Wearing sneakers for work/with dress clothes

I’m a designer st my company, and it’s a global Corp. I literally wear any sneaker, and no one says anything. I actually was told how it kinda suits my personality and what I do. Plus I’m a new hire fresh outta school, doubt I can pull this off when I’m a lot older so I minus well do it now.

This has always been, and always will be corny to me. We had a semi formal office party and like 3 dudes did this. One even had on short cut dress pants.

Cole Hahn has a great collection of casual sneakers.
My dress pants are slim fit so i wear black on black roshe.

Might not be the best looking but idc idc idc. Comfort >
Been rocking these with tan or black slacks and a sport coat with great success
one thing I love about my job is that we can wear whatevre we want. just no shorts, sweatpants, or anything on the shirt that vulgar.
Sneakers and suits looks stupid.

Please stop wearing it.

Especially Jordan 11s.

It’s like wearing church shoes with sweats.

Yeah I seen a dude lace everyone in his wedding party with Concords and it was pretty cringe.
I'm doubling down on my 23s. Not trolling. I'm getting compliments from grown women. 35+

But my dockers are tapered below the knee. I would not be doing the same with full blown suit pants flapping in the wind like on the above pic. Thats why i said sport coat also. They arent formal or business shoes but they are clean enough to skirt business casual for bummin around office cubicles. Better than some Ugglass chucks thats for sure. Get you an argyle sweater vest and enjoy your ankle support.

the only jordans that would even look somewhat respectable with some dress pants are the XVII, and I still wouldnt dare. Sneakers and dress pants just dont go.
Vans and Chucks are so uncomfortable I don't know how people wear them for more than an hour :lol:

I thought it was just me but Vans and Chucks are ridiculously uncomfortable due to their lack of any kind of support. I'm the same as you, my feet start hurting less than an hour - right at the arch. Had one pair of each and game them away after 2-3 wears.
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