That entire airport fight scene was marvelous :smokin Easily one of the greatest moments in not only the MCU, but in live action comic book film history. That's the kind of thing we could have only dreamed about back in the 90s. Thank God I live in this time.
Yea fight scene was super awesome. I actually really loved I'm vs Cap And WS. It was so epic. They were going hard at each other, really could see anger and emotion in that fight. Cap blocking IMs repulsors :pimp: :wow: :wow:
Wife said she was gonna grab Civil War steel case for me...tried to roll up at 12:30pm :smh: long gone...
Civil War fits great. :pimp:

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Pretty amazing how much this shelf has grown the last 8-9 years.

Suicide Squad, Apocalypse, and Doctor Strange still to come the next few months. Then onto 2017 films. :lol:
it seems that we're gonna get Doc Strange early 
Finally a complete breakdown of why Zemo's "plan" was easily the worst part of CW

Not really.. They took the easy way at the end.. But really, there were a ton of ways he could have gotten that info to tony and end up with the result he did which was to have them looking sideways at each other

For example, if only cap and Bucky show up.. He plays the video and lets them know it's being sent to tony.. Then he releases the other WSs on cap and Bucky to essentially preoccupy them

Then he could email tony the video.. Ta da no more avengers.. Guys are locked up with Ross.. And tony is done with cap and his bff

Essentially zemo was aware of info and went about getting that info knowing the destructive force of that information which is obvious (pretty sure everyone would be pissed to find out the dude living rent free off you bff killed your parents).. Pretty much politics

And patient enough to execute a long term con/plan against the avengers.. T'challa was collateral damage
Nah. Too many contingencies, too many contrivances, too many coincidences. I could have easily written a generic evil plan that was more streamlined and offered better viewer satisfsction with regards to the payoff in the third act
Lol the only tiny stretch about Zemo's whole plan was how he knew Tony would be there at the hydra facility in the end but that was already explained when someone pointed out that Zemo had outted himself on purpose.
Zemo knew he wasn't a physical threat to them.. But wanted his revenge.. So found information and played his cards

The joker essential did a similar thing in the dark knight with the Harvey dent storyline.. As commisioner Gordon rightly pointed out, they bet everything on him.. But the joker compromising him everything they would would have for and towards would have gone to shhhh

While batman underestimated the joker or thought his play was simple.. Joker was working on tearing down everything they had built

His exact words: "you didn't think I'd risk losing the battle for gotham's soul in a fistfight with you?"

Batman was so overly concerned and reacting to the chaos the joker was doing and creating, he never actually saw what the joker was trying to do until it was too late
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Also Zemo just waltzing into this high tech, extreme VIP facility to interview Bucky and nobody knew what the psychiatrist tasked with interviewing the most wanted man or Earth is SUPPOSED TO LOOK LIKE?! :rofl:
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