camera rolling

2. why did they upload it to youtube

3. shrugs
Im going to say they were probably having problems at home and she was trying to set him up.

i felt for the kids the most, i dealt with this when i was young and i vowed to never put my hands on a woman , never have.

sad man ......
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