If you're not entertaining the "what-ifs", we're having 2 different conversations. Because that's my point.

If you're presenting me a character who is meant to be the strongest and the savior, and you only show me half of that, (which can be done by your other characters) then you're selling that character short.

If I can do your job, do I really need you? Not necessarily. Yes, she helped... But like I said, EASILY replaceable if they wanted to write it that way. (And it shouldn't be that way. She should feel like a necessity to the film.)

Who set her up to be the savior tho ? Besides the fans.

If you thought that was implied because of the Fury and the other then ok. But the movie never presented her out to be the one who could basically end Thanos on her own
Who set her up to be the savior tho ? Besides the fans.

If you thought that was implied because of the Fury and the other then ok. But the movie never presented her out to be the one who could basically end Thanos on her own

Uh ..Marvel, that's who. Infinity War end credits scene, Captain Marvel end credits scene, and during Endgame.

Sis was talking heavy in the meeting room basically saying you need me to win. :lol: ...uh no, no they don't..... you're replaceable.

Marvel set her up like that.
If you're not entertaining the "what-ifs", we're having 2 different conversations. Because that's my point.

If you're presenting me a character who is meant to be the strongest and the savior, and you only show me half of that, (which can be done by your other characters) then you're selling that character short.

If I can do your job, do I really need you? Not necessarily. Yes, she helped... But like I said, EASILY replaceable if they wanted to write it that way. (And it shouldn't be that way. She should feel like a necessity to the film.)

The firepower that ship was raining on them kept a whole army on the defensive. A whole army. And they took all that firepower and trained it on her. And she still took the ship out. I don't think you're giving her enough credit. But at this point I have a sneaking suspicion that you have a preexisting bias with the character so we can end the convo here.
Uh ..Marvel, that's who. Infinity War end credits scene, Captain Marvel end credits scene, and during Endgame.

Sis was talking heavy in the meeting room basically saying you need me to win. :lol: ...uh no, no they don't..... you're replaceable.

Marvel set her up like that.

So what other replacement character had Thanos shook and could’ve taken down Sanctuary?
So what other replacement character had Thanos shook and could’ve taken down Sanctuary?

What is dude talking about? CM pretty much had the Thor moment from IW in this movie, the heroes were TOAST when Thanos made it rain...she saved everyone, so yeah they needed her, if she didn’t take out that ship, everyone would have died and there wasn’t another hero on the squad with enough power to single handedly take that ship out but her.
What is dude talking about? CM pretty much had the Thor moment from IW in this movie, the heroes were TOAST when Thanos made it rain...she saved everyone, so yeah they needed her, if she didn’t take out that ship, everyone would have died and there wasn’t another hero on the squad with enough power to single handedly take that ship out but her.
I'm saying!

She took out a ship the size of a city!

That ship was a death machine that took out Scarlet Witch, kept Strange busy..and washed Thor was in no condition to fight that ship. No one else can come close to touching that ship.
But at this point I have a sneaking suspicion that you have a preexisting bias with the character so we can end the convo here.

I can't critique a character without having a pre existing bias ? Let's not go there if you're insinuating what I think you're hinting at. That's very ignorant on your end to assume. I don't have to agree with you, sorry *shrug*.

So what other replacement character had Thanos shook and could’ve taken down Sanctuary?
What other characters had him shook ?
1. Wanda
2. Thor
3. Iron Man
4. Cap
(They all gave him a hard time and put up a good fight.)

What characters can take down Sanctuary ?

While the other Avengers wouldn't have taken it down as easily, I do believe that if they wanted to write in any one of those other high level characters, it's more than possible. As we know, comic book movies don't always follow their own rules.
I can't critique a character without having a pre existing bias ? Let's not go there if you're insinuating what I think you're hinting at. That's very ignorant on your end to assume. I don't have to agree with you, sorry *shrug*.

What other characters had him shook ?
1. Wanda
2. Thor
3. Iron Man
4. Cap
(They all gave him a hard time and put up a good fight.)

What characters can take down Sanctuary ?

While the other Avengers wouldn't have taken it down as easily, I do believe that if they wanted to write in any one of those other high level characters, it's more than possible. As we know, comic book movies don't always follow their own rules.
Outside of CM, Wanda and Mjolnir Cap had him shook

No one outside of CM was strong enough to take down the Sanctuary. Maybe Iron Man with a proton cannon but that’s about it
Couldn’t they technically have gone back and taken a Tony Stark from the 5 years after the snap (post-having a kid)?
I can't critique a character without having a pre existing bias ? Let's not go there if you're insinuating what I think you're hinting at. That's very ignorant on your end to assume. I don't have to agree with you, sorry *shrug*.

What other characters had him shook ?
1. Wanda
2. Thor
3. Iron Man
4. Cap
(They all gave him a hard time and put up a good fight.)

What characters can take down Sanctuary ?

While the other Avengers wouldn't have taken it down as easily, I do believe that if they wanted to write in any one of those other high level characters, it's more than possible. As we know, comic book movies don't always follow their own rules.

There were only two characters that had him on the ropes to the point where he needed a great deal of ingenuity or backup to escape: Wanda and Captain Marvel.

When Wanda had him hemmed up he had to call the Dreadnaught to rain fury, and with Captain Marvel he couldn't overpower her himself (unlike when he pushed off Cap and Thor simultaneously) and had to throw the power stone to his other hand to catch her off guard. Both of those characters actually overpowered him.
If they wanna screw that timeline's Pepper and Morgan then sure
Right. The whole reason for taking the stones back was to not muck up the alternate timelines. Taking the stones back didn’t eliminate alternate timelines, it just prevented them from becoming disasters.
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