What has Wilde done to get this push from you guys? At least Blunt has Edge of Tomorrow and Sicario to her name.
I'm just a fan of her's because IMO she looks good.

Blunt has the acting chops. I still want to see Sicario though lol.
Wilde looks better but Blunt is clearly the better actress

I still want Blunt to be CM but Wilde should definitely be another character in the MCU
not the Captain Marvel we need, but the Captain Marvel we deserve

Jason Sudeikis is a lucky man
This is the lady I need on my team!
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What has Wilde done to get this push from you guys? At least Blunt has Edge of Tomorrow and Sicario to her name.
What push?

Fans of hers suggested her and a director. She replied. I just posted the little report on it and we discussed it. Not minding her being up for the role or getting it just goes to show ppl have liked her in other stuff she's been in (she's been a bunch of movies at this point). Not anything like superhero flick but she's a well rounded actor. Plus there's the whole unknown part about a hero with CM's power hasn't really been done by Marvel yet especially given how they depowered Thor and made him an alien. Wilde's look may not scream superhero but nothing about her library work says she can't do it.
random as hell but I think I want Elisabeth Banks to direct Captain Marvel
I feel like she needs way more movies under her belt first.
hasn't all of Carano's acting been :x?
Just as bad as Ronda

but at least Gina had some more experience with it.

Marvel can fund her acting lessons now since the movie doesn't come out for years, and she'll be avg/decent by the time it starts filming. :lol:

At least Carano is nice to look at.

THIS. THIS. Carano is sexy as hell. Rousey is :\

Plus she already did the blonde phase :pimp:

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Ronda when she's in the ring reminds me a pit bull.

Ronda out of the ring, different story. I'm strangely attracted.
they both winning. Blunt and Wilde both got the looks and seem like down *** females with fun personalities
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