We Have No Reason to Believe 5G Is Safe

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A Problem of Reliance
I hardly need to point out how reliant we’ve become on EMF-emitting technology. Our lifestyles have become inextricably linked to it. You only need imagine what would happen if the internet suffered a global outage, even temporarily: our transport, payment systems, hospitals, communications, everything, would collapse.

This is not the first time in history society has become heavily reliant on a hazardous infrastructure. In my talk I draw an analogy to Ancient Rome, where plumbing systems proved a revolutionary advancement in civil engineering. The only problem? Rome’s pipes were made of lead. And lead is poisonous to humans.

And I ask, what if wireless radiation is our lead pipes? A brilliant technological advancement that has become an ingrained part of our lives — yet is slowly poisoning us?

How Big Wireless Obscures The Truth
With so much basis for concern about the health risks of 5G technology, why aren’t we hearing more about it? And why is the 5G rollout continuing at such a fast pace, seemingly without consideration of the potential impact?

Even as questions mount around the negative effects of 5G, the wireless industry continues to grow in power and influence. According to a 2018 report, the U.S. wireless industry now contributes $475 billion annually to America’s economy, and generates over $1 trillion in economic output.

It’s no wonder: there are hundreds of millions of smartphones plus over 180 million connected devices in the U.S alone, and network demand is constantly increasing.

Big Wireless And The Economy Of Doubt
If we’ve learned anything from other scandals like those surrounding like “Big Tobacco” and “Big Oil” its that powerful industries employ powerful tactics to keep the public on their side.

Spreading doubt is one of them. To keep people buying a product you don’t necessarily need to convince them it’s safe — you just need to convince them there’s no conclusive evidence to the contrary.

“Doubt is our product,” said an infamous 1969 memo from a tobacco executive, “since it is our best means of competing with the “body of fact” that exists in the mind of the general public.” To put it another way, Big Tobacco couldn’t claim that cigarettes were good for health, but they were able to keep people smoking simply by casting doubt on the evidence they were bad.

(The tobacco playbook works so well, the NFL was even able to convince Congress, regulators, the media – and the entire country – that getting smashed in the head tens of thousands of times didn’t cause brain damage.)

“Big wireless” trades on the same economy of doubt. As long as the research results on the safety of electromagnetic radiation is conflicting, the public can’t be sure of the truth.

Who’s Funding The Research?
An in-depth investigative piece in The Nation magazine dug into the tactics used by Big Wireless to convince the public cell phones are safe. They point to another key method of manipulation: funding friendly research. This “conveys the impression that the scientific community truly is divided,” says the piece. “Thus, when studies have linked wireless radiation to cancer or genetic damage… industry spokespeople can point out, accurately, that other studies disagree.”

As a member of the public catching news reports on the latest research, it’s often near impossible to tell how a study was funded. The Nation recounts one professor who analyzed 326 safety-related studies into the biological effects of cell phone radiation. The results showed that about half the studies found negative effects while the other half didn’t. The scientific community seemed completely split.

But here’s where it gets interesting. When he redid the analysis to take funding sources into account, two-thirds of independent studies found a biological effect while only 28 percent of industry-funded studies did.

A 2007 study published in the journal Environmental Health Perspectives looked at the effect of funding sources on research outcomes, and landed on a similar conclusion. It found that industry-funded studies were two and a half times less likely to report a biological effect of EMF. “Results from studies of health effects of radiofrequency radiation,” conclude the authors, “should take sponsorship into account.”

Money Talks
If there’s one thing without doubt it’s that the value of the wireless industry gives it a political advantage. As we’ve already seen, 5G health concerns have done little to hold back the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) in their push to win the “race to 5G”. On the contrary, the FCC has ruled to remove barriers for Big Wireless by lowering fees and barring state and local governments from regulating the advancement of 5G.

While some local councils have kicked back against the ruling, concerned for the health of their citizens, lawmakers at a national level have the interests of the economy at heart. An industry worth so many billions holds sway — and the FCC are already hearing that money talk.

Marketing The Product, Not The Means
For 5G to work, it requires cities to be blanketed in countless “small cell” receptors. This means EMF radiation will be ubiquitous, unavoidable, and stronger than ever.

Of course, it’s not in the interest of providers to point this out. Telecoms companies market 5G as revolutionary and exciting. They appeal to our growing desire for speed and instant gratification. Verizon, for example, promotes 5G as an “innovation that changed the world”, declaring it the Fourth Industrial Revolution. They promote its speed and tell you how to order it, but nowhere do they explain how 5G actually works or what’s needed to set it up.

Unless the consumer goes out of their way to research for themselves, the potential negative effects of 5G could remain completely unknown.

Im curious as to why folks are singling out 5G as being harmful but don’t seem to question other existing and current technologies
That's why reading is imperative.... If you actually read up on how the smaller millimeter waves reacts to oxygen then these dumbass questions can be avoided... People literally read a headline and start talking and making assumptions based off a headline... Ignorance unlike covid has not plateaued
That's why reading is imperative.... If you actually read up on how the smaller millimeter waves reacts to oxygen then these dumbass questions can be avoided... People literally read a headline and start talking and making assumptions based off a headline... Ignorance unlike covid has not plateaued
**** and stay in the bitcoin thread
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I think we live a life of such decadence and comfort that some people cant wrap their minds around the savagery of life and have to blame something or someone. This same **** was said about microwave ovens back in the gap.
So are some people immune to these radiation waves from 5G?

MKBHD and everyone that lives in a 5G city should be dead or dying right now

Pretty interesting to see this thing in action. Didn't know about the higher millimeter tech essentially needing line-of-sight to reach intended use. This shed some good light on functionality for me. I think the long term health concerns are still valid (especially in a blanketed environment).
I think we live a life of such decadence and comfort that some people cant wrap their minds around the savagery of life and have to blame something or someone. This same **** was said about microwave ovens back in the gap.

Some people thought the human body would disintegrate if it traveled faster than 30 mph when locomotives first came around :lol:
why google going to censor 5G doe? makes you think....think of ALL the other "stuff" google DOES NOT censor......something is definitely going on

coronavirus-5g related stuff. yeah, there is something go on. like eliminating the spread of fake news.
There's ionizing and non-ionizing radiation. Everything to the left of UV is non-ionizing and everything to the right is ionizing radiation. The stuff to the right is where problems begin. The stuff on the left I wouldn't worry about.
well that's real ****, you can get bad cramps and possibly drown, but more people probably die drunk swimming than full swimming...
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