Watchout you non-tippers... you might get banned from a restaurant one day..

This is classic:

Mr. Pink FTW !!!!!!!

Originally Posted by Me4u2Night

Going through this thread, all I see is a bunch of cheap dudes.
Whining about tipping a waiter or waitress. You guys in here are talking about your whips, your kicks, your chains you copped but you cry about tipping. Pathetic!!!
Stick to this menu then. No tipping needed there.
If you're going to generalize everyone on this board to that, then you must be included in that group as well, talking about your whip and kicks and chains, so why you stressin over a tip?
Originally Posted by TJ Detweiler

Originally Posted by Me4u2Night

Going through this thread, all I see is a bunch of cheap dudes.
Whining about tipping a waiter or waitress. You guys in here are talking about your whips, your kicks, your chains you copped but you cry about tipping. Pathetic!!!
Stick to this menu then. No tipping needed there.
If you're going to generalize everyone on this board to that, then you must be included in that group as well, talking about your whip and kicks and chains, so why you stressin over a tip?

DAMN Got'em

Originally Posted by MR MONDAY NIIGHT

@me being cheap for not tipping

not my fault nor problem you make 2:50 an hr

I tip based on service

good service - good tip
bad service - no tip
That's basically how I view it too  You earn your tip, it's not automatically rewarded.  Not everyone deserves a tip.
You can also have the gratuity removed from your check if you had bad service.  Just speak to a manager and tell them about it and that you want it removed.
Originally Posted by Notorious 858

Damn Michael Jordan might be having some problems soon.

He's known for being a cheapskate who doesn't leave tips.

Lies...He tipped me $6 on a $27 Bill, that is more than adequate. You're thinking of no-tippin-Pippen. 
Originally Posted by kidoopz

Originally Posted by MR MONDAY NIIGHT

@me being cheap for not tipping

not my fault nor problem you make 2:50 an hr

I tip based on service

good service - good tip
bad service - no tip
That's basically how I view it too  You earn your tip, it's not automatically rewarded.  Not everyone deserves a tip.
You can also have the gratuity removed from your check if you had bad service.  Just speak to a manager and tell them about it and that you want it removed.
let's just end it on this note.
Originally Posted by DatZNasty

Waiters still think the world is owed to them because they refill drinks and bring food back and forth from the kitchen. You know if it weren't for labor laws, you could easily be replaced by children right? Get over yourselves and be happy to get anything. You are the one who signed up to make 2 bucks an hour
Originally Posted by JediMaster23

I never tip and dont ever plan on starting, heck they lucky if I pay sometimes.
you're cheap...

Originally Posted by da boy boyy

i dont understand why you gotta tip servers when they're just doin their job?
i don't see customers tipping retail workers, construction workers, or other workers who have harder jobs than servers..
at the end of the day, i still tip tho but til this day i dont understand why

you're cheaper...

Originally Posted by GTEK

Dang, if they're that hungry for money then why don't
they just smarten up and add the tips within the food pricing?

Because then you and I won't go into that restaurant to pay 20-30 bucks for a meal...and if we do pay 20-30 bucks for a meal, there will still be a server who if he or she is getting paid more than min. wage will probably STILL get tipped because people like me are nice and not stingy with our money.

A couple of bucks doesn't HURT.

Originally Posted by BostonThreeParty

i refuse to tip if there is some sort of extremely long wait for my food or something.

i ordered a steak at a restaurant once and it took like 15 minutes to get me some ketchup

You and everyone else has the discretion to tip based on service, its how it works.

Originally Posted by KingRamey

i still wouldnt tip.

they ban me i'll sue and win cuz the customer is always right

and cheaper...

Originally Posted by RavageEnt2009

Maaaaaaaan EFFFFFF Tipping !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
*Thats Gaye* in huey's voice

im suppose to pay you for what your getting paid to do.............................. EFF Dat!!!!!

(i know it sounds harsh to anyone who works/worked in food service but its true ................................ so Eff off.)

you're CHEAP to...

Originally Posted by RavageBX

Beat me to it. See thugstareapers post.

you're cheap for agreeing with 'thugstar'

Originally Posted by DatZNasty

Waiters still think the world is owed to them because they refill drinks and bring food back and forth from the kitchen. You know if it weren't for labor laws, you could easily be replaced by children right? Get over yourselves and be happy to get anything. You are the one who signed up to make 2 bucks an hour

and you're cheap...

Originally Posted by Durden7

Tipping threads are always great on NT.

I judge people who dont tip.  It shows a BIG character flaw in my eyes.

Originally Posted by ninjahood

Originally Posted by Control Are
exactly how i feel.

That is because you ARE...yes you guessed it... CHEAP

DatZNasty wrote:
how bout you server guys crying just get a job there, no worrying about tipping there!
Shut up. You're cheap.

