I imagine a situation where he's sent off somewhere and they use this as a way to crossover some of the cosmic stuff with what's going on here. Could be something with the inhumans, or he crosses path with the Guardians... hell i could even see something where he's sent to Asgard and they make a Hulk/Thor buddy film :lol:

All I saw was Hulk is in the process of being in Thor Ragnarok not that it'll be a buddy film :lol:

That was somebody's suggestion.

On a real news note, Rufallo on Ragnarok:

"I didn't really know that much about it, but I think it's going to be a buddy picture with Thor and Bruce Banner," he said of Thor: Ragnarok. "I think they'll probably fight. "There's no doubt, everyone wants us to fight at one point."

When pressed for more details, Ruffalo stated the obvious: "I know that it's about (the Norse legends of) 'Ragnarok,' or the end times in the Marvel universe as it pertains to Thor -- which seems to be quite the theme these days in movies"

Kiss the ring

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I bet the real reason for Hulk to be in Ragnarok is because Loki will set Hulk loose on Asgard. Sif will catch a fade, Heimdall will catch a fade, Thor will catch a fade, The Warrior's Three will all catch fades because the Hulk is the strongest there is.
I bet the real reason for Hulk to be in Ragnarok is because Loki will set Hulk loose on Asgard. Sif will catch a fade, Heimdall will catch a fade, Thor will catch a fade, The Warrior's Three will all catch fades because the Hulk is the strongest there is.

Yeah i bet Loki is behind it. We not gon get Hulk Vs Wolverine, so this will do..
Ragnarok and Civil War happening at the same time?

Everyone's in civil war except Thor and Hulk. Hulk and Thor are together in CW :nerd:
I imagine a situation where he's sent off somewhere and they use this as a way to crossover some of the cosmic stuff with what's going on here. Could be something with the inhumans, or he crosses path with the Guardians... hell i could even see something where he's sent to Asgard and they make a Hulk/Thor buddy film :lol:

All I saw was Hulk is in the process of being in Thor Ragnarok not that it'll be a buddy film :lol:

That was somebody's suggestion.

On a real news note, Rufallo on Ragnarok:

"I didn't really know that much about it, but I think it's going to be a buddy picture with Thor and Bruce Banner," he said of Thor: Ragnarok. "I think they'll probably fight. "There's no doubt, everyone wants us to fight at one point."

When pressed for more details, Ruffalo stated the obvious: "I know that it's about (the Norse legends of) 'Ragnarok,' or the end times in the Marvel universe as it pertains to Thor -- which seems to be quite the theme these days in movies"

Kiss the ring

I feel like Ruffalo isn't that smart. He probably read your post and thought that was official Marvel news. Just read the rest of his quotes. He might as well have said nothing cuz he clearly knows nothing and hasn't read any script yet or even talked to Feige about it.

Ragnarok being a buddy film with Hulk sounds like a terrible idea and goes against the previous report that the script was super dark and they were looking for a comedic director to direct the movie to lighten it up a bit.
I swear I honestly don't get the hype over some of the costume **** :lol:

I'm fine with the costume just looking good and not a joke like the Avengers costume. Chain mail, scales, that **** don't really make the suit look any better to me. Same stuff when I see dudes drone on and on about Batman costumes.
The suit rarely makes a difference for me.

I sure noticed Cap's Avengers suit was pretty lame, especially compared to his next two suits.. but it wasn't a super big deal.
I think being a superhero film, the costume makes some difference. I mean look at the crap Suicide Squad got.

In the end the story trumps costume but what will we b**** about initially if not the costumes?
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