@DangerousG How'd you feel watching it on the fancy shmancy new projector/audio system?


Wow a single ticket to a Dolby viewing is 22 dollars?

This better be worth it lol
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Slight Spoiler
Yall notice when Strange had Kaecilius "tied" up talking about Dormamu, Kaecilius says " he's not the devourer of worlds" or something like that.
Sounds like Galactus to me. :nerd:
F4 confirmed? :nerd:
I was watching some TWS earlier :lol: Its just crazy to me how much killing is in it and how it's portrayed where we brush it all off.

The fight where they're fighting and shooting in the street and on the overpass. This dude Falcon just beats a guy up and kicks him off to fall to the street over 20 ft. Like you know that guy is dead :rofl:

Caught a good chunk of GotG too :pimp:

Slight Spoiler
Yall notice when Strange had Kaecilius "tied" up talking about Dormamu, Kaecilius says " he's not the devourer of worlds" or something like that.
Sounds like Galactus to me. :nerd:
F4 confirmed? :nerd:
That stood out to me but he was just going off of how the AO described him. Just a coincidence to me.
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We don't know if that was Rhodey or one of hammer's test pilots

In WS all the targets weren't current threats.. just people who had the ability to be threats based on the formula they figured out
We do know it's not Rhodey. Director confirmed it
Pretty sure it's this guy which would put the timeline after iron man 2
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Just something I was randomly thinking about, why would they just let Mordo casually walk away after throwing all that shade on the sorcerer's order, or at least decide to keep tabs on son, knowing damn well that the last time a dude left like that the universe almost got destroyed :lol:
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Just something I was randomly thinking about, why would they just let Mordo casually walk away after throwing all that shade on the sorcerer's order, or at least decide to keep tabs on son, knowing damn well that the last time a dude left like that the universe almost got destroyed :lol:

Dr. Strange is the one that destroyed the illusion Mordo was living in. Maybe he thought dude just needed some time to cool down. Not like he attacked anyone or announced he would destroy the order. He just said he's not down with them anymore.

They let the dude who was using magic to walk leave and he obviously learned a lot and quit when he found out about the battle that was brewing.
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Nah B, son been making the stank face the entire 3rd act, talmbout Strange lacks spine because he's not bout that "kill everyone who opposes me" life, then got the nerve to throw shade after he just got finished saving the got damn universe? And he's walking away for the SAME REASON as generic MCU villain, because he was in his feels about the Ancient One's methods?? Damn straight my first reaction is "***** where tf you going?"

Lettin this man walk free to paralyze folks because he in his feels :lol: I hope Strange peppers his angus in the next movie. Son was straight whiny Sasuke status, and Sasuke is my boy.

^^ Strange had just died like 50+ times. Bruh was too exhausted to care.

This explanation I can rock with :lol:
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Movie felt like Batman Begins x Inception x Interstellar.

I'd like to see Nolan take on an MCU film.

Amazing movie nonetheless.
You watched a different movie b.

Kaecilius walked away cuz he was a broken man who wanted his family back and wanted the whole world to live forever in a a dimension where time does not exist. He found out he was lied to and that the AO was a liar and hypocrite so he decided to 100% embrace Dormammu.

Mordo left cuz he can't rock with rule breakers. He found out he was lied to and that the AO was a hypocrite and he was appalled and disgusted. I mean it already took work for Strange to convince him to help and they were late to the party so Strange goes and breaks more rules. Mordo knows a price will have to be paid so he dipped on them.

Mordo is like Anakin thinking he's bringing order to the force and his departure was so tame as far as threat level it ain't like Wong or Strange could do anything other than try to talk to him later. What were they suppose to do? Say if you not down with us you gotta die? Or we'll strip you of your powers? If they can even do that.
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Maybe this is a case of external viewer genre-savviness.....I'm speaking on the extreme stank face this ***** been giving the whole last 60 minutes, especially when Strange got the Sanctum promotion, and then wanna scream about how it's okay to kill people and not show a single lick of gratitude about Strange saving the universe? ...yeah **** that *****

Homie just wanted to go back to NY and shoot some hoops with da squad....:smh:
Grace Randolph's MCU ranking list was absolutely perfect. I scrunched my face at some of her placings and was shocked that she had Strange at number 2 but this was before I watched Dr. Strange. Once I watched Dr. Strange and really assessed her list, I had to agree with it. I still have my beliefs with AoU being better than A1 but I've slightly steered away from that opinion as time has past and AoU has aged. A1 was just magic at the time and AoU had all the pieces to be better than A1 but it had a couple of rough edges. Grace Randolph's list though, check it out.
Pretty sure it's this guy which would put the timeline after iron man 2
I could be mistaken, but wasn't the first shot of New York at the beginning of the movie have the Avengers tower in the skyline? Or was that later in the movie? 

Edit: Never mind. For some reason I read this as if you meant it's after iron man 2 but before avengers or whatever the next film was.
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^^ yes it was there. Every shot of the NY skyline showed Avengers Tower...

Can't wait til we start seeing the Baxter building too :nerd:
Maybe this is a case of external viewer genre-savviness.....I'm speaking on the extreme stank face this ***** been giving the whole last 60 minutes, especially when Strange got the Sanctum promotion, and then wanna scream about how it's okay to kill people and not show a single lick of gratitude about Strange saving the universe? ...yeah **** that *****

Homie just wanted to go back to NY and shoot some hoops with da squad....:smh:
According to the rules, Strange saved the universe by breaking them.

Follow Mordo's logic; the only reason Dr. Strange saved the world is cuz the Ancient One put the world in jeopardy by breaking the rules. So cuz of what Strange did to save the world, payment is due and something just as bad as Dormammu is gonig to happen again.

From his perspective you don't get props for delaying the inevitable. No need to show gratitude for that patch work. The Earth was already safe due to all of the sanctums and seals. Cuz of the AO's actions she lied to Kaelicius and he was already ****** up so he goes all the way deluded evil; killing ppl in order to make everyone immortal in his mind.

Now there's 2 sanctums left. The world is more suceptible to mystical threats. Nightmare, Memphisto, Cthon, Cthulhu, and Set are on their way.

So you take his perspective further, there's too many questionable masters in his mind either from being too weak (everybody that died fighting Kaelicius) or being too damaged (Kaelicius). So there needs to be less masters. Just one disciplned powerful cat who won't break the rules.

The AO did have an interesting compromisefor Strange and Mordo to team up though. Strength + flexibility. Too bad it aint work.
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IM3 is the worst marvel movie, it being 7 is by far the biggest crime of that list.. then are thor1 and cap1.. then thor2.. then IM2

easily and clearly the bottom 5
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