For the thousands of dollars you guys spend on ugly jordan and nike sneakers...hold back on a couple releases and tip throughout the will make you feel better and make some people in this world HAPPY.

Cheapness is the worst quality or trait any human being could have.
@ how cheap some of you guys are.
I'm not a waiter, but I work for tips (a hotel) and people always remember the bad tippers. I know guys who have lists with names

Like someone mentioned if you leave a bad tip you better not show your face their again, trust me.
Now dont get me wrong if service is poor then the tip situation is up to you. If I do a poor job I expect nothing, and am happy with whatever I get.

I would hate to know what some of you guys who dont tip get served at restaurants.
my girl gets paid off of tips (60 for showing up, and tips through an 8 hour period. ) She usually makes 110 a day.
What goes around comes around so we tip good
Originally Posted by donttalkitlivit

my girl gets paid off of tips (60 for showing up, and tips through an 8 hour period. ) She usually makes 110 a day.
What goes around comes around so we tip good
were talkin' about restaurants fam

not strip clubs
Originally Posted by Mez 0ne

Running back and forth and dealing with a wide variety of customers (some who like to be difficult on purpose) is easy work all of a sudden?

Its an honest job.

I've also noticed (in the nicer restaurants) that European people do not tip at all. They will sit and drink their glasses of wine for 2 hours after the meal is done (table of 4-6), be very demanding, and on a $250+ tab will tip $5. Its a joke really.

In many countrys in Europe tipping is not common. Maybe thats why. I dont tip when i'm at home because eating in restaurants in here is mad expensive.
One good thing about being in a foreign country (Korea) is not having to deal with bs like tipping.  I think it is just dumb...and annoying.  It makes people try and act nice to you, and just be overal annoying when you are trying to eat a meal.  In Korea they have a button you press when you are ready to order/or want something.  So much more efficient.  They don't get is a job just like any other. 

the worst are verbal tips

"oh my, you gave great service, we had a great time, we will come back and ask for you !"

then they leave 10-12 percent.

or they take the wrong credit card receipt
Originally Posted by MR MONDAY NIIGHT

Originally Posted by donttalkitlivit

my girl gets paid off of tips (60 for showing up, and tips through an 8 hour period. ) She usually makes 110 a day.
What goes around comes around so we tip good
were talkin' about restaurants fam

not strip clubs

Tipping is part of the culture and custom of this country. You can opt out of it by not participating in the restaurant/drinking culture here.

With that said, I'm sure people who have either worked in the service industry, or have had someone close to them work in the service industry, have a completely different outlook than those who haven't had this experience. Since my dad had worked a second job at a restaurant to help make ends meet before I was born, he made me understand and appreciate the people working in service-oriented jobs.
Originally Posted by Cedric Ceballos 1995 Lakers

Originally Posted by TheTrapezeSwinger

I can't believe all the cheap people on this board. If you don't agree with the custom of tipping, don't eat out. Easy as that. Servers don't want you at your table, nor do the restaurants want you at your business (as evidenced by the article). If you cannot afford to tip AT LEAST 15%, go to a restaurant that accommodates your budget. Servers work damn hard. Please stop with then idiotic, "I don't get tipped at my job!" excuses.

i believe in tipping but your logic is foolish.

i don't want crappy servers at my table and im sure the resturants don't want crappy servers at my table too.   i can afford to tip and if the service is anywhere between average to good, i tip nicely.  however if i get crappy service the only tip im giving is tips on a napkin so that server will know what to do next time he/she serves someone to take care of them so they get better tips in the future.

your logic says that your supposed to tip someone even if they provide crappy horrible service which is stupid. why am i going to give someone a reward for giving me crappy service.
I disagree, and I'm a server. 20% is what you tip for excellent service and a good overall experience. If you have a $+*#+@ experience and service is bad, leave a $+*#+@ tip. Period. Tips are earned. That's why good restaurants hire good servers and not $+*#+@ ones-- they want people to come back. Not all servers deserve a good tip. if I go out to eat and I see my server really struggling, I leave a decent tip because I know that my tip may relieve a lot of stress for them and improve their attitude (and thus their service) dramatically. If they provide GREAT service, they're seeing at least 20%. If they suck, I'm leaving MAYBE 10% if they're lucky and a note as to why I'm leaving that tip.
Damn we have some penny pinching members here. up the *@!#.

The tip depends on the service...... but not understanding why we tip...really? You guys are just cheap and classless.

Now that I think of it....I'm not surprised.
Originally Posted by Ruxxx

I did not know tipping threads got THIS heated!

Because we have people in here who work in jobs that require their tip as a portion of compensation to their under paid job and people who don't like/understand these the practice of tipping.
This is great.

We have this one dude in our lunch crew who is a lousy tipper. I mean if the bill is 13.41 he would pay 14.00. I'm like REALLY? You're going to leave a 59 cent tip? It's just straight embarrassing so much so that we just don't even invite him along anymore.
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