Wearable Shoe Trees for the Black Cements?

The shoe trees look really uncomfortable. I'd rather have them crease. But, mine haven't really creased yet, I've only worn them to school twice though.
I got a pair of wearable shoe trees, but I haven't used them yet because I don't want them to stretch out the toebox. Do they?
Force fields with every shoe. keeps them looking fresh especially on x1's .. highly reconmended
wear em in my white cements and they definitely prevent the creasing..i suggest using them in the black cements and any other shoe you wanna prevent creasing in
Wear them if you wanna walk around like a DUCK!!!!
I have wearable shoetrees and they keep my shoes looking DS. Honestly you can't really feel them in your shoes as long as you cut them to fit your feet.
shoe trees feel fine in all of my Jordans except III's and V's
I use Force Fields in them...no discomfort for me...
once you wear a pair of force fields you will never rock 3's without them. They feel so much better with them in.
Just go ahead and get and buy yourself a pair universal shields. Theyre worth it if you really hate creasing. Plus theyre only what $15 or $16.
Originally Posted by rojanjon

shoe trees feel fine in all of my Jordans except III's and V's
I use Force Fields in them...no discomfort for me...
Can you explain how or why???
 Curious because I have some 3's and 5's that I really use...
Originally Posted by JE15306

Originally Posted by rojanjon

shoe trees feel fine in all of my Jordans except III's and V's
I use Force Fields in them...no discomfort for me...
Can you explain how or why???
 Curious because I have some 3's and 5's that I really use...

Force Fields in III's have always been a must for me; the fact that the toebox is higher and somewhat of a wider cut than other sig. AJ's and the shape of my foot has resulted in me always stocking Force Fields for my III's. Now, with my V's I think it's more of the same, a higher toebox and tongue to toebox transfer area that allows my foot to fit well but not feel pinched or "stuffed" into the shoe. In addition to this, my kicks do not crease.
got wearable shoe trees on my blk/cmt and stealths (black laces makes them look nice IMO).  I tried trimming them a bit and then putting them in without taking out the insoles and my toes would rub on the front end part.  Took out the insoles, pushed the WST in all the way, then put the insoles back in.  Can't even feel the WSTs unless i'm wiggling my toes around trying to touch them. VERY COMFORTABLE
Honestly, shoe trees belong for storage of
A shoe. Even there are wearable shoe trees
Available, i cannot recommend them, because
Shoes are made to be flexible to match
The anatomic motions you do when
You walk.
Shoes creases, live with it.
Jzst dont buy too big in size
But also not too small.
WST shouldn't hurt your feet if put in correctly. There's still some flexibility just won't crease your toe box.
Go w a pair of universal sneaker shields. I wear em on my TbIII and will put them in all my other 3's. If the shoe fits tightly, I wouldn't recommend using shields, as your toes will rub against the plastic and cause severe discomfort. THe toebox is bulky on 3's so I barely feel the trees there and I don't feel any discomfort while walking. I was skeptical about em but I ordered a 3 pack after my initial purchase. I didn't put them in my playoff 13s bc they're snug-luckily playoff 13s crease rather nicely.
I wear them especially with 3s. The new leather creases easily, and the wearable shoe trees make an astounding difference.
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