
So that means Thanos being removed from 2014 must have created a parallel universe, no?
Correct. A universe where Thanos does not exist from that point on. But there are also infinite timelines where he still does exist. And according to Strange he wins in all of them. Except now two. So the Ancient One getting her time stone back in that one timeline still isn’t gonna go her way. Unless Loki taking the space stone somehow alters that timeline so Thanos doesn’t win there either.

Ugh. There’s no way to have time travel without these issues.
Endgame was cool.

They had a lot of payoff moments, but I couldnt get past a few things. It's really bad when you had one watch, and peep all the holes.
1. Thanos got smacked too quick. I know he was weak after destroying the stones, but fam got laid down too fast. And we didn't get action for another 20, so they couldved dragged that scene a bit.
2. They all recapture the stones, come to present time, and see Blk Widow was gone, but wasn't concerned with Nebulas absence? :nerd:

1. You meant the first time on paradise island? Pretty sure dude just accepted his faith at this point. He tipped the balance of the universe and he had no other goals of conquering .

2. She was there, Wasn’t she? She swapped out the pieces on present day Nebula in order to get back without anyone noticing.
I'm sure this was posted but how did antman daughter get 5 years older, but Hawkeye family didnt and spiderman still in high school? Unless he failed

Cassie wasn’t dusted unlike Hawkeye’s family who suffered that fate. She lived through 5 years without family members and grew up.

Hawkeye’s family just took a “nap” :lol:
Reconstructing society with the population suddenly doubling would be much harder than it was with the population being cut in half. But at least everyone will have their feels. Save the whales. Thanos was right.
DC gave up their soul for marvel :rofl:

After this? Nah :lol:



Hyped for the Joker solo film tho :pimp:
I like dudes videos
I used to watch a few
But real talk
Dudes take comics toooooo serious

I watch him from time to time. Comics were hard to come by from where I grew up as a kid so to learn from a comic “expert” to fill in some gaps is cool. His effort is appreciated tho.

But yeah, sometimes he’s all over the place so I tend to rewind some of his stuff :lol:
Correct. A universe where Thanos does not exist from that point on. But there are also infinite timelines where he still does exist. And according to Strange he wins in all of them. Except now two. So the Ancient One getting her time stone back in that one timeline still isn’t gonna go her way. Unless Loki taking the space stone somehow alters that timeline so Thanos doesn’t win there either.

Ugh. There’s no way to have time travel without these issues.

Lol maybe we should all forget about any other alternate timeline and focus on the main MCU timeline seen on film, this is getting out of hand :lol:
So with everyone getting snapped back into existences and the stones being replaced back into their old timeline, that would mean thanos has no opportunity to to come back. Unless there was some time traveler, gathers all their stones, goes back into current timeline, and snaps him back.
Lol maybe we should all forget about any other alternate timeline and focus on the main MCU timeline seen on film, this is getting out of hand :lol:
You think this is bad?

I am pretty sure the next endgame for marvel is secret wars which will probably deal with multiple timeliness.
Hey Zeus that was horrible :rofl:

Superman was just too OP, and it didn’t help how the writers made him to be for that movie.

I’m hopeful DC will get it right someday. They just need to be smart about who/what they introduce.

Til then, no one’s touching Nolan’s Batman trilogy.

Don’t @ me

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