I was watching an emergency awesome vid on youtube and it talked about how feige wants to keep gotg mostly isolated from the other mcu stuff. I hope that doesn't mean gotg won't have a big part in fighting thanos.
In the cartoons they handle it well. The good guys beat up the main villain and he gets captured or escapes to fight another day. I guess in movies it feels more like a dictory when they kill the bad guy.

Cartoons are better in that respect. Comics too. Nothing wrong with a villain dying here and there, but in almost every single film? Geez. Personally, I like knowing that the villains and other threats are out there and that they might randomly appear again in a sequel film down the line. Granted, someone like Ultron is an easy fix.
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Yeah I can see Ultron popping back up.There's no way they completely wiped him from the internet. I bet his sitting in a thumbdrive somewhere just waiting.
There hasn't been a credits scene with Thanks in it for a long time. Yall buggin'

I'll chalk that up to impatience.

As for the villains, the majority have sucked. The good ones are good for a one and done though. I expect a focus change for phase 4 anyway. Masters of Evil possibly all connecting back to/being the consequences of the climax of Infinity War.

This is why gotg needs thanos in it. And whatever other marvel movie that comes out before IG.

Then make IG heavy with thanos
So Black Panther needs Thanos in it? Stuff him in Ragnarok too?

I don't think that's a good idea at all. Let him be ghost til the big event movie. Maybe one post credits at the end of GotG2.
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With Cap's trilogy wrapped up and the Tesseract being in Asgard there's probably not much they could do with the Red Skull anyways. Though personally I liked the version of The Cabal that he formed in Avengers Assemble

View media item 2134146
(Not pictured is Hyperion)

A team vs team film has potential in my opinion. Especially if its not the same heroes vs heroes thing we've been seeing lately.
With AIM being in IM3, was really hoping we would MODOK

And still want to see dr Zola in his suit
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I figured Thanos would play a big part in Thor 3 since it was announced

Like dude HAS to show us he's worth a **** before IW, right?
I mean Ragnarok in the comics has nothing to do with Thanos. Cosmic type and mythical **** but that's the extent.

If he's smart he'd show up after it's over and then just take the gem. I don't believe he'd have to be involved with the main plot.

Could be a cool mid or end credits scene; Hulk & Thor victorious but badly beaten but then Thanks shows up with his Black Order, raids the vault, takes the gem and bounces.

We'll know if we hear about the Russos or Bell in showing up on set.

As far as showing his worth I figured that would be handled in the first movie. I got Thanks killing at least 2 Avengers in a pretty horrific manner.
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Ragnorok don't got **** to do with Hulk in the comics either :lol:

But I always imagined him being like joaquin phoenix in Gladiator while Hulk and Thor run through the gauntlet then him popping back up at the end and washing both of them.

He needs to do the damage by himself, save all the black order stuff - he has the gauntlet, thats more than enough. It'll just be adding more useless characters to an already jam packed narrative.

And I don't really see this taking too many things from "Infinity" but idk

We just need to see one reason to believe this guy is worth all the heroes teaming up to fight him before we head into IW IMO and it seems like we're not gonna see it.
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Do y'all think marvel could pull off a Hyperion film?

He's a Superman ripoff but the cinematic Superman we currently have leaves enough room for someone like Hyperion to fill a void for a lot of people
Ragnorok don't got **** to do with Hulk in the comics either :lol:

But I always imagined him being like joaquin phoenix in Gladiator while Hulk and Thor run through the gauntlet then him popping back up at the end and washing both of them.

He needs to do the damage by himself, save all the black order stuff - he has the gauntlet, thats more than enough. It'll just be adding more useless characters to an already jam packed narrative.

And I don't really see this taking too many things from "Infinity" but idk

We just need to see one reason to believe this guy is worth all the heroes teaming up to fight him before we head into IW IMO and it seems like we're not gonna see it.
We'll that's cuz for some odd reason they're adding in Planet Hulk elements in to Ragnarok. Probably for money, reason to use the Hulk and put him in place for Infinity War. That's pretty packed. I doubt they'll just make up something new where Thanos is invading Asgard as Thor has to deal with Hela and the Executioner and the destruction of Asgard.

Thanos on his own invading Asgard doesn't seem all that smart even if he has the gauntlet which only has like 2 gems. Especially not for a side part of the movie. If he's doing all that he needs to be the main villain of the movie which he is not.

Its probably just me but I don't feel the need to see Thanos put in work before Infinity War. I also don't got much reason to assume he will be in it at this point.
Do y'all think marvel could pull off a Hyperion film?

He's a Superman ripoff but the cinematic Superman we currently have leaves enough room for someone like Hyperion to fill a void for a lot of people
Easily if they wanted to. Could set up the Squadron So ister first then introduce Hyperio. From the Squadron Supreme.
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Some of my favorite stuff from last year was the Infinity Gauntlet comic during Secret Wars.

The stuff with the Nova corps lady and Thanos fighting with two different Gauntlets looked like something that would work well on screen.

Also the Gauntlet redesign was fire.
Do y'all think marvel could pull off a Hyperion film?

He's a Superman ripoff but the cinematic Superman we currently have leaves enough room for someone like Hyperion to fill a void for a lot of people

Lol I'd love for marvel to pull off a hyperion film just to show DC fans that a good 'Superman' film can be done.

I don't remember who kept saying it but one or two of them was saying that a good superman film can't be done (and thus, it's not Snyder's fault that Superman keeps sucking)
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