Ding ding ding ding.

You guys hit it in the head.

The cardboard flimsy like Iron Man suits falling apart like paper

Stark trying to break into the house like Bond for no reason at all

The dumb Mandarin twist

Also, Stark not able to protect his own home after giving out his address...

His suits never working right..

The dumb ptsd angle that was not necessary at all

That film made me more mad than any mcu film combined.

I thought the passage of time would've made the film easier to swallow once so I tried watching it again. **** made me want to walk out of my own home :rofl:

Someone in here said it right. Maybe IM2 was a little dull. But IM3 would get you angry :rofl: :rofl: It was just the director trolling the audience again and again and again

i agree w/ everything here except for the ptsd thing.

Hell, you can argue that Tony's ptsd/paranoia/fear was the only useful thing IM3 contributed to the MCU. Tony created Ultron out of paranoia/fear, which was established in IM3.

oh and just one more thing about IM3, Extremis means you can breathe fire? wait wut lol?
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Watching the old iron man cartoon back in the day mandarain was the ultimate IM villian. Then that badtardization in the film.. how disrespectful
The second season of the iron man animated series>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

That intro is so 90's! "I am iron man!"

Edit- lemme bless some of y'all not in the know

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Aye and pepper easily suiting up as well as the president yet rhodes had to wait for his since it was "mapped" to ur body or something the reason stark gave.

Still :lol: thinking how dude just gave his address on tv and did not have house protocol guarding the house afterwards waiting for them choppers :smh:

I think the director really thought he was still making lethal weapon but with iron man :lol:
Best thing about IM2 for me was IM and WM fighting the drone suits. Everything else was forgettable. For that alone I can say I enjoyed IM3 more.

The 90s IM cartoon sucked. The opening theme song was 90s catchy though. Show was terrible, only slightly better than that crappy Avengers/West Coast Avengers/Force Works cartoon. That cartoon along with the comics of the time are key reasons I never cared for Scarlet Witch, Hawkeye, Wonder Man, and Captain America.

They were so awful compared to the F4, Hulk, Spidey, and X-Men cartoons. On top of those comics being better even in the 90s.
all that hype for what people thought was the hulkbuster at the time only for him to run in and hold up a platform

pepper getting superpowers

throwing arc reactor in the ocean for no reason 

the local news being more aware of tony's house than tony 

tony stark fan

top 3 worst superhero movie ever 
Nah. No way near that.

IM3 seems to be a classic case of yall expectations being too high coming off Avengers and expecting too much if you were really honest with how bad IM2 was.

Like IM was great but then IM2 was really bad. So why expect IM3 was gonna be that much better? Cuz The Mandarin? It's the same thing with the Thor movies. All bad, ppl still weirdly hyped for Ragnarok cuz Ragnarok.

So far Captain America is the only one to break out of that trend so far and that's only cuz they've thrown the best story lines at his movies and Feige comes through talking about from here on out the movies will be tackling different genres with Cap 2 and what GotG ended up being and what he has planned for Dr. Strange.

You think of Thor2, IM2, and IM3 and they weren't based off of great stuff, just loose adaptations of a few. Plus those movies were all before Feige came out saying that stuff about genres.
Michael Stuhlbarg in Talks to Join 'Doctor Strange' (Exclusive)

Michael Stuhlbarg, who is currently on screens as Apple engineer Andy Hertzfeld in the awards contender Steve Jobs, is in negotiations to join the cast of Marvel’s Doctor Strange.

Already on the roll call are Rachel McAdams as the female lead, Tilda Swinton as the Ancient One, as well as Chiwetel Ejiofor and Mads Mikkelsen.

Stulhbarg’s role is being kept hidden in the astral plane.

OG IM cartoon was probably the worst superhero cartoon show.  The 2008 reboot was pretty cool though.
I hated the animation and how they made them kids in the recent IM cartoon.

Also, Doc Strange is set to have the best acting talent out of these Marvel films so far. Seems like they make take this one seriously.
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That Strange cast just keeps getting better and better.

Stuhlbarg as AR on Boardwalk Empire was superb :smokin

i thought the world agreed no more emo spidey :smh:
I don't watch the cartoon. Is Spidey in the cartoon an emo?

Last I remember the Ultimate Spidey cartoon I saw was that goofy take on Spidey where he kept breaking the 4th wall and talking to the camera. It was pretty annoying and obnoxious was to me so I stopped watching. Was that guy emo? or did they change him to an emo?
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That Strange cast just keeps getting better and better.

Stuhlbarg as AR on Boardwalk Empire was superb :smokin
I don't watch the cartoon. Is Spidey in the cartoon an emo?

Last I remember the Ultimate Spidey cartoon I saw was that goofy take on Spidey where he kept breaking the 4th wall and talking to the camera. It was pretty annoying and obnoxious was to me so I stopped watching. Was that guy emo? or did they change him to an emo?

Steady dropping gems! :smokin

I hated the animation and how they made them kids in the recent IM cartoon.
I didn't care for it much but I figured they were trying to recreate the success of the Spectacular Spidey cartoon that had the same animation style. It's only until I read all the Ultimate comics that I saw it was sort of based off of an Iron Man origin mini where Tony and Rhodey knew each other when they were younger.
Marvel Super Hero Squad is the best marvel cartoon in the past 10 years
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Marvel been killing the movie game but slacking in the animation and video game department for many years

Like is it too much to ask to funnel your ridiculous amount of money into a good open-world Spider-Man game like Spider-Man 2, Ultimate Spider-Man or Web of Shadows? :smh:

We need an Arkham Knight from the Marvel side
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