Weekly Wrestling Thread | Jan 1 - Smackdown - Beat The Clock Challenge - Happy New Year!

finally got up to date with the past month of Wrestling. to my GWO peeps, i finally got everything updated on the site! and as for this monday, i can'twait to see how good of a show TNA will put on. And on the flip side, Bret Hart back on WWE programming =
^^^ Forget Kennedy, he was possibly the biggest let down of the past decade. Even when he was about to get the big push (actualy twice), something went wrong.
TSC Exclusive: Huge Names to Debut on TNA Monday Night Special | TheSportsCourier.com

TSC Exclusive: Huge Names to Debut on TNA Monday Night Special
Submitted by Fred Richani on Fri, 01/01/2010 - 06:59

If you thought Bret Hart was a huge deal for WWE, you ain't seen nothin' yet.

According to our source, in addition to Scott Hall signing the dotted line in time for TNA's Monday Night Impact special on January 4, it has been confirmed that there will be at least a few more big names joining him.

There is a 95% that former WWE superstar Ken "Mr. Kennedy" Anderson will make his TNA debut this Monday night. Before you discredit this source, think about it. Anderson has been relatively quiet. He took some Nu-Wrestling Evolution and Hulkamania Tour international bookings, but has not popped up much, if at all stateside in a wrestling capacity. Anderson even said on his Twitter that he wasn't a free agent. This was in response to a fan mentioning he was "the hottest free agent in wrestling."

Could he have meant that he was focusing on his acting career?


However, last time I checked, Anderson wasn't getting employed at the rate of a Steve Austin or Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson.

As previously mentioned, Scott Hall is practically a lock to appear, as is the former X-Pac, Sean Waltman. More than likely, Hall and Waltman will reunite with....you guessed it-Kevin Nash, to relive their New World Order (NWO) glory days.

Former WWE/ECW Champion Rob Van Dam has about a 70% chance of showing up. RVD wants to work a light schedule, which TNA can provide and remember, the dude is tight with Hulk Hogan, who will definitely make his Impact debut on Monday.

Here's the real bombshell. We are told there is a 75% chance, if not better, that former ECW owner, WWE manager/commentator, and creative genius Paul Heyman will debut for TNA on Monday night. In fact, it is believed that he may be the first person you see on your television screen, assuming the now non-WWE contracted Shane McMahon doesn't decide to take a stroll (now that would freeze hell over) to Orlando, Florida.

On a side note, if Heyman does debut for TNA on Monday night, it further pieces everything together. RVD and Anderson did the Hulkamania Tour. RVD is tight with Hogan. Heyman is loyal to Anderson and RVD. Heyman can provide the creativity and sense that has been lacking in TNA's booking for quite some time.

And here's some food for thought. Tommy Dreamer left WWE's ECW brand. He is actually not contracted by WWE anymore. In fact, he can't appear on television for a major promotion until a designated 90-day period ends. I ask you readers this.

Who said Dreamer would go to TNA as a wrestler?

If Heyman shocks the world Monday night, expect Dreamer to be backstage and involved in some creative/road agent capacity in the very near future (aka a non-televised/non-active wrestling role).

Lastly, we were told that none of us should be surprised if Booker T returns to Raw this Monday night for WWE, as a way of Vince McMahon letting TNA know "I won't acknowledge you, but I know you're there."

[Editor's Note: Booker T told me in our interview with him last month that he would be on tour in Puerto Rico early January, so take the above statement for what it's worth.]

Hulk Hogan seems to be doing what he's said since joining TNA: I'm shaking things up.
I'm sorry but TNA will go the way of WCW. Bringing back these olds stars is not a good look. Having Vince Russo as your writer hurts as well.
All this for one night, is TNA planning to move to Monday Nights permanently? If not, this would just be the Monday Night Battle...
Originally Posted by Laced Up Jordans

I'm sorry but TNA will go the way of WCW. Bringing back these olds stars is not a good look. Having Vince Russo as your writer hurts as well.
This.But I keep thinking about it, and they could make it work. Feud RVD with Styles for a while, and have Styles go over. Keep the young guyswith talent. get Heyman, and some other writers and use this Hogan attention to transition to a better TNA.

I think a lot of the older guys have to be thinking about the future of the company, and they should be willing to make concessions to make sure Vince doesntget a strangle hold on the tv again. Taking a few L's in the ring could mean a job when your body aint worth @$!*, and you aint got nothing to fall backon.
Cause Vince is the type to play your dumb !@$ like he did with Invasion. Sign you for a year, 2 tops and let you go if he cant slot you.
Well although that is true, I'm just hoping that they all learned from their mistakes and decide to finally make smart decisions to compete and try to besuccessful
The main problem with bringing all of these people in is where is everyone gonna fit. Look at the egos and main eventers that will want the spotlight: Hogan,Jarrett, Nash, Hall, Waltman, Angle, Kennedy, RVD, Lashley, Samoa Joe, Foley, Dudleys, Steiner.

So where is all of the talent gonna fit? Unless they get a second show started fast, everyone is gonna fall to the wayside. There will be no air time for theWorld Elite, the X-Division, Knockouts, no Beer Money or MCMG on TV, and no chance of Morgan or Hernandez ever being a big name.
^ well Lashley is pretty much done with TNA since he signed his Strikeforce contract, Steiner is close to retiring, Hogan won't be wrestling much and Ihope to god that Hall and X-Pac are short term deals. but you do have a point. That is where TNA needs to realize that they better get on top of their gamefast and not make the same mistakes that WCW made or else RIP to them.
hopefully heyman bischoff and hogan learned from their mistakes and take it to the next level
Originally Posted by masterhammy23

That's exactly what I was thinking. Like I highly doubt Tomko will get his title shot/feud with AJ that he was brought back for now.

and I really hope this doesn't turn into new skool vs old skool again
Originally Posted by ShaunHillFTW49

I've never watched TNA. Does Steiner actually wrestle because I remember how horrible he was with the WWE
Yes, he does. He's actually not terrible. He's had a decent feud with Lashley in the past month and was a good member of the MEM. He'sbasically ready to retire though because he can barely move because of his back problems.
Originally Posted by CelticsPride34

also i truely hope older guys like the NwO are only there to put over younger guys
That's the thing. If most of these guys do the right thing in the next coming months it can work, but I just don't see it happening. Theycould easily have some big matches with the old guys to draw viewers. Maybe even bring Sting back for a few and have other matches putting the young guys over.
Originally Posted by CelticsPride34

also i truely hope older guys like the NwO are only there to put over younger guys
Yes i HOPE that the older guys are brought into TNA for the sole purpose of passing the torch. But seeing how their Egos are, i wont believe ittill i see it.
Do you honestly believe that the older crew would want to put over the young talent? Hogan sure wont.

I say you push AJ to the moon right about now. Dude is like their only bankable homegrown star along with Joe
Tna badly needs another show because they actually have the talent base for it. I think a show that focused on mid-card feuds andthe x division while impactfocused on the world title and higher profile feuds would be great. Make the big red belt a tv title and have it defended every week. Sorta dumb down a bit andgo for an old ecw type feeling where, while the story is filled with twists, the reason for a feud is a simple one, whether its out of greed for a belt or apast gf. Storylines that have a begining, middle, and end and a logical reason behind always comes off more realistic. This is why i crave paul e so much
damn i know i'm late, but after watching Tommy Dreamer's last match on ECW just now on youtube, its quite sad how he was used in ECW. You can tell byhis farewell speech that he really loves this business. I wouldn't mind him going to TNA and go for the X Division Title.
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