We have roughly 4 months and 1 week. Begin saving NOW to avoid stress!

Originally Posted by Odeezy23

lol @ this sham

its limited .... but comes available in every size

its a QS but we have a release date

Just because they limited doesnt mean it wont come in every size...

Limited is like 2 shoes of every size.
Originally Posted by de la gezzy

Originally Posted by AirJordanXVIII

Originally Posted by theblprnt

Originally Posted by dj sven

Originally Posted by bullsjayz

This might be kinda hard to get. Why can't JB just make this a GR??!!
Whats the fun in a GR? Then everyone will have them and they won't be as treasured anymore.

amen!!! thats true though!! screw a GR!!!
I hope your kidding, because I cant find the sacasm in that.

I hate GR cause everybody can get them and its not special anymore
Why do you guys care so much about what other people have...

Your definition of "special" is resell value.
have fun with these..'01 retros ftw!
everyone said the 11/12 cdp would be limited, but it wasn't. stores got lots of those, and they'll probably get lots of these too, because the demandwill be so high.
my 2001's are pee yellow, need another pair. i have a good feeling these are gonna be CDP quality though...
Originally Posted by careo24

my 2001's are pee yellow, need another pair. i have a good feeling these are gonna be CDP quality though...

I sure hope not. CDP Quality is garbage. Regardless though, people are still gonna camp out and what not.
I Think Jordan Brand Is Just Saying It's A Limited Quick Strike Release To Get People More Hyped About The Release.. Although The Space Jams Can SellThemselves.. But JB Is Sneaky I Tell YA!!
everyone said the 11/12 cdp would be limited, but it wasn't. stores got lots of those, and they'll probably get lots of these too, because the demand will be so high.
Jordan Brand limited release is the new general release.
Does anybody know if these are gonna be the same crap material as the cdp 11's? is there anyway to find that out...cause if they are i prob wont even pickup.

The 11/12 cdp pack was so hyped and then i got it and i thought they would resell for around 600. but we all know that didnt happen!!!!
Originally Posted by freshdunks44

Does anybody know if these are gonna be the same crap material as the cdp 11's? is there anyway to find that out...cause if they are i prob wont even pick up.

The 11/12 cdp pack was so hyped and then i got it and i thought they would resell for around 600. but we all know that didnt happen!!!!
I think that most likely its gonna be garbage CDP quality... JB doesnt listen.. people are gonna pick them up regardless of quality, and sadly,ill be one of em..
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