Weekly Wrestling Thread | Jan 1 - Smackdown - Beat The Clock Challenge - Happy New Year!

Cody Deaner released:
I can now confirm that TNA has released former TNA Knockouts Champion Cody Deaner. He was removed along with Kip James from the TNA roster page several days ago. Hulk Hogan complained loudly to TNA management that Deaner's gimmick made the company look 'low budget'.
I'm still looking for a GIF of this

Originally Posted by 4wrestling

Wow, never heard Ezekiel talk before. Wasn't expecting the accent.

Dude sounds soft. Barry Bonds thinks this dude needs to put some bassin his voice.
haven't paid attention to wrestling in a good minute...
but really whats so special about this live TNA iMPACT? they bringin in Hulk Hogan? thats all

and its just gonna be in the impact zone right? LOL @ their small 150 ppl crowd.

i heard scott hall and xpac comin back too.. nWo reunion?

and eric bischoff is workin for tna now?

it doesnt seem special at all. this is probably the beginning of the end for tna.
i read a few places that hogan and bischoff are really pushing for them to switch back to the normal 4 sided ring... if they really do it,

^ You just made speculations on something you know nothing about. Congratulations on that great assessment.

NO one really knows what the deal is with impact on the 4th. But I can guarantee it will provide some great wrestling. LOL @ a small crowd? Hmm..remember thatother wrestling company that had a small crowd? Does ECW ring a bell? Yeah. They provided great wrestling too. Just watch. Or don't watch and read whathappens.

I hate hall and waltman. But they are literally signed on a day to day basis. They might not even be back after the 4th. No one knows what Hulks deal is yet.So, it's hard to speculate on that but his name being on the bill is great regardless of what anyone thinks. And Bischoff? I don't like the guy..but hebrings out the best in vince. And if we can have him make that happen again then everyone wins.
^ lol gat damn the interwebz / wrestling is serious business huh
Originally Posted by hombrelobo

But I can guarantee it will provide some great wrestling. LOL @ a small crowd? Hmm..remember that other wrestling company that had a small crowd? Does ECW ring a bell? Yeah. They provided great wrestling too. Just watch. Or don't watch and read what happens.
i agree there will def be great wrestling.
oh and i shouldve said small and corny crowd. tna's crowd is so wack. its just families who were at universalstudios who decided to attend just cuz its free. there chants are

cant really back that up comparing to ecw, small crowds yes but they were real wild wrestling fans.

when it comes to story lines and gimmick matches, tna is mad corny. but the wrestling is usually always great. the only thing im diggin about tna right now isthe womans division.
the girls may not be as bad as the wwedivas
but the wrestling is good.

and again i'd be pissed if they switched back to the 4 sided ring. i mean, just cuz hogan and bischoff sayso?

although the 6 sided ring isnt always innovative, as its been said before, the ring is what sets it apart and makes it different.
i think its
Source: Wrestling Observer Newsletter

There is a story going around the WWE locker room about Sheamus, Ted DiBiase and Yoshi Tatsu, who were all three roommates at one time in Tampa, Florida. They apparently all roomed together while they were all training in FCW.

The story goes that Sheamus played "big dog" in the apartment and pissed his roommates off because he allegedly would use their protein shakers and not clean them. Ted and Yoshi confronted him at the same time once. Sheamus got mad and threw Tatsu's shaker at him but Yoshi caught it. Sheamus then called out Tatsu but Yoshi ended up beating him up pretty bad. There are even reports that Sheamus was on the verge of tears. Yoshi is said to be very good with his hands and has boxed and gone through the New Japan dojo.

When asked if the story was true, Tatsu would only say, "I just wanted to teach Sheamus a lesson in respect. Don't mess with other peoples stuff." There was hope within WWE that the story would make its way to Vince McMahon, who has always had the mindset that he doesn't want people to think one of his World Champions lost a real fight.

With that being said, we can't confirm or deny this story but it was talked about between a group of talent several weeks ago.


I hope this story is true.

Originally Posted by 4wrestling

I'm still looking for a GIF of this



I only watch TNA rarely, but I like alot of the solid wrestling I see. I'll definitely be channel flipping like the old days of the monday night wars, Ihope the channel changing from a DXswoggle segment rivals that of Foley's raw title win.
TNA knockouts are so good

I'll be watching TNA until I go out for new years. Happy new years everyone! Be safe.
It's always the least expected dudes in wrestling that legitamately know how to fight.

Dynamite Kid's is legendary for being a real tough dude. When Randy Savage was WWE Champion, he specifically asked DK to watch his back, when he was on hisway to a bar, that was frequented by NWA wrestlers at the time.
Yo am I the only one that pictured Yoshi's music playin while Sheamus is gettin lit up by him?
So many "
" came to my headwhen I saw that Maryse pin.
» For those of you who listen to WZR Radio on a weekly basis, you know that we have heard rumors that Rob Van Dam and TNA have reached a deal. According to our source, the deal was reached and signed several weeks ago around TNA's Final Resolution PPV. We never reported this here on the site until we could get further confirmation. Unfortunately, we still have been unable to get this confirmed by anyone within TNA. We're not sure if they're trying to keep it a major secret or just simply do not know as they claim. We just thought I'd throw it out there though.
Any body got any more news on this rumor?
Originally Posted by 100PROOF

» For those of you who listen to WZR Radio on a weekly basis, you know that we have heard rumors that Rob Van Dam and TNA have reached a deal. According to our source, the deal was reached and signed several weeks ago around TNA's Final Resolution PPV. We never reported this here on the site until we could get further confirmation. Unfortunately, we still have been unable to get this confirmed by anyone within TNA. We're not sure if they're trying to keep it a major secret or just simply do not know as they claim. We just thought I'd throw it out there though.
Any body got any more news on this rumor?

- Nothing is confirmed yet but several sources are buzzing that Rob Van Dam has signed some kind of short-term contract with TNA and is set toappear on next week's live TNA iMPACT special head-to-head with WWE. Word is that Van Dam wants to work a few shows with TNA to see how they use himbefore signing any other contract.


Smackdown tonight has:
* Beat the Clock with the winner getting the shot at Undertaker's belt at Royal Rumble
* Punk vs. Hardy
* Truth vs. Batista
* Rey vs. Jericho
* Kane vs. Ziggler
* Mickie James vs. Beth Phoenix
* Harts & Natalya vs. Maria & Jimmy Yang & Jesse
* Great Khali vs. Carolina Panther
Got to thinkin... I would just LOVE if they had Bret Hart screw DX outta the tag team titles on Monday. Both shows need Jericho badly, and SD could do withoutHornswoggle.
There is a strong chance that former WWE wrestler Ken Anderson (Mr. Kennedy) could appear on the January 4 live Impact on Monday night, according to a report by The Sports Courier.

The source is saying there is a "95 percent chance" Anderson will make his TNA debut on Monday night. As of right now, Kennedy's appearance is simply a rumor and could be classified as one of the potential unadvertised "surprises" for the January 4 Impact.
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