They have to set up the next baddie...HAVE TO....my guess is they introduce Silver Surfur somehow...and that’s all we will need to know what’s coming next.
might be too soon to use any of the fox owned characters

maybe they'l do a skrull thing
They’ve hinted at alternate realities right? Be cool if they pull a Butterfly Effect on us, where Earth is decimated and a lot of the heroes die including Cap but say Tony in one last effort exits in an alternate reality where he is the only one who remembers what happened, Cap was never found in this reality and the Stark tower is now the Baxter building....although now that would mean there are two Tony’s in this reality...lol
Mambalorian Mambalorian hit it on the head. I wanna call Spider-Man the Phase 3 MVP but Scott Lang’s step back this season has been unbeatable.

nah it's either BP, thor or spideyfor the phase 3 MVP.. and dont wanna include tony who had CW, IW and small role in homecoming

antman and the wasp wasnt strong enough and he wasnt in IW.. and his moments in CW werent as strong as spidey or BP

BP wasnt a standout in IW, but he had CW and IW.. thor had ragnarok and was huge in IW.. spidey had the CW, homecoming and IW
Put a cosmic entity in there like the beynder or the Loving tribunal and have them allude to more threats that will be fall Earth, it’s heroes and the universe. Make it in the same vain as Thanos’ appearance in A1
nah it's either BP, thor or spideyfor the phase 3 MVP.. and dont wanna include tony who had CW, IW and small role in homecoming

antman and the wasp wasnt strong enough and he wasnt in IW.. and his moments in CW werent as strong as spidey or BP

BP wasnt a standout in IW, but he had CW and IW.. thor had ragnarok and was huge in IW.. spidey had the CW, homecoming and IW

You know I’m biased for Parker gawd but Ant-Man stole the show in Civil War. A film that had the first onscreen appearance of Black Panther and brought Spider-Man into the MCU. Russo’s really pulled off gi-ANT-man on some Super Human Samurai/Jet Jaguar type ****. Ant-Man and Wasp May have gotten slept on for all the wrong reasons but the quantum realm is now 100% confirmed going to be how the Avengers fix this. And guess who’s gonna be their tour guide? Clap for Ant-man everybody
Put a cosmic entity in there like the beynder or the Loving tribunal and have them allude to more threats that will be fall Earth, it’s heroes and the universe. Make it in the same vain as Thanos’ appearance in A1
yoooooooooooooooooooo that would be fire!!! lol

i really want to see secret wars or kang the conqueror lol

ALSO need gotg3 to get done because adam warlock

and maybe more celestial enemies
who the hell is exempting him?

just like the doctor who had a role in creating steve made a mistake, so did tony in creating ultron

tony went about correcting his mistake.. however, tony realized that they barely survived the events of avengers 1 and thought the world should be prepared

seems smart

Ok cool, so what exactly is it ya condemn Steve for?

-riding for and clearing the name of the only friend from his past and succeeding?

-not telling Tony about Buck killing his parents the second he found out?

- sympathizing with Wanda and QS because like him they were also experiments...seems like he was also right there, QS ended up saving Clint’s life and Wanda became an Avenger.

Yeah Steve has made wrong choices, so has Stark, is part of being human, both of them are good guys though, ya corny with all this Cap slander page after page.
Most Russo Brothers/Avengers films have an action scene in the first 15 minutes of the film where we see the heroes unite to beat a random baddie

What if...

Captain Marvel is in a middle of a fight when she gets the signal, and the bad guys she’s fighting follow her to Earth and there’s a battle in the Avengers compound against some random C level cosmic bad guy from the Comics

That’ll have the team see captain Marvels power for the first time and vice versa she sees their capable as well.

So it is possible we are still seeing the first 15-20 min of the movie in this trailer.
Stop it fam, he only put Banner on becsuse he couldn’t do it on his own without his knowledge, when Banner told him they should discuss it with the squad, he dismissed practically on the premise of them being basically too dumb to understand..lol

You can’t even credit him for the creation of Vision because that was pretty much Ultrons idea who he hijacked and was able to right his wrong creating vision.

Let’s not forget in WS, Nat was riding with Steve, she was the one helping him, who ended up being team Stark in CW...

Like I said, ya can’t claim all this love for Tony and hate for Cap, while continuously exposing a high level of hipocrisy....they both flawed characters and both have done questionable ****.

Nah. When AOU started it showed how Tony and Banner had been working on Ultron way prior. Banner didn't say anything about discussing it with the team until they were put on blast.

And Vision was not Ultron's idea. It was just Ultron's body.

Pretty sure the convo when Tony dismissed the rest of the squad happened right after they collected the scepter and then once again when he had already messed up and Ultron was on the lose...

Vision was a product of Ultron, it was his idea to create a body of vibranium and he was the one that placed the mind stone on his head, it was Tonys idea to blend that with Jarvis.

Pretty sure the convo when Tony dismissed the rest of the squad happened right after they collected the scepter and then once again when he had already messed up and Ultron was on the lose...

