I think you steal from pieces from other movies to make superman..

raimi's spiderman, watchmen, reeves' superman, incredibles, cap, a bit of the batman's where the villains add the color and throw in that hulk feel of trying to find his place in the world (but that has a bit of dr. manhattan which would be the part of watchmen I'd steal from)

need to flesh out lex wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy more.. literally could have stolen from 'gods and monster' where lex knows more about supes home world and other stuff out there because of the info found in the ships.. but you gotta at least show why dude hates him

then bring in brianiac
In Birthright Lex is the one to make the major discoveries regarding Krypton

Play on his inferiority/superiority complexand inability to reconcile his earth-born genius with the existence of an alien god and boom

That All-Star Superman "you could have saved the world a long time ago" angle. That was so sweet

No "daddy hit me" sob stories :x :x :x
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^ yup.. so many ways you can go with it.. but focus on his inferiority complex with supes and take bits that have been used over all the animated movies.. have him walking around like he's hot shhhh like ozymandias only for the angry and hatred that comes with supes existing

could have him trigger something that causes brianiac to come to earth
All-Star Superman is probably the best Superman story you'll ever find (Definitely Top 5). :smokin Might have to watch that film later.

Cap is a little harder because he has no day job and comes from a Brooklyn that no longer exists. So the angle the Russos took with him is perfect. IDK if this is true to his comics characterization because I'm not familiar with Cap books

That's pretty spot on for Captain America based on what I know of his comics history. He really doesn't have a day job or secret identity and focuses on missions for SHIELD or the Avengers. Also doesn't help that he doesn't have much of a supporting cast to pick up the slack.
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I feel like all you have to do to make Clark interesting is play up the journalist angle.

But real journalism tho. His pitches get shot down with the quickness during the weekly story scrums. He's in the office in his jeans until 8pm, trying desperately to crunch out a feature and file in time. His computer's acting up and he can't get anything done and it's pissing him off. Interns constantly bugging him (not that Clark is the type to be upset about that). Little things like that would make a huge difference.

Throw in some Kansas and you've got a complete character. And for heaven's sake, depict theman doing some got damn writing. You'd think these writers would understand that having their most powerful, popular, and enduring superhero be a writer himself offers a goldmine of potential introspection and dimensions to explore
This to me would be interesting for someone else. For Superman it's almost frivolous. He's putting limitations and restrictions on himself to play human.

When it comes to journalism any story he wants to break can easily be exposed via using his powers. Problems with computers and interns nagging him? Getting his pitches **** down? These are mundane problems for a man that could easily become a billionaire tomorrow, buy his own media conglomerate and tell the stories he feels matters in several news mediums.

It comes too easy. Not sure I'd believe Clark Kent struggling to reveal some political conspiracy or local corruption.

But yeah that's why Spider-Man was so important when Stan Lee created him, because he had Superman's perfection in mind.
I don't see this unless Stan was thinking what if Superman was human, young, and naturally deeply flawed like the rest that suddenly gains great power. Kinda decided to go opposite of that perfection. The only flaw Clark Kent has is continuing the charade of Clark kent.

With all that said my idea for making Superman interesting would basically involve getting rid of Clark Kent and giving Kal an actual human personality. There's be more struggle with being the boy scout even in to adulthood mirroring some of what was done in Smallville but going further.
Hollow anti character?

If I was by a computer, I'd gif you to bolivia
it's pretty much too late to do that to them now without receiving backlash about how you're ruining the character or don't understand them.

It's not too late. Cuz Cap is already interesting. Best part of the CW movie :pimp:
I don't find anything interesting about MCU Steve. Same boring person from the comics.

His last 2 movies have been great in spite of him. Everything else revolving around him is what made the movies good. That's evidenced by the studio blowing their load on the best Cap story in the past century with TWS and then trying to make Civil War a Cap story but it still ends up driving things for the more interesting characters (Tony, T'Challa).
I want a throwaway series of Superman to go the One-Man-Punch route.
(i know this is the MCU thread)
That would be hilarious :rofl:

I want a throwaway series of Superman to go the One-Man-Punch route.
(i know this is the MCU thread)

Clark Kent as an insufferable invincible redneck dullard

Wait what? :lol: I didn't get any red neck vibes from OPM's lead character. Just a clueless bored overpowered apathetic guy.
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Nah but since Clark is from a farm in Kansas, a OPM version would be a clueless redneck :lol:

The Spider-Man thing, I meant Stan Lee didn't want a grown up established superhero devoid of challenges, struggles and flaws (which was Supernan in the 60s)
Also Superman American Alien was a recent home run to me

Especially his depiction of Luthor..so good.....

I don't agree with some of his opinions, like Max Landis' fetish for having characters in the verse constantly and arbitrarily bumping into each other (Clark meeting **** Grayson, Clark meeting Abin Sur in space) but he has a fantastic eye for characterization
American Alien was on point, but yeah, that bumping into everyone who will later be important in your life **** is annoying in origin stories. Same issue I have with Gotham. It really adds nothing of value to the story itself.
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Anyone hear that the Russo's are considering the Netflix guys for Infinity War? :wow:

They don't even need to be in the big fight. I'll settle for cameos. I still really want Daredevil and Kingpin to show up in Spider-man too.
I was watching one of the movie shows on Collider. They had an interview quote from another publication asking the Russo's about the Netflix heroes in Infinity War and they replied by saying they're considering everyone and want the movie to be a surprise.

EDIT: Starts at about 1:12

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I really hope that it's a actual surprise and not given away beforehand by leaks or in a trailer
I want one of the avengers to ask fisk why he always sounds like he's out of breath when he talks.
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If Spider-Man and Kingpin are ever on panel together then I need this scene to take place

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I remember when this panel first happened in Ultimate Spider-Man, comedy gold :lol: Fisk was ready to throwdown and thought Spidey would do the same.

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Spidey was like naah son, let me get these verbal licks in first fam, hit you with this heat before I whoop that *** :lol:

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Like actually read Ultimate Spider-Man people. Peter stayed clowning Fisk

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:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
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bought civil war and saw it again today. cap and black panther killed it. bucky |I . spidey was goofin around and was stronger than most at the airport party :smh: what a time to be alive.
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