Vision was a product of Ultron, it was his idea to create a body of vibranium and he was the one that placed the mind stone on his head, it was Tonys idea to blend that with Jarvis.

Again, they had already planned Ultron. After completion, the stone just gave him free will which corrupted him. And like I said, Ultron developed Vision's body, but Vision was not his idea. He never named him Vision. Vision was just a body in which to transfer into. He never intended on Vision being his own entity. Also, it was Tony's idea to use the mind stone to power the Iron Legion.
You know I’m biased for Parker gawd but Ant-Man stole the show in Civil War. A film that had the first onscreen appearance of Black Panther and brought Spider-Man into the MCU. Russo’s really pulled off gi-ANT-man on some Super Human Samurai/Jet Jaguar type ****. Ant-Man and Wasp May have gotten slept on for all the wrong reasons but the quantum realm is now 100% confirmed going to be how the Avengers fix this. And guess who’s gonna be their tour guide? Clap for Ant-man everybody

to me, CW is BP and zemo's movie.. and a great intro to spidey.. antman had that cool moment, but that was it to me

while i love homecoming and rank it higher than ragnorak and BP, personally . i think both of those were more important for MCU in the grand scheme.. and while antman and the wasp was pretty slept on, it was basically a set up to go deeper into the quantum realm (just like CM was basically a set up to her and the pager).. that end credit could have just been tagged onto to the end of IW, if it didnt spoil the mother being back

to think of it like a basketball team, we know we're getting a solid 30 per from tony.. but now we know thor is going give you a solid 30-35.. meanwhile spiderman was a solid 15-20 in IW.. BP didnt get to double digits, but had CW and BP (other BP was wakanda on the whole, that felt like more a team effort than BP doing work)
Most Russo Brothers/Avengers films have an action scene in the first 15 minutes of the film where we see the heroes unite to beat a random baddie

What if...

Captain Marvel is in a middle of a fight when she gets the signal, and the bad guys she’s fighting follow her to Earth and there’s a battle in the Avengers compound against some random C level cosmic bad guy from the Comics

That’ll have the team see captain Marvels power for the first time and vice versa she sees their capable as well.

So it is possible we are still seeing the first 15-20 min of the movie in this trailer.

I can see the movie starting with CM fighting someone out in the cosmos when she gets the call, but they won’t innediately follow her, instead in the post credit scene they go back to that scene at the beginning and that’s when they’ll show us who’s the next villain
Again, they had already planned Ultron. After completion, the stone just gave him free will which corrupted him. And like I said, Ultron developed Vision's body, but Vision was not his idea. He never named him Vision. Vision was just a body in which to transfer into. He never intended on Vision being his own entity. Also, it was Tony's idea to use the mind stone to power the Iron Legion.
ehhh Ultron said "my vision" during the Sokovia fight so that's where it came from
God I hope him and BW isn’t a thing or even a tease of a thing.

No way, i think they done trying to romanticize Nat, she doesn’t need a romantic interest, they established a really good friendship between those two, no need to ruin it.

Yeah, they won't go that route. That's the one instance that shows that a guy can legit be close friends with a woman. We need that to remain intact so we're given the benefit of the doubt when we're dropping loads on our side chicks
Tony synpathizers constantly overlook Ultron, but can’t even try to understand why Cap sacrifices it all for the one person that knew him before he got put on ice, specially after he realized he was brainwashed and turned to a weapon something beyond his control, goes to show what type of friends ya are....its a reason why he had plenty of Avengers side with him and even Rhodey, Tony’s BFF held him down and fought besides him....anyways this topic tired AF...lol I legit can’t tell if ya just trolling to rustle jimmies or legit that close minded.

I'm sorry, but this made no sense whatsoever. You're saying protecting public enemy #1 is ok because of Ultron??
Yeah Steve has made wrong choices.

dude went to an apple store over going to smartest guy he knew with that sort of stuff.. he also didnt say shhh when his name was specifically said by the hydra dude, meaning he was at risk if steve/falcon/BW had failed

tony was able to find the mandarin, with his suit malfunctioning.. MAYBE just maybe he could have helped finding bucky especially considering agent 13 found bucky, not steve not falcon

also considering that tony was able to find a cure for extremists in pepper MAYBE just maybe he could have helped with buck
Mambalorian Mambalorian hit it on the head. I wanna call Spider-Man the Phase 3 MVP but Scott Lang’s step back this season has been unbeatable.

nah it's either BP, thor or spideyfor the phase 3 MVP.. and dont wanna include tony who had CW, IW and small role in homecoming

antman and the wasp wasnt strong enough and he wasnt in IW.. and his moments in CW werent as strong as spidey or BP

BP wasnt a standout in IW, but he had CW and IW.. thor had ragnarok and was huge in IW.. spidey had the CW, homecoming and IW

I'm referring to End Game. Ant-Man gotta be the MVP or at least 6th Man of the Year for his role he's finna play.
i think he'll be the main one.. just not the only one, just because there have to be consequences for all of sudden half of the universe going MIA

Maybe a few B-level players come out of the woodwork to take advantage of the situation of half the folks being gone for whatever reason.